What is off limits to you?

La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
Since Flamfloz mentioned him flirting with gals even though he had a gf and I'm about to make a fool of myself on Thursday with gym guy...

What do you consider off limits/ taken?

Of course married men are off limits to me.

But what about someone with a gf/ bf? If you met a guy/ girl and were flirty with them then found out they had a SO and you really liked them, would you try to pursue them? Or run the other way?

You hear about stories that one was dating someone else but then met her and fell in love.. broke up with his gf and lived happily ever after with new girl.

For me personally, well I'd hate to be the gf but better for it to happen now then when you're married, I suppose.

If I met a guy who had a gf and I felt he was really into me, I'm not sure what I'd do. I definately wouldn't have an "affair" but I don't know if I'd back off completely.

Just being honest... because I don't know what I'd do. It seems with a married man, it'd be so much easier to tell him he's a scumbag for it but not with a guy with a gf (or even a fiance).



  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    girlfriend or wife is all the same to me. No difference, just a bit of paper!

    My mate was seeing this guy with a g/f recently, and she says "oh, he's only been seeing her a few months" as if that justifies his behaviour!! I just think 'what a rat!!' Makes it even worse that he's eyeing up other women if he's only been dating a few months. He's not even got an excuse that he's in a loveless marraige. And more importantly, if he can do that to her, he can do it to me!!

    Flirting is another subject though. Lots of people flirt, and it doesn't mean anything. But if you play with another woman's man, then you're either up for an affair or up for breaking up a relationship. Neither of which appeal to me.

    Plus, I wont be any man's sloppy second!! :laugh: No thank you!
  • tangie82
    tangie82 Posts: 285 Member
    girlfriend or wife is all the same to me. No difference, just a bit of paper!

    My mate was seeing this guy with a g/f recently, and she says "oh, he's only been seeing her a few months" as if that justifies his behaviour!! I just think 'what a rat!!' Makes it even worse that he's eyeing up other women if he's only been dating a few months. He's not even got an excuse that he's in a loveless marraige. And more importantly, if he can do that to her, he can do it to me!!

    Flirting is another subject though. Lots of people flirt, and it doesn't mean anything. But if you play with another woman's man, then you're either up for an affair or up for breaking up a relationship. Neither of which appeal to me.

    Plus, I wont be any man's sloppy second!! :laugh: No thank you!

    ^^ This! I wouldn't want it done to me, so I'm not going to do it to someone else. If he'll cheat with you, he'll cheat on you.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    True.. and I wouldn't go along with a guy who has a gf.

    I guess it'd be one of those situations where it's not deceiving yet you both know there's something more going on. I don't know what I'm trying to say really.

    I do understand what you're saying though... and if he'd do it to her, well he might just do it to me. I guess I'm being romantic about it.

    If I had a bf and I met a wonderful man whom I had a lot in common, felt chemistry and started having feelings for, I'd break up with my bf, I wouldn't cheat but ultimately I'm leaving him for someone else? Does that make me a bad guy?

    And the thing with flirting... sometimes it's harmless but then sometimes it can lead to other things like feelings, right?
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    If someone's in an exclusive relationship, then they're off-limits for anything but friendship until they are no longer in a relationship. Simple. I wish it wasn't so, but there it is.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    True.. and I wouldn't go along with a guy who has a gf.

    I guess it'd be one of those situations where it's not deceiving yet you both know there's something more going on. I don't know what I'm trying to say really.

    I do understand what you're saying though... and if he'd do it to her, well he might just do it to me. I guess I'm being romantic about it.

    If I had a bf and I met a wonderful man whom I had a lot in common, felt chemistry and started having feelings for, I'd break up with my bf, I wouldn't cheat but ultimately I'm leaving him for someone else? Does that make me a bad guy?

    And the thing with flirting... sometimes it's harmless but then sometimes it can lead to other things like feelings, right?

    No, breaking up with your bf for someone else doesn't make you a bad person, it makes you an honourable person. And flirting? As long as everyone's clear that it is not intended to lead anywhere, then where's the harm in a bit of badinage? If it begins to create feelings etc then if one party is in a relationship, it's their obligation to cool things down, or decide (and act on the decision!) that they want to end their current relationship and try to create a new one with the person they've developed feelings for.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Pursuing someone who is taken (married, dating) isn't usually worth it. There are always a glut of singles out there. Focus on them.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I guess there are different levels of bf/gf. Are they living together? How long have they been together? Do they have kids or property together?

    When I meet someone who is otherwise taken (but expresses interest in me), I tell them to sort their thing out and then give me a call. I'd have to know the other relationship was really over before I'd open myself up to anything.

    I actually went out with a girl and on our second date found out her ex-bf was still living with her (she said it was hard to find a good apartment in Washington, DC). I was planning another trip when she got sick, the next two phone calls all she could talk about was how good he was taking care of her. I canceled my trip.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Pursuing someone who is taken (married, dating) isn't usually worth it. There are always a glut of singles out there. Focus on them.

    That's true. Just more complications and dating has enough of those from what I can tell.
  • Steelheart7
    Steelheart7 Posts: 1,056
    True.. and I wouldn't go along with a guy who has a gf.

    I guess it'd be one of those situations where it's not deceiving yet you both know there's something more going on. I don't know what I'm trying to say really.

    I do understand what you're saying though... and if he'd do it to her, well he might just do it to me. I guess I'm being romantic about it.

    If I had a bf and I met a wonderful man whom I had a lot in common, felt chemistry and started having feelings for, I'd break up with my bf, I wouldn't cheat but ultimately I'm leaving him for someone else? Does that make me a bad guy?

    And the thing with flirting... sometimes it's harmless but then sometimes it can lead to other things like feelings, right?

    I think honestly that if you start to develop feelings for someone else then something is wrong with the first relationship and you should move on anyway.

    Married men that hit on other women are disgusting. If you are in a loveless marriage get the f@ck out. If you love your wife and are still hitting on other women .. you are even more disgusting.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Married off limits period.
    Someone in a relationship, friends yes but off limits.
    I got my heart torn when my gf from high school/ early college cheated on me. It sucks. I don't want to do the same to others. If they were really interested in me, they would have to end it on their end first.
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    Tbh I don't really care how this makes me sound but I'd just go for it, if they didn't like me they'd make it clear, if they didn't then they shouldn't be with their partners full stop. Then again depends how you feel on it because you'll always be slightly insecure he could do the same to you.

    I know I wouldn't like it at the time if I was the bf/gf that it happened to, but within a couple of months I'd probably realise it was all for the best and that I could do better anyway.

    You know me and my attitude though, I always just say DO IT.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    Since Flamfloz mentioned him flirting with gals even though he had a gf and I'm about to make a fool of myself on Thursday with gym guy...
    OMG! :noway: You did it again! lulz :sad:
    It's going to be on every thread now :laugh:
    Flirting is another subject though. Lots of people flirt, and it doesn't mean anything.
  • Steelheart7
    Steelheart7 Posts: 1,056
    All right .. wtf is a lulz ???
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    All right .. wtf is a lulz ???

    A dating technique? You lulz them to sleep before you pounce?
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member

    On another note, I posted in the Kryptonite thread how white guys are mine (they are but I'm not closed to other races) and so far I've gotten 3 PM's saying they're white.

    :smokin: :noway:
  • Steelheart7
    Steelheart7 Posts: 1,056
    All right .. wtf is a lulz ???

    A dating technique? You lulz them to sleep before you pounce?

    LMAO! I don't think I want to be lulzed ..
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    All right .. wtf is a lulz ???

    A dating technique? You lulz them to sleep before you pounce?

    like chloroform??
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    I think that it really depends on the relationship you're messing with as others have said.

    Perhaps a girl I'm talking to has been thinking about dumping her bf for a month (because he treats her like **** or whatever, but you know people... they'll stay for old times sake!) so she just needs this extra push. She probably won't reveal she is with a bf immediately, and if you're compatible with her it could be a win-win (she ditches the jerk and ends up with you).

    Perhaps this woman is in a completely dead marriage. Her husband cheats on her everyday, she knows it, accepts it even but is only staying for the kids and because she is scared of revealing to everyone her marriage has failed.
    Perhaps she is being beaten by her guy, her guy is an alcoholic or whatever.
    And so when you are flirting with her she realizes that maybe there is more for her in life than what she's got and it will give her the energy to fight again...

    I mean, flirting - it can be nothing or everything.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    All right .. wtf is a lulz ???



    People keep making fun of me today :sad:
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I think that it really depends on the relationship you're messing with as others have said.

    Perhaps a girl I'm talking to has been thinking about dumping her bf for a month (because he treats her like **** or whatever, but you know people... they'll stay for old times sake!) so she just needs this extra push. She probably won't reveal she is with a bf immediately, and if you're compatible with her it could be a win-win (she ditches the jerk and ends up with you).

    Perhaps this woman is in a completely dead marriage. Her husband cheats on her everyday, she knows it, accepts it even but is only staying for the kids and because she is scared of revealing to everyone her marriage has failed.
    Perhaps she is being beaten by her guy, her guy is an alcoholic or whatever.
    And so when you are flirting with her she realizes that maybe there is more for her in life than what she's got and it will give her the energy to fight again...

    I mean, flirting - it can be nothing or everything.

    the only thing with these situations if you end up with them is they probably have a lot of baggage.

    i was with a bf who was abusive. this was before i got married, i was 18. i was with him for 2 years and i met a guy who made me feel worthy again. when you're in an abusive relationship, even though you know better, you somehow get trapped. anyway, i cheated on my abusive bf with this guy. i didn't end up with him, not even close but it sure gave me the strength to walk away. i don't know why or how... maybe because i knew that wasn't my character and something was REALLY wrong since i cheated? or maybe because i felt so degraded and new guy made me feel worthy?

    nonetheless, walking away was the best thing.