Insulting things people do because you're tall

MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
I just came back from the shops and met my neighbour as I came in. As I walked past him he feigned fear, put his hands up and crouched down a know, the whole "don't hit me" pose.

I find that really really annoying. I know he thinks he's funny. But he really isn't.

What's funny about pretending someone is about to hit you? What am I supposed to do with that? Think it's funny that he's suggesting I'm violent? Would he have done that if I were 5', not 6' tall? I don't think so.

It's people like him that make tall people uncomfortable in their own skin. I blame people like him every time I see a tall woman with horrible posture, hunched over trying to appear smaller.

Celebrate your tallness women of MFP! And tell me the insulting things people do to you so I know it's not just happening to me! :noway:


  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member
    I agree
    although i was always bullied for my height
    and even in work it causes some strange comments......
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 846 Member
    People have always assumed that I am or have been physically violent, I did a kick boxing class last week & it was the first time in my life I have ever hit anyone (excluding my sister when we were teenagers but that's sisters!) but a coupe of people expressed shock that I hadn't hit anyone before or made comments about no wonder i enjoyed the class so much, as if I have spent my life using my height as a tool to physically assault people.

    Like most tall people I have never need to get into fights or "prove" myself with violence, my size usually deters those ideas but more importantly, I consider myself an evolved person who abhors abusive violence & would resort to it only in a life or death situation.
  • amandammmq
    amandammmq Posts: 394 Member
    Yikes! So many rude people out there.

    I guess it could be worse... we could be tall, muscular men who other men try to physically assault just to prove they're tough. I had a friend through high school/ college to whom this happened on a regular basis! He was a gentle giant, never started a fight in his life, but dudes used to pick fights with him all the time, just because of his size. Can you imagine??? :explode:
  • clem7444
    clem7444 Posts: 64 Member
    People always ask if I play basketball. I mean, I know that's not exactly insulting, but it is a stereotypical assumption. My response?
    "Actually, I'm a horse jockey."
    My mom, who also got tired of hearing this question when I was a kid always responds, "Does your child play miniature golf?"
    Yes, sarcasm is genetic.
  • RoboLikes
    RoboLikes Posts: 519 Member
    I posted on here last week that some guy told me I am not feminine because of my height.
  • kaytiecakes
    kaytiecakes Posts: 79 Member
    "Does your child play miniature golf?"

    omg. i am totally going to use this next time someone makes a basketball comment at me.
  • "do you play basketball??"
    I get SO sick of hearing that!

    and I also agree with the not being feminine...i've heard that one. It seems guys treat you differently, like you don't need to be taken care of as much as a short girl does.
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    I posted on here last week that some guy told me I am not feminine because of my height.
    That is so out of order! What exactly were you supposed to do with that information? Amputate your legs?
  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member
    Keep in mind that inappropriate and insulting comments are really about the giver, not about you.

    The man who cowers in the hall - he is pathetic, unsure of his manhood. The proper response is a look that says "you are pathetic".

    The guy who says you are not feminine because of your height - the proper response is "Only someone unsure of his manhood would think me unfeminine"

    Do you play basketball? - another good response is a self-assured "Actually we tall women can play any sport we want to."

    Never forget that you belong to a sisterhood of tall, beautiful, sensitive, caring women - sisters who have your back at all times!
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    Idiot. Him I mean, not you!
  • MamaLutt
    MamaLutt Posts: 66 Member
    I still get the basketball questions. Ugh.

    I guess it's not insulting, but I really am sick of people asking me to reach stuff for them at the grocery store. Unless you're a child or a senior citizen, don't ask me! (I'm way too nice to ever do anything besides smile and reach for whatever it is that they can't get to, though.)
  • clur85
    clur85 Posts: 187 Member
    I don't particularly get insulted, but people (esp men) think I can do alot more because I'm taller/bigger. I work in marketing, and when we do events it's pretty intense hauling around banner stands, plinths etc. If I was a 5foot-nothing girl they'd help or tell me to put it down, but I just get left to do all these things. I can never get away with playing the 'girly' card as I probably don't seem petite and girly to others. But I am a real weakling!!
  • RoboLikes
    RoboLikes Posts: 519 Member
    I posted on here last week that some guy told me I am not feminine because of my height.
    That is so out of order! What exactly were you supposed to do with that information? Amputate your legs?

    LOL!!! Who knows; I don't understand what makes strangers think its ok to talk to people like that.
  • rosielw
    rosielw Posts: 6
    "Does your child play miniature golf?"

    I am so using this next time. Especially with my daughter. I am almost 5'10", hubby is 6'5" and our oldest is looking to be tall. She is already over 4' at 4.5 years. Doesn't help that it runs in his family, his sister and mom are 6'1". I am so tired of the comments people make towards her. Ok off my soapbox.
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Keep in mind that inappropriate and insulting comments are really about the giver, not about you.

    The man who cowers in the hall - he is pathetic, unsure of his manhood. The proper response is a look that says "you are pathetic".

    The guy who says you are not feminine because of your height - the proper response is "Only someone unsure of his manhood would think me unfeminine"

    Do you play basketball? - another good response is a self-assured "Actually we tall women can play any sport we want to."

    Never forget that you belong to a sisterhood of tall, beautiful, sensitive, caring women - sisters who have your back at all times!
    Couldn't agree more!
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    This isn't really insulting, just irritating.

    I show up at a GA show early and secure a good place close to the stage. Shorter people just assume I ought to get out of the way and move behind them so they can see better.

    Sorry, them's the breaks. Just because I'm tall doesn't mean I can't be in my rightful spot next to the stage!

    That said, I have several times suggested to a shorty behind me that she can move in front of me. But never if they demand!
  • kelzpop
    kelzpop Posts: 156 Member
    I don't think I've ever had anybody be rude about my height. When I was thinner men used to comment on the size of my girls, but thats about it. But I'm only 5'10", so maybe that makes a difference. My husband might do the 'don't hit me' kinda pose, but that is more likely when he knows hitting him is actually crossing my mind because he is being an idiot.

    I always help the little old lady at the grocery store too, cause I grew up always having to get the stuff off the top shelf for my mom. She still gets kinda annoyed that I don't have to have a chair to get things from the top shelf. But she definitely uses it to her advantage when we visit. LOL!
  • LoriInIowa
    LoriInIowa Posts: 113
    Keep in mind that inappropriate and insulting comments are really about the giver, not about you.

    The man who cowers in the hall - he is pathetic, unsure of his manhood. The proper response is a look that says "you are pathetic".

    The guy who says you are not feminine because of your height - the proper response is "Only someone unsure of his manhood would think me unfeminine"

    Do you play basketball? - another good response is a self-assured "Actually we tall women can play any sport we want to."

    Never forget that you belong to a sisterhood of tall, beautiful, sensitive, caring women - sisters who have your back at all times!


    Now as for the "basketball" thing---that never bothered me---because I DID play. Shrug. ::::::sheepish smile:::::::::
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Use me to lean on... :grumble:
  • LoriInIowa
    LoriInIowa Posts: 113
    Use me to lean on... :grumble:

    Ha!! That usually makes me want to bop them on top of the head like "Whack a Mole!"

    Lori <----the most "non-violent" person ever...of course, she just *thinks* the above!