Happy St. Patrick's Day

Hello all my MFP friends. Iam so sorry this week I have been lagging on my posts. For those of you who don't know I had a stressful week at work this week. I am a branch manager for a few branches of a local bank here. Anyway I had to shut one of those branches down today and let go a some employees who have honestly become friends. Therefore I have been stressed and a little overwhelmed. For that I apologize and promise to get better this next week.

Monday - Check In - I had a pretty decent weekend however as I said above the rest of the week was overwhelming

Tuesday - Goals - I signed up for a weight loss challenge group that is 14 weeks long. I had to committ to a goal of losing another 30 pounds by the time the group is finished.

Wednesday - Wishes - I wish I had done this sooner so that I didn't feel like my weight affected my kids as much as I think it does.

Thursday - Truth - I have become a little upsessed (sp) with what the scale says. I am getting on it daily to make sure I am on track. I need to stop that.

Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit?)- I have stared meeting up w/ a frend who is a personal trainer and started incorrporating weights. My arms are still killing me. How are you preparing for weekend eating? With it being St. Patrick's Day weekend I am not worried about the food. I am worried about the drinks. I am just going to make myself accountable.

Saturday - Success (what have you accomplished; focus on the positive of the week, NSV=non scale victories) I paced myself at the potluck.