Starting March 26th, 2012



  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Hi, all! I started 3/26, too! I do all of my workouts in the a.m. Monday and Tuesday, I did the Workout DVD, then cardio 1...that was tough back-to-back! For today's cardio day, I only did the Cardio 1 DVD once...I just couldn't start it over again. I was a sweaty, wet noodle after that workout! Tomorrow morning, it will be back to Workout 1 + Cardio 1...excited!

    I love all 3 workouts and all of the exercises...except for the lunge twist in Workout 2. I hate lunges anyway, so that one with the twist is too much...I always feel like I'm going to fall over!

    I've already lost 4.5 lbs since Monday, so I'm excited to see my official weigh-in on Sunday...
  • JenTryingAgain
    Hey guys! Today was one of those days that I just did not feel like working out! It was probably because I slipped on the diet. I had the chef salad for lunch, but I didn't bring anything for a snack (I don't like any of the snack choices in the kickstart meal plan). I ended up working later than I usually do because of a late meeting and by the time I left work I felt like I was starving! I ended up getting a fish sandwich from Wendy's. When I got home and looked it up I found out that it was 510 calories and 51 grams of carbs:mad: Lesson learned-DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELF TO GET SO HUNGRY THAT YOU ARE READY TO EAT THE FIRST THING THAT YOU SEE!!! I am still within my 1200 calorie limit for the day, but I wish I hadn't eaten all the fat and carbs, it made me feel really sluggish!

    With all of that being said, I am still proud of myself because I STILL PUSHED PLAY:happy: I did cardio 1 once. I think I will jog some on my rebounder to get in a little extra cardio before I go to bed.

    Gerbies-Great job on your weight loss so far! I am afraid that if I don't lose weight that I will lose motivation, so I took the scale out of the bathroom and put it in the guest room so that i won't be tempted to weigh myself every day. On the other hand, if you are averaging over a pound a day of weight loss, that is motivation to keep going!! I think I will weigh in on Sundays and measure at the end of each phase.
  • tyabd
    tyabd Posts: 88 Member
    i will be happy to join in too have been doing it since 13th March 5.4'' 150 lbs need to be at 135 have lost 4 lbs in these past days
  • formerpyt
    formerpyt Posts: 56
    I have scale phobia. I haven't weighed myself since last spring. I will do it when I feel more confident (when I've started to feel and see results). Plus, ups and downs discourage me so much sometimes I throw up my hands and say, "why bother".

    I want my rings to not only slide on and off my finger easily, I want to be able to feel them turn and move on my finger during the day (know what I mean?) Until I conquer my fear of the scale, my rings and my clothes will be my measure.
  • jamkat
    jamkat Posts: 77 Member
    Just finished workout 2 (110 cals) and followed it right up with cardio 1 (186 cals). I know Thurs is supposed to be workout 1 day, but since I had to skip Body Rev on Tue, I wanted to do workout 2 today. I didn't make it to the store yet to buy heavier weights so I had to use the 3 pounders again today. I'll definately get to the store today!

    formerpyt - At 5'1" I'm ashamed to admit that I let myself get to 180. However, if I didn't get on the scale back then, I wouldn't know now that I've lost 26 lbs so far. You won't know how far you've come until you know where you started. You don't have to publish your weight to anyone, just know that will be the last time you see that number on the scale.
  • sunshinegirlnm
    sunshinegirlnm Posts: 312 Member
    Day 2 circuit DVD done. Going to try and get the cardio in this afternoon. Loved today's workout!
  • clange68
    clange68 Posts: 11 Member
    All I can say is WOW I am so sore!! My students asked me today if I was okay because I was walking to love 6th grades they pull no punches. I can honestly say there is not a place on my body that does not hurt! Which is great it means it is working.

    I have been doing the workouts and I have actually got up in time in the morning to do them the last two days...I really don't know how long I will do that I am just not a morning person. The food has been okay I am not hungry and I have changed it up a little from her plan just trying to eat healthy. I don't know if I am losing any weight or not because after I took my weight on Monday I had my boyfriend put my scale in his truck. I am one of those people that will get on it 3 or 4 times a day when I am on a diet and I get upset when it does not move. LOL I even made him take my tape measure and told him I could not have them back for two weeks. I think he may think I am crazy but I love that he is being so great about this he is even eating the same things I eat.:happy:
  • JenTryingAgain
    Day 4 is done! I got my TOM today :ohwell: I hope it doesn't throw off my weigh in on Sunday! The workout seemed to be a bit easier today. Getting stronger already :)
  • formerpyt
    formerpyt Posts: 56
    Jamkat, You're right. I am going to bite the bullet and weigh in this Sunday (rest day). I've been doing the kickstart, so I know I've made some progress. "The last time you'll see that number on the scale" is what I needed to hear. No matter how bad it might be, it's only going to get better. I'm so glad I found this group. You all are part of what is going to make this program a success for me. I'll keep you posted.
  • JenTryingAgain
    Day 5 is done! Keep on keeping on folks :happy:
  • formerpyt
    formerpyt Posts: 56
    Day 6 is finished! I'm proud of myself for really sticking with the 7 day kickstart. Tomorrow we rest (and pat ourselves on the back).
  • JenTryingAgain
    Day 6 is done! I didn't get my workout in until late, but I did it! Instead of doing cardio 1 twice, I did it once and then jogged on my rebounder for twenty minutes. Weigh in tomorrow, fingers crossed!!
  • JenTryingAgain
    weighed in this morning & lost 6 pounds in week 1! :happy:
  • formerpyt
    formerpyt Posts: 56
    Okay...This is my day 7 of "kickstart" and I weighed myself for the first time since I don't know when (anytime I go to the doctor, I tell the nurse not to tell me what I weigh - I have an issue, I know). Anyhow, I've decided I definitely want to lose about 35 pounds.

    I can't obsess every day about the number on the scale or burning more or fewer calories during the same workout. I just can't. I'll get discouraged and quit. I've done it before. I am going to keep on doing the workouts and following the meal plan by the letter. I'll see progress, but I can't beat myself up along the way. No more weigh ins for a week or so. I hope my ticker is a "flying fish" - hee hee.
  • kelmax
    kelmax Posts: 55
    Great work everyone. I weighed this am and am down 6 lbs. wahoo. I know every week won't be like this, but I'll take it this week.
  • nyyca
    nyyca Posts: 9 Member
    weighed in this morning & lost 6 pounds in week 1! :happy:

    Wow. That's awesome!
    I started on 3/24 but close enough to the rest of you. Lost 3 lbs in the first week which I am *thrilled* about. My goal is to lose 10 lbs (OK, maybe 12). So if this keeps up its awesome. I did not follow the kickstart diet- although I kept my net calories at 1200 (went over one day b/c we went to a restaurant). I followed some of the kickstart rules and I added cardio on most days (cardio 1, and kinect dance games). Oh I should also say that am doing workouts 3 and 4 because I have been exercising with Jillian DVDs for a while and thought maybe 1 and 2 would be too easy. I noticed clothes fit me better too, but didn't take measurements. Thanks Jillian!
  • clange68
    clange68 Posts: 11 Member
    Great Job everyone!! :smile:

    I had my boyfriend take my scale but with your guys great lose really want to check mine. So when I got to school this morning went to the nurses office and I had lost 5 pounds on her scale. YA!!!! I know my clothes fit better and I have so much energy. Keep up the great work and have a great week!!:happy:
  • hbiffle
    hbiffle Posts: 156 Member
    Yesterday I started week 2 and I can already tell a difference in my strength and body in just one week!! So glad I found this workout program as I can really see the results!! Congrats to everyone else doing so good on it as well!!
    "All day baby!!"
  • JenTryingAgain
    Day 8 is done. My diet was absolutely horrible today. My husband bought a bag of Hershey miniatures...enough said...but I got the workout done. Tomorrow's a new day :)
  • clange68
    clange68 Posts: 11 Member
    Can't believe we only have to do Workout 1 and 2 one more time before we move on!