My aha moments

202685tracy Posts: 42 Member
After reading many posts on this thread and on my home page feed about repairing your metabolism, I finally decided that this is what I wanted to try and probably needed to do. I have been eating at mainenance now on purpose for about two weeks and not purposfully for two weeks prior to that (because I was on vacation and it was my birthday week), so a total of four weeks and this is a list of my 10 aha moments since being in metabolism repair mode: (I might add that before this I was eating well below my BMR)

1. No wonder I was always light headed!
2. No wonder I couldn't get through workouts sometimes!
3. No wonder I would always come home 10 pounds heavier from vacation regardless of how I tried to eat!
4. No wonder I always felt sore after working out and not in a good way!
5. No wonder it would take me at least a week to recover after giving blood!
6. No wonder I would binge about every couple weeks!
7. No wonder I would wake up ravenous in the middle of the night sometimes!
8. No wonder I was at a plateau for about a year!
9. No wonder I felt like I was never making any progress in the lean muscle building area!
10. No wonder I felt tired all the time even after 8 hours of sleep!

Don't learn the hard way like me!
