Kettlebell swings for conditioning

ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
I'm curious what weight everyone is using for repetitive kettlebell swings.

Right now, I'm beginning each workout with 10 minutes of one-arm swing intervals (30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest) with a 16 kg bell, but this is getting too "easy." I used to burn about 110 calories doing this according to my HRM, but now I'm down to 87, and I can just tell it isn't as effective as it used to be (which is good news, since it means my level of fitness is progressing). But I'm debating between moving up to a 20 kg or adjusting my intervals to 35/25, 40/20 etc.

I want to get a 20 kg for Turkish get-ups anyway, so I may end up trying both. I just wanted to see what everyone else is doing with regard to swings.


  • TheMerryPup
    TheMerryPup Posts: 186 Member
    Not really doing swings that much these days but when I add in an occasional swing session I'm doing something like 15/15 or 30/30 2 handed swings for 20 minutes with the 24kg, (my Russian Red — nice thick handle, great for grip strength).
  • KidP
    KidP Posts: 247 Member
    I mostly do swings these days due to indoor space limitations. I usually use a 40 or 45 lb bell depending on the day for one or 2 handed swings. The weather has been so good this week here that i've been able to get outside & do kettlebell stuff, and for that i've downgraded to a 35 lb bell for snatches (to ease myself back in to it before going back up in weight). My last workout was with the 40 lb, 1 minute 2 H swings, 30 seconds burpees, 1 minute 1 handed swings, 30 seconds jumping jacks, 1 minute around the worlds, 30 seconds air-skipping, 1 minute rest x 4 and then a bunch of snatches with the 35 lb bell. When i started out a year ago, i was burning about 300 cals in 15-20 minutes, it's gone down a bit since then. It really depends on what weight i use & how hard i go at it.

    My kettlebell club is starting up Wednesday due to good weather. That is going to be hell. I mean, the awesome kind of hell where you get way more fit really fast, but still hell. Looking forward to it!
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    Eeek, I'm only just starting out, my first couple of weeks - taken some time to learn the exercises properly with good form, even to the extent of doing it without the kettlebells first in front of the mirror. I am on a 4kg at the moment, but I'm already finding that's not heavy enough for the more strength orientated workouts. It's fine for the cardio blast ones. However, the next size up I have is 8kg. I tried that today for my clean/squats and military presses but found it a bit much of a leap. I have now ordered a 6kg one. So, wow the weights you are using I can't ever imagine being able to - but you've got to start somewhere I guess!
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    You'll get there. You'll be surprised at how quickly you will gain strength with kettlebells. When I first started doing Turkish get-ups, I couldn't even do one with 12 kg, which was the lightest bell I had. Within a month, I could do 24 get-ups in 15 minutes with 16 kg.

    I hurt my shoulder a few months ago and have been rehabbing it slowly, so, until yesterday, I hadn't done a get-up with 16 kg in quite some time. I was able to do 18 reps (9 each arm) in 15 minutes yesterday (after doing my swing intervals, which wore me out), and it felt really good. It was hard, but I'm so glad to be getting my strength back.

    Speaking of swing intervals, I switched from 30 seconds work/30 seconds rest to 35/25 yesterday with 16 kg, and it's amazing what a difference it made. 30/30 for 10 minutes was pretty easy for me, but 35/25 was brutal. But that's another thing to love about kettlebells. Even though the jump in weight can be pretty dramatic from one bell to the next, you can always increase your loading parameters by changing your work-to-rest ratio.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Not really doing swings that much these days but when I add in an occasional swing session I'm doing something like 15/15 or 30/30 2 handed swings for 20 minutes with the 24kg, (my Russian Red — nice thick handle, great for grip strength).

    Handle size has been a big issue for me. I have really small hands. The handle on my 12 kg is perfect. The handle on the 16 kg kills me. It makes everything harder, especially snatches and swings. But a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.
  • TheMerryPup
    TheMerryPup Posts: 186 Member
    Handle size has been a big issue for me. I have really small hands. The handle on my 12 kg is perfect. The handle on the 16 kg kills me. It makes everything harder, especially snatches and swings. But a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.
    Are you using Dragon Door bells? I have several First Place bells, (regular and vinyl coated), and a nice pair of 24kg DD bells, (bought in '08 so Made in USA), in addition to the one Russian Red 24kg. And then there's all the Pro Grade bells I've been accumulating. I could start my own gym!
  • quiltbugj
    quiltbugj Posts: 89 Member
    Dragon Door now has some for women - that only means that the handles aren't as thick. My trainer is so jealous - she loves my 16kg bell!!