Terrifed...but here I go!

Hi Everyone! I'm new to this group. I upped my calories this weekend to 1500, and I know that doesn't sound super high...but it's nearly triple of my caloric intake from 18 months ago.

I've struggled with eating disorders pretty much my whole life, and have decided that I'm finally ready to say goodbye to that part of my life. I lasted about 5 years on 600-800 calories a day (plus ~400 calories burned) and maintained my weight...until i gained 10 lbs and it wont come off. On January 1, 2011 I made the decision to up my calories and tried for 1000/day. Then I pushed to 1200, then 1400...and now here I am, the same weight as I was a year ago, but way stronger and soooo much happier.

I am just beginning month 2 of Insanity, and pretty much all signs are pointing to EAT MORE. I'm giving it a try, and hopefully, I can drop these few pounds and learn to feed my body the right way.

Wish me luck!


  • trishadams
    trishadams Posts: 104 Member
    Hi Pink,

    Welcome and congrats on making the decision to eat more....it's not an easy one, but the right one. If you haven't seen the sticky at the top of the forum about determining your BMR and calculating your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure), check it out. Your net cals should always be at least your BMR. When you are ready, think about adjusting your cals to slightly below your TDEE (-15%).

  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    so so so proud of you :) I know it's scary, but your body is going to be so thankful for it! I think it's incredible how far you've come in the past year - especially dealing with wedding stress and pressures of being the bride. But you were a BEAUTIFUL bride and you and your husband are starting your marriage off on a great foot with you making great strides to be healthier every day. Don't be afraid to voice it if you aren't feeling great about eating more at first - we're all here to help reassure you that it's the right decision :)
  • wowmom23
    wowmom23 Posts: 36 Member
    I feel exactly the same way and have been struggling like crazy with 5-6 pounds & bodyfat. I've been working out more and more and eating less and less and in 1 year, I've lost 1 pound. It makes me want to cry! So, I joined MFP to track my calories and I've lost, really, maybe 1 more pound and starving at 1200 calories/day. TODAY, I increased to 1600 and we'll see what happens. So scared that it will backfire!
  • giag09
    giag09 Posts: 203 Member
    i increased my calories to 1600 from 1250 i am still eating around 1400 i just want to lean out and tone so bad... i cant wait to see my transformation i feel like i can actually eat!!!!!!!! btw how do you all feel about carbs you eat them right lol! i feel like for so long they were considered detrimental to your diet but i wanna know how you all feel about them
  • wowmom23
    wowmom23 Posts: 36 Member
    I agree that carbs have gotten a bad reputation over the last few years. I try to keep mine on the lower side but if I don't have enough, I can almost feel the difference. For example, this morning I had protein powder with water when I woke with my coffee. Then later I had an omelet. When I tried to go for a run, I just had very very little energy and I feel like it's a result of the lack of carbs. I set my new goal at 1600 calories and 40:30:30, so we'll see how I do. I work out 4-6x a week doing cardio most days plus Body Pump class (kind of weightlifting of high reps, lower weights) 2x/week. I am STUCK at 26% bodyfat, despite all changes I have made. Hoping to see some results!! FWIW, I'm 5'2" and 118/37 yo.
  • PinkAndSparkle
    i increased my calories to 1600 from 1250 i am still eating around 1400 i just want to lean out and tone so bad... i cant wait to see my transformation i feel like i can actually eat!!!!!!!! btw how do you all feel about carbs you eat them right lol! i feel like for so long they were considered detrimental to your diet but i wanna know how you all feel about them

    I used to be terrified of carbs, but under the direction of my RD, I have started getting over my fear. I try to stick to 40,30,30, and implement a carb, fat and protein at each meal (which is every 3 hours or so). Right now I'm trying to eat smaller, more caloric meals frequently, as I know that usually works for me. I already feel hungrier today, so I think my metabolism is waking up!