
lys617 Posts: 51 Member
So I was poking around on facebook and one of my friend was talking about Paleo and someone commented that "it's really hard to do this diet as a vegetarian."......really???? :huh:


  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I don't care who you are. That's funny. (from the mouth of Larry the Cable Guy)
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    it's probably because they don't knwo what the hell it is...

    i swear I want to shake people when people say "well you dont' want to do Paleo cause it's low carb and that could put you into ketosis and all these bad things happen" - OMG seriously...I eat a low carb paleo lifestyle - but heck I could eat 3 pieces of high carb fruit and blast my carbs out ....and still be paleo :0 )
  • njdoll
    njdoll Posts: 106 Member
    This was actually discussed on Mark's Daily Apple a few weeks ago. Someone wrote in that they are a vegetarian for ethical reasons. It is *possible* to go Primal as a vegetarian (and *extremely difficult* as a vegan) but very limited.

    He wrote:
    Yes, though it wouldn’t be ideal. You’ll have to really like eggs and dairy, but it can certainly be done. Just make sure the dairy and eggs you eat are of the utmost quality. Get eggs with dark orange yolks from pastured hens who ate grass, weeds, and bugs. Get dairy from cows, goats, or sheep who ate grass; preferably, it’ll be raw. Include some fermented dairy in there as well. As long as you’re avoiding grains, refined sugar, and processed seed oils and liberally eating high quality animal products, it can be done. A quality whey protein may also help with protein needs.

    If you’re the kind of vegetarian that eats fish this won’t be nearly as difficult. If you are not, I urge you to at least consider the oyster. As mentioned in the linked article, oysters have no central nervous system. If they feel “pain,” they don’t experience it like cows, pigs, and chickens experience pain. Oysters don’t have dreams or aspirations (beyond perhaps creating the prettiest pearl in the sea) that would be crushed by your eating them once or twice a week. I would also look into eating insects. Research shows that they experience “pain” differently than most other animals, and they’re a good source of protein, fat, and multiple micronutrients. They’re also extremely eco-friendly, sporting the largest biomass of all terrestrial animals. Most hunter-gatherer societies with steady access to bugs utilize them as a useful source of calories. Why not us?

    Read more:
  • jenn26point2
    jenn26point2 Posts: 429 Member
    I really can't wrap my brain around eating bugs... I just imagine a really bitter taste and the crunch of a grasshopper... lol maybe someday, but right now, I'm too "immature" as a Primal/Paleo follower to not make a face at the thought of eating a bug...
  • Yeah he lost me at the bug thing lol
  • MrsAbles
    MrsAbles Posts: 117 Member
    I think I could handle the crunch of a bug, but not the goo.
  • mehaugen
    mehaugen Posts: 210 Member
    I think I could handle the crunch of a bug, but not the goo.

    ^^^ This! Also take off the creepy head and legs, please!
  • PrimalMorningMoon
    PrimalMorningMoon Posts: 85 Member
    oops...must read whole posts... ;)