can I add cardio with Body revolution?



  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    After reading this I'm having second thoughts about this program. Currently on Phase 2, Workout 5/6 – to date haven't lost 1 pound or 1 cm. Now I need to reevaluate everything!

    I have to agree with everyone!!! Highly disappointed!!!
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    After reading this I'm having second thoughts about this program. Currently on Phase 2, Workout 5/6 – to date haven't lost 1 pound or 1 cm. Now I need to reevaluate everything!

    I have to agree with everyone!!! Highly disappointed!!!

    Awww, don't be discouraged. You have to be getting stronger throughout the program even if you aren't seeing changes in the scale or measuring tape. I have only lost about 6 lbs and 6 inches and I'm on week 8. How much weight do you have to lose? I don't really have a lot, so I'm not seeing the awesome results that everyone else is... but I am definitely stronger. I use 10lb weights for most of the moves and my arms feel it. Maybe try upping your weight and have a goal of gaining muscle? I also upped my calories as 1200 was not sustaining me at all! Good luck!
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    Thanks theredcliche! I'm pear shape so my goal is to lose a min. of 3 inches off my hips (would luv 5 inches), and lose the thigh "dimples." I'm going to up my calories and add cardio... Hopefully this will work! Thanks again for your kind words.
  • pixxyhaze
    Do you have the tester's email address their are a few questions I would like to ask.
  • Mira710
    Mira710 Posts: 194 Member
    I just wanted to add-- in Jillian's podcast, she said 1200 cals is ok if you are morbidly obese. However, as you get more fit, you should up your cals. I was eating 1200 cal my first three weeks of body revolution and I felt like crap. I was obese, 40 pounds overweight when I started. I upped to 1400 cals and felt great. I lost 23 pounds on the program. Since then I've lost another 20 pounds after upping my cals again to about 1500. I wish the program mentioned that 1200 cals isn't for everyone.

    As for extra credit, I usually added a walk or cleaning the house on to the program. 35 min is enough hard work for me in a day. If you are going to add some insane cardio to it, please eat back some exercise calories! One day I did one of her workouts plus an extra 30 min of cardio (all on 1200 cals) and nearly fainted. Be safe and eat something!
  • ShannonECTD
    ShannonECTD Posts: 203 Member
    I just wanted to add-- in Jillian's podcast, she said 1200 cals is ok if you are morbidly obese. However, as you get more fit, you should up your cals. I was eating 1200 cal my first three weeks of body revolution and I felt like crap. I was obese, 40 pounds overweight when I started. I upped to 1400 cals and felt great. I lost 23 pounds on the program. Since then I've lost another 20 pounds after upping my cals again to about 1500. I wish the program mentioned that 1200 cals isn't for everyone.

    As for extra credit, I usually added a walk or cleaning the house on to the program. 35 min is enough hard work for me in a day. If you are going to add some insane cardio to it, please eat back some exercise calories! One day I did one of her workouts plus an extra 30 min of cardio (all on 1200 cals) and nearly fainted. Be safe and eat something!


    1200 isn't for everyone. I had a lot of success eating 1200ish and doing the 30 day shred but i was obese... 5'4 and 185lbs. I lost 25lbs but gained it all back cos i wasn't committed to healthy eating or even watching how many calories i was taking in.

    Im now 193lbs and 43% body fat, I'm starting JMBR tomorrow. I will be eating close to 1200 NET calories a day and doing 30 minutes of extra moderate cardio while wearing my HRM 5 days per week.
  • richardmbunn
    richardmbunn Posts: 41 Member
    I haven't had time to read the rest of the replies so I'm just gonna jump in and tell you what I know from reading everything that Jillian ever wrote and listening to all her podcasts.

    NEVER eat under 1200 cals a day for a woman and 1500 for a man.

    Yes you can add the extra cardio in to Body Revolution. It's in the Kickstart plan but it says only for the first week (or is the Kickstart 2 weeks? I forget). It says to move on to the remainder of BR on the regular plan. I don't see that doing some extra will hurt providing it's not over done and that it's cardio only.

    A defecit of 500 calories a day isn't really correct as it isn't taking into consideration your Basal Metabolic Rate (the number of calories your body would burn in 24 hours if you did nothing but lie in bed). MFP does workout your calorie allowance by calculating your BMR and then working out how much you want to lose a week, break that weight down into calories (3500 a pound) and give you a daily allowance that is a 7th of your necessary weekly deficit.

    If you go to the Apps section on the tab at the top of MFP, on the right hand side you'll see a couple of calculators. Click on the BMR one and it will give you your reading.
  • ShannonECTD
    ShannonECTD Posts: 203 Member
    MFPs calculation for my BMR was so inaccurate, says that its 1600 when in reality its around 1400. I go based off the Katch Mcardle calculator. It is the most accurate but you have to know your body fat percentage, i had mine tested in a bod pod a few months ago.
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    I too find 1200 to low, but it also depends on what kind of foods u are eating too. I eat clean and it I feel great at times, I up my calories depending on what activities I do, I usually do extra cardio either run, or Turbo Jam/Turbo Fire. 30 mins is not enough for me plus the program is 4 days strength and 2 days cardio.
  • ShannonECTD
    ShannonECTD Posts: 203 Member

    I feel like MFP made things so simple and if people follow it how it it's written out then they will have success.
    If mfp tells me i need to eat 1200 calories to lose 1.5lbs a week and i exercise that day and burn 300-400 more calories then i need to eat those calories since i am already set up in a deficit to get me to my weight loss goal without exercise per MFP.

    I wear a hrm so my burns are pretty predictable. So what i do for the day (if i know i'm going to be working out later) is i plan out my food for the whole day and work in those 300ish calories into my food diary. So lets say i don't workout until after dinner and then log my workout calories and then see "oh crap i have to eat 300 more calories today".

    So if you know around what you burn doing JMBR or any other type of exercise, and you know for sure that you are going to workout that day. Then log it and all your food in the morning, that way it's already worked in there and all you gotta do is get your workout in and eat. :)
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    I agree.