Starting Monday!!!

Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member
Hi everyone! Just wanted to share my excitement for starting NROLFW on Monday! I have it all planned out and am ready to see what I'm made of and build more muscle!

I will be doing the 8 week program (plus 2 special workouts, so technically 8 1/2 weeks). I'm very weak now, plus am carrying around quite a bit of weight (currently over 290) so I want to give my body time to adapt and get stronger. Would really hate to injure myself and be sidelined for who knows how long.

A little history of me and what kind of mindset I'm starting NROLFW with: my dad died in October this last year and the grief has been something I've never experienced. I'm learning how to deal with it and get my life back instead of letting losing my dad take over my life, but it is a constant struggle. Also, in November I had foot surgery to correct a bunion deformity. It's healed very well and I've had absolutely no complications so I don't see it being a problem through the program, but it does make me take a little extra caution.

Anyone else starting Monday or recently started? I'm so excited! Let's get pumped!


  • kwikstop
    kwikstop Posts: 28 Member
    Dont have much advice offer. But I'm starting Monday too!
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    I'm starting Monday, as well! I did Workouts A and B, just to see how they would go and didn't have a problem doing them. I'm excited to see how I progress. I'll be doing measurements on Sunday night, along with pictures.

    BTW, Kwikstop...LOVE the shoes! :love:
  • Par8hed4life
    Par8hed4life Posts: 104 Member
    I just started this last week...let me just warn you; I AM SORE!!!!!!!!