Do you get off of work and go home just to sit down again?



  • Xabsentimentalx
    Xabsentimentalx Posts: 67 Member
    unfortunately i do. but i have found if i get home and go for a walk im more energized
  • LavendersMom
    LavendersMom Posts: 17 Member
    You can do it girl. The only thing i recomend is that you be consistant with being on here.
  • finz96
    finz96 Posts: 102
    No! No time to! I'm the single mother of an active 6 yr old girl who is in tumbling and volleyball. Between her school and extra-curricular activities and my Zumba class 3 times/week, we don't get home until 7:30 every week night, then are gone again for half of Saturday! Not to mention, I work-out most nights at home after she is in bed. Plus, we own our home, and we have two dogs. There is always something to be done around the house when we are home! I guess the hectic schedule is a blessing in that it keeps me off my tush, but it can get stressful at times!
  • mrsladybrewer
    mrsladybrewer Posts: 70 Member
    I am guilty. By the time I get home, I just want to be lazy. I do get my workouts in before work, which is nice. I had to move to AM workouts. Otherwise, they weren't getting done.
  • fmbomzo
    fmbomzo Posts: 382 Member
    I'm fortunate enough to have a fitness center at my job. I try to go down and workout at least 2 times a week before going home. If I have an activity that requires me to leave right after I finishing working, I do a DVD at home before going to bed (core yoga, Tae Bo or a dance exercise program). Anything to mix it up and get moving.

    I do the core of my workout in the morning before I go to work. I wake up an hour earlier or more and workout, then prepare my breakfast and pack my lunch. Then I wake up the kids to get ready for school. I feel so energized doing that. Moreso than when I slept in and then just jumped up and went to work.

    I don't force myself to do anything as soon as I get home, other than relax. Once I get the home duties taken care of (kids, homework, etc), then I feel free to get my workout in.
  • lachiva64
    thank you for sharing. i got a lot of ideas to draw from. i am so excited. looks like there are a lot of us out there. What else is on your mind or share what your challenge for last week was (to getting out of the sitting down on the job rut). have a fab day.
  • Kima218
    Kima218 Posts: 27
    sounds like a very full load one of my girlfriends' has a similar work schedule and life load she invested in these tapes called 10 minute trainer. Beachbody is the company that sales them I was able to borrow them from my local library. But the idea behind the dvd's are to get moving even if it is only 10 minutes at a time. So even if you don't get the dvd's walking, riding bikes possibly with the kids, whatever you like to do for 10 minutes at a time can still help in weight lost so aim for 20 minutes a day to start but break it up into small increments of 5- 10 minutes where every can fit it in. good luck with you journey.
  • Chocolatewoman
    Chocolatewoman Posts: 91 Member
    It depends on how many steps I get in during my work day. My minimum goal is always 10,000. If I come home and I'm at 12,000+, it's a wrap and I go sit down. If I'm short of the 10,000 goal, I put on a walking DVD or go outside and walk some more.

    I believe life is to be enjoyed and sometimes you have to just chillax and rest yourself.
  • LReReed
    LReReed Posts: 26 Member
    This has been the norm for me for years! BUT recently i decided to work out more and i put in an elptical machine in my room! To work out in the comfort of my own home doesn't get any better than that. SO i get on the machine at least 4-5 times a week for 30mins and watch my favorite tv shows. i recommened you do something like this.. it really works for me. Then after my 30mins.. i cool down and rest and watch tv i feel like i deserve it and still didn't miss out on my shows. i feel accomplished. Sit down jobs are stressful but we can't let our bodies take the blame.

    I did the same thing! Buying an elliptical for my house was the best decision I could've made! You don't have to worry about waiting for the next available machine or if the person before you wiped there germs off! It is actually saving money too. A gym membership for two years could run at least $700 dollars. But, by buying an elliptical for like $900 or less, it could last longer.(I only paid $400 for mine on Craigslist) Look at it as an investment!
  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 230 Member
    I get out of work at 230-300 am, I go home and may or may not have a glass of red wine, read a little then go right to bed. My 5 yr old (bless her little heart) allows me to sleep until 10am, so I get some good sleep in. But, YES to answer the question at hand. When I get home I sit/lay down.
  • Stpjudge
    Stpjudge Posts: 129 Member
    Nope. I went to Bikram Yoga!! 90 minutes of fabulousness
  • janetlyn73
    janetlyn73 Posts: 4 Member
    Unfortunately I work at a desk all day then have to leave here and go straight to school and sit for 4 more hours! By the time I get home it's 10:30 and I just want to fall in bed and sleep. I don't get too much exercise these days so I pay very close attention to what I'm eating.
  • raebels
    raebels Posts: 45 Member
    Sometimes I do, some times I don't. Lately it seems to be worse because I am drained by the time I get home. Any tips on working full time, very little sleep with a teething infant, and still getting in a workout even though I am completely exhaused???
  • sfb2510
    sfb2510 Posts: 28
    Ya, do a whole load of sitting around most days - except the 3 days where i go gym after work.
  • fmbomzo
    fmbomzo Posts: 382 Member
    I also use regular work activities to get exercise in during the day. I take the stairs instead of the elevator. I split my lunch break and walk for part of it. I do chair exercises while I'm at my desk if I'm locked down writing or viewing a webinar. Our team even takes a 10 min stretch break together twice a day sometimes. We just stand up in the aisles and one person leads the stretches. It really clears the mind.
  • natzkj
    natzkj Posts: 127 Member
    i used to be very active and then for some reason got out of the habit of doing anything afterwork. Since Sunday i vowed that after work i would go home and do 20minutes of my workout dvd and take my dog for a walk. Just after the last 4days i have felt alot better in my self and i look forward to doing my workout. Fingers crossed i shall stick to this x
  • jjnt007
    jjnt007 Posts: 302 Member
    I work from 8 - 5 and than I Zumba at 5:30. If I do not go to Zumba I do 30 Day Shred at home before I eat. After that I wash clothes and watch TV until bedtime
  • katekizm
    katekizm Posts: 47 Member
    Once my butt hits the couch, I'm DONE. In fact most days, I keep going when I sit down, until I'm LAYING down.. then it's just a few short minutes before I'm being ushered into bed.
    10hr work days mean I am away from home 12 hours. My poor doggies would love a walk, I'm sure.
    I have all these lofty plans of being active and getting stuff done. But by the end of the day and a 40 min drive, it saps all my energy.
    Whats worse is, I'm so tired when I walk in the door, I'm asleep not too long after I eat dinner. :(

    I try to walk every available spare moment at work. And I used to take the stairs all the time. Now, I've been moved to a new area and stairs aren't in the equation. I also need to find a new walking route.
    At least I was up and down out of my chair more than I spent sitting in it, this week.
  • libliblibby
    I've been doing this a lot lately. I find myself wanting to lounge around and nap after having sat on my butt all day driving a computer and answering telephones. I justify it to myself by saying I'm mentally drained, but I know that's an excuse.

    Even if I just cleaned up when I got home, I'd be a happier girl, or if I walked my dog more - we'd both be happier girls! :tongue:
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    I have a "personal trainer" - my 5-year-old Springer Spaniel, Abby, who makes sure I get out and walk as soon as I get home from work - rain or shine. She is home alone all day and has so much energy pent up, if we don't go out and take a long walk, she drives me crazy all evening! I have to admit I usually don't feel like walking as soon as I get home, but I always feel a lot better once I do! If you don't have a dog, borrow one. You only have to walk them once, and they see it as the new routine. Also, dogs love walking so much, it's a bit infectious. You can't help but smile when you see a creature so happy just to be out walking with you.