ShawtyLatina Posts: 160 Member
edited November 2024 in Social Groups
Wow! Look at us Wellness Warriors!

We're officially in the homestretch of our last week. Woo hoo!! But before we do the official "i'm almost done" dance, we still have some housecleaning to do. So back to our God Pod cleanses.

If you juice fasted yesterday, then today begins with your sea salt flush. Remember to do it first thing when you wake up on an empty belly. Dissolve one tablespoon of sea salt in a quart of warmed water. Then drink the water as quickly as you can. I find using a straw helps get the water down without tasting much of the salt. Give yourself an hour at least to allow the process to work and to accommodate the bathroom visits. If you feel your stomach churning and growling but nothing is moving, drink a few glasses of water. It just means you need to give the intestines a little push. Don't drink or eat anything else until you've finished the flush process. Once you've completed your physical cleanse, then it's time to focus on the emotional.

Let's be real. Sometimes forgiveness can feel like a four-letter cuss word. We all have a hard time letting go of people, memories, and situations that hurt us. But holding on to grudges keeps us prisoner. Wanna liberate? Choose peace. It's a one-way ticket to wellness. This doesn't mean you have to invite your enemy to dinner and hug or that you should dismiss abuse or neglect. It means that your health is your first priority and anything that blocks the flow has got to go! Release the negative emotions that fester and lower your vitality. Forgive.

Sometimes the hardest thing to forgive is your body. Perhaps you feel that it has betrayed you in some way. Try to reframe the issue. If it were a profressor, what would it be trying to teach you? Become aware of the lesson.

If you can, forgive your family, friends, enemies, cells, bones, tissues, and most importantly, yourself.

Write a list of people, situations, and boy parts that you need to forgive.

Help me to let go of the pain and forgive.

Through the power of forgiveness all emotional and physical obstacles melt away. I embrace my past and look forward to my future. Today, I forgive.

Take fun seriously. Plan for it. Put it on the calendar. Fun is non-negotiable, and fun helps you to do what? Forgive! Try rebounding, jumping on a mini-trampoline burns about 100 calories in 15 minutes. That's nothing to sneeze at. Trampoline playtime moves trapped fat out of tissues and bounce to the sky. If you can't invest in a rebounder at this time, buy a jump rope and get to skippin. :)

Make your won trail mix. Dried fruits like goji berries are low glycemic, and because they have the same transit time they combine well with nuts. Try goji, raw macadamias or cashews, mulberries, and some raw cacao nibs. Call it Forgiveness Trail Mix and enjoy some while blessing the experiences that make you the strong person you are today.

Let's start that skipppin together. If you don't have a jump rope, you can simulate the motion without the actual rope. Jump for a total of 15 minutes; they don't have to be consecutive. With every jump, imagine the fat cells falling away from your body and hitting the floor to be swept up and thrown away. They are no longer weighing you down. You're lighter, freer, and happier. Wear that smile proudly.

Have a most blessed and fabulous Sunday my dear friends. Sending hugs...
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