Twelve weeks until summer!!!



  • m00nflwr
    m00nflwr Posts: 103 Member
    Spring break has begun!!
    I took a 1/2 hr walk today and ran a million errands.
    Tomorrow I'm going to get up early and go ride!

    Our last day of school this year is June 1st. We'll go back mid-August.
    Our school year is 182 days this year (up from 180 and will probably be 185 next year).
  • Summerlove1993
    Summerlove1993 Posts: 102 Member
    I'm tired from my fun busy weekend, and I'm not feeling this diet thing right now. As you could read elsewhere, I didn't go off the deep end, but I wasn't exactly a saint on Sunday either. In other words, I need a kick in the bottom. Anybody want to lend me their foot?
  • Emmidoodah
    Emmidoodah Posts: 21 Member
    Had a parents' evening tonight, which went on a bit. Have missed walk and sunshine for today - booooo! Had a good calorie day though so still feeling upbeat. What dog do you have? Mine's a crossbreed of saluki and collie, called Kizzy, and she's adorably bonkers.
    Just realised I'm doing this a bit wrong. Am I supposed to use the quote function to show who I'm answering?...yep...I think I am...sorry ladies!

    We had our much-loved retriever/spaniel mix put down last summer (hubby was gracious to wait until offspring and I had left for our summer vacation without him) and he was so beside himself afterwards, couldn't bear the thought of bringing a new puppy into the home.

    Fast-forward to New Year's Eve...and my hubby sweetly noticed that one of my gal friend's lab/terrier mix puppies made a home of my lap that evening... The little gal, (whom we named Grace O'Malley), joined our family around the first of February (her pics are at my profile site) and what a sweetie she is! My friend's son had potty trained her and worked with her - knowing she was joining our family (and probably realizing that since he is friends with my sons - would hear about it if she was a naughty little thing! Ha!):laugh: She seriously brought her leash to me in her mouth the very next day after getting her!

    I hear you on the cold/heat in the the last school - the heat was on constantly and I could never wear winter clothes. This building is cold...I pretty much live in my knee-length boots all winter. Sadly, I wore out (literally holes in soles) of both pair (identical) of my fave Clarks boots (slightly dressy with a snipped toe, and 2 1/2" heel). Found a pair of wedgie boots (Clarks) on Ebay - just more casual looking. I pretty much live in Clarks (sandals and shoes) when it's not raining... Our selection over here is much different than you have available (although Zappo's online isn't too bad) and couldn't believe that there was a Clarks store in Kirkwall! (If you'll pardon my saying so...there wasn't a whole awful lot, town-wise to Kirkwall! But, I also live in the suburbs of a major west coast city! That is my comparison...) Also found some amazing deals at the Clarks outlet in N. Ireland... We have a couple of outlets locally - but the selection isn't the same.

    Can you post pics of Kizzy? I didn't know what a Saluki looked like...googled it - bet your Kizzy is gorgeous!

    Am trying to upload pic of Kizzy right now, still getting to grips with how to do stuff on this site!
  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    Had a parents' evening tonight, which went on a bit. Have missed walk and sunshine for today - booooo! Had a good calorie day though so still feeling upbeat. What dog do you have? Mine's a crossbreed of saluki and collie, called Kizzy, and she's adorably bonkers.
    Just realised I'm doing this a bit wrong. Am I supposed to use the quote function to show who I'm answering?...yep...I think I am...sorry ladies!

    We had our much-loved retriever/spaniel mix put down last summer (hubby was gracious to wait until offspring and I had left for our summer vacation without him) and he was so beside himself afterwards, couldn't bear the thought of bringing a new puppy into the home.

    Fast-forward to New Year's Eve...and my hubby sweetly noticed that one of my gal friend's lab/terrier mix puppies made a home of my lap that evening... The little gal, (whom we named Grace O'Malley), joined our family around the first of February (her pics are at my profile site) and what a sweetie she is! My friend's son had potty trained her and worked with her - knowing she was joining our family (and probably realizing that since he is friends with my sons - would hear about it if she was a naughty little thing! Ha!):laugh: She seriously brought her leash to me in her mouth the very next day after getting her!

    I hear you on the cold/heat in the the last school - the heat was on constantly and I could never wear winter clothes. This building is cold...I pretty much live in my knee-length boots all winter. Sadly, I wore out (literally holes in soles) of both pair (identical) of my fave Clarks boots (slightly dressy with a snipped toe, and 2 1/2" heel). Found a pair of wedgie boots (Clarks) on Ebay - just more casual looking. I pretty much live in Clarks (sandals and shoes) when it's not raining... Our selection over here is much different than you have available (although Zappo's online isn't too bad) and couldn't believe that there was a Clarks store in Kirkwall! (If you'll pardon my saying so...there wasn't a whole awful lot, town-wise to Kirkwall! But, I also live in the suburbs of a major west coast city! That is my comparison...) Also found some amazing deals at the Clarks outlet in N. Ireland... We have a couple of outlets locally - but the selection isn't the same.

    Can you post pics of Kizzy? I didn't know what a Saluki looked like...googled it - bet your Kizzy is gorgeous!

    Am trying to upload pic of Kizzy right now, still getting to grips with how to do stuff on this site!

    Oh! She is a cutie! Not sure if it is just the way the light hits her - but she looks like she is smiling!