Help me decide if I am sedentary, light???

Quel1970 Posts: 91 Member
A little background- I was on the 1200 calorie a day diet. Then after reading NROLFW, I upped my calories to 1350 then 1460. According to every calculator I can find, my BMR is 1250.

Now is the confusing part for me. Do I choose 'sedentary' life since I do not have an active job? And then just eat more on my workout days? Which now, is every day?? Or do I just choose light or moderate exercise? And how do you determine that?

I am lifting 3x a wk and cardio 5. The cardio can be anything from a 3mph, 30 min walk to 30 Day Shred. Since I weigh 117lbs, I only avg about 120 calories even when I really work hard.

Your insight would be very appreciated. Thanks!


  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I suggest choosing light subtract 15% from tdee and net bmr on workout days.
  • Quel1970
    Quel1970 Posts: 91 Member
    OK. According to some calculators, my sedentary lifestyle affords me 1452 calories a day. If I minus 15%, then I am right back at 1235. Which is what MFP told me I should be eating... UGH!

    Maybe I should just be at 1235 and eat back my exercise calories so I never go under 1235?

    Edited to add: Here are my different TDEE: 1452, 1508, 1510, 1461, 1723