Workout order

kikix5 Posts: 187 Member
So today, I actually listened to the beginning of the workout, and I heard Jillian say, something about week 3 and 4, I was like wait I'm only on week one... Someone didn't follow the plan and was doing the workouts in order phase one, workout 1 first then workout 2, then 3 and 4 lol.. not realizing I was only suppose to be doing workouts one and two the whole week.

I actually started my workouts on Thursday, the day after I got the dvds...

Do you think that it really matters, seems that I would get less bored doing them that way then only 2 a week. I also have been doing cardio every day with it, either the cardio for phase one or running, like today.


  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    I think you'll get bored around week 3 when you've been doing the same 5 workouts for 3 weeks and continuing for the rest of the month. Did you read the booklet about the kickstart? She does an the cardio workout every day in addition to the scheduled workout but it is only supposed to last for one week. I do extra workouts as I feel like it, but I read on Jillian's twitter the other day that you should only do a maximum of five 30 minute cardio sessions per week in addition to body revolution. I would try to do the program as written, but that's only because I think jillian has it designed for maximum results and workout 1 and 2 help you build up to workout 3 and 4 (even if 1 and 2 are easy for you)..
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    LOL. I don't think it matters. i have completed 2 weeks and I actually did 3 and 4 more than 1 and 2. ;)
  • kikix5
    kikix5 Posts: 187 Member
    Yea, I am still in week one in the kickstart, and read it, but I read it on Tues when I got it and then had to wait until I got 2 sets of stitches out on Wed so I started on Thursday and by yesterday, I didn't remember the order nor was I thinking lol

    I guess if you think about it even doing her 30 day shred, you are doing 10 days at each level (maybe that's why I always changed it up and added in her other dvd's I get bored to quick.)

    after today... I'll do it as written.... until I get bored haha