Calories Burned



  • gethotabs130
    I have also been skeptical of the amount of calories MFP says I burn with swimming. I never do an entire session of freestyle either and there currently is not an option for freestyle plus the other random strokes I do. I always chose light/moderate effort and don't count for the breaks I take. I like the 75% suggestion and all of the HRM suggestions as well. I have been looking for something to help me track my actual calories burned plus lengths/laps but have not found anything I can afford. I'd like to spend no more than $100.

    I have lost about 17lbs with mostly swimming even though I don't believe I am really burning as many calories as this site says...but I rarely eat all of the calories back. Since I am not likely burning quite all of those calories swimming, I just tell myself I am burning the rest of the calories through my daily activities.

    So far, I haven't had any problems and I hope I don't start to have any!
  • PeloMichelle
    PeloMichelle Posts: 100 Member
    Take a peek at the Swimovate Pool Mate-it's right at $100 (not the pro version) and I can't tell you how much I LOVE it. Can't swim without it now.

    Tracks calories, laps (without you having to count), efficiency, etc....

    I have the pink version :bigsmile: