Insulting things people do because you're tall



  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member

    I have a picture that was taken recently and my bff is using me to hold herself up as she has her little short leg up in the air like I'm a damn telephone pole!
  • OneLuckyRabbit
    OneLuckyRabbit Posts: 67 Member

    Now as for the "basketball" thing---that never bothered me---because I DID play. Shrug. ::::::sheepish smile:::::::::

    So you're the reason everyone thinks we ALL play basketball! :mad:
  • OneLuckyRabbit
    OneLuckyRabbit Posts: 67 Member
    Use me to lean on... :grumble:

    One of my good friends is 5' 2" and I use her head as an armrest. It makes her soo mad which is just adorable.
  • LoriInIowa
    LoriInIowa Posts: 113

    Now as for the "basketball" thing---that never bothered me---because I DID play. Shrug. ::::::sheepish smile:::::::::

    So you're the reason everyone thinks we ALL play basketball! :mad:

    Guilty as charged. :)
    Man! Did I *love* it too....and hey, a free education is not too shabby!
  • austindog2
    austindog2 Posts: 128
    I also played basketball (although in middle school).. and was on the crew/rowing team my freshman year of college. I suppose I'm perpetuating the stereotype, but I like to think of it as taking advantage my natural assets! I was built with broad shoulders and hips and obnoxiously long legs, so why not use 'em?? :)

  • Now as for the "basketball" thing---that never bothered me---because I DID play. Shrug. ::::::sheepish smile:::::::::

    So you're the reason everyone thinks we ALL play basketball! :mad:

    Guilty as charged. :)
    Man! Did I *love* it too....and hey, a free education is not too shabby!

    haha I played too! Sorry girls, but she's right! Can't turn down those tuition dollars! ;)
  • saracatherine89
    saracatherine89 Posts: 291 Member
    Girls typically mature faster than guys, and given that I got my period and had boobs by 4th grade, I was also around 5'6-5'7 by then. In fifth grade I earned the nickname Six foot Sara. Ironically I would one day grow to be that Six foot tall Sara they teased and have embraced it, but for a young girl that is NOT what you want to be called!

    Just recently a random man in my work parking lot told me I am tall and don't need to wear high heels. WOW.
  • lavieboheme1229
    lavieboheme1229 Posts: 448 Member
    I get sick of being chastised for wearing high heels. And the basketball question. I like the miniature golf come back. Or the "you're feet are WHAT size" look when you tell them you are a 12. I don't comment on your stubs you call feet, leave mine alone!
  • Aprill20
    Aprill20 Posts: 48 Member
    The comments I get because I like to wear heals is so annoying.

    I bought a really cute pair of wedges and have worn them to work on occasion, people are constantly saying "that someone my height DOES NOT need heals" and I should be wearing flats!

    Anyone have a good comeback to this?
  • AtomicLemon
    AtomicLemon Posts: 63 Member
    I posted on here last week that some guy told me I am not feminine because of my height.

    THIS! And also: "Women aren't supposed to be that tall, it's not natural. Women are supposed to be petite and feminine, not big and tall"

    Makes me really pissed. Even worse to be tall AND fat. I feel like Shrek :(
  • AtomicLemon
    AtomicLemon Posts: 63 Member
    The comments I get because I like to wear heals is so annoying.

    I bought a really cute pair of wedges and have worn them to work on occasion, people are constantly saying "that someone my height DOES NOT need heals" and I should be wearing flats!

    Anyone have a good comeback to this?

    If someone my height should not be wearing heels, then someone with your IQ should not be speaking.
  • Steph4454
    Steph4454 Posts: 164 Member
    agreed, tall AND fat sucks!
  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member

    If someone my height should not be wearing heels, then someone with your IQ should not be speaking.

    Love this!
  • andreaisme
    andreaisme Posts: 43
    The following is not an insult, simply a weird conclusion to jump to because my height.

    When I was in university I worked at a coffee shop. One of my friends who is also a tall girl worked close by so we would often sit outside and have lunch together. I later found out that 2 different customers thought I was a lesbian and she was my girlfriend. When I asked one of them why they assumed that, he said because we are both tall and had the same kind of retro fashion style. Yes Sir.
  • AtomicLemon
    AtomicLemon Posts: 63 Member
    andreaisme, ugh, that reminds me of something that happened to me a few years ago, that I totally forgot about until now..

    I was at a mall kiosk getting a cover for my phone and a guy started chatting with me. Out of the blue he said, "You must play softball, right?" And I said, "No, why?" And he replied, "Well, you know .. " And I said, "Um.. no, I *don't* know" .. Then the jerk says, "Well, I just figured you were a softball playing lesbian.. Girls your size don't attract guys, ya know?"

    WHAT THE F***. I seriously don't understand people sometimes. I don't care if you think I'm a lesbian, that's not what bothered me, but to make a crack about my size.. so damn rude. I was so humiliated.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    I had a elderly gentleman (and I use that term loosely) last week tell me that 155 (my goal weight at 5'11) was too "heavy" for a woman and I needed to keep losing, just like 10-15 more pounds or so. He also mentioned that men aren't attracted women of my height and size so I might as well be lesbian. It took all I had not to knock him off his bar stool.
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    So it seems we need a standard reply to the "you're tall, you must be a lesbian since you can't get a guy" remarks.

    I'll start us off with "If all men were like you I'm pretty sure every woman would choose to be a lesbian". Who's got better?
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 846 Member
    how about "I'm not a lesbian but if you were all on offer, I'd seriously consider switching sides"

  • Now as for the "basketball" thing---that never bothered me---because I DID play. Shrug. ::::::sheepish smile:::::::::

    So you're the reason everyone thinks we ALL play basketball! :mad:

    Guilty as charged. :)
    Man! Did I *love* it too....and hey, a free education is not too shabby!

    haha I played too! Sorry girls, but she's right! Can't turn down those tuition dollars! ;)

    :) I am right with the "playas" here... I played, too...Full Division I scholarship....I am one of seven children in my family, so it really helped my Mom and Dad out...I still play when I can, especially now that I am losing some weight!
  • I love this group...thanks so much for the invite...will have to go back and see who invited me...but thank you so much. :)

    I, too, have used the "Actually, I am horse jockey" thing...

    When we used to travel with our basketball team and had to wear our "travel gear", we would be at the airport, strewn across an entire gate with a big basketball on our chest on our gear and some little woman or man would come up and ask what kind of team we were... My response... "Gymnasts", "Horse Jockeys", or "We're going to the "Little People" convention"...

    I've also had some insulting, perverted proposals or requests...from both men and women...

    A funny comment from a very old little drunk man in a bar..."Do you carry a license for those legs, Love?" lol. Dirty old guy.

    So nice to share comments that someone else will relate to... Glad to see you other tall ladies on here!! :)