sure i feel muscle, but...

cah1255 Posts: 41 Member
today will be my last day of level one, and i'm excited!!! 1/3 of the way done! i think the place i most feel a difference is in my arms. i can really feel muscle there that definitely wasn't there before. the only thing is.. the muscle is UNDER the fat on my arms so you can't really SEE it! this is very frustrating.
anyone else feel the same way?


  • BeckyNaturoMommy
    BeckyNaturoMommy Posts: 187 Member
    You can spot reduce fat, but it's very VERY difficult to do. You can strengthen and grow muscles, and that will make it EASIER to spot reduce fat. Still hard to achieve. It will melt in random places. First place I've seen change is in my bust area.
  • shutterbabe
    shutterbabe Posts: 125 Member
    I feel the same way. I'm only on day 7 of level one and I do feel a little different. But the muscle is under the fat. :ohwell: I'm also incorporating Jillians Burn Fat Boost Metabolism 4 days a week along with the shred to try and get rid of the fat. I feel like I've been working out forever and busting my butt but dont see any changes. :frown: Gets discouraging sometimes, but then I have to remind myself that it takes time and I'm only a week in. Although I've been working out two weeks prior to starting the dvd.
    The shred gets so many varied results with people; I dont know if I'm gonna lose 3 inches or just half an inch on my waist. I cant wait to find out though. :smile: