Carbs in Capt. Morgan?????

Anyone drink while on low carb and still lose weight? Also, anyone know how many carbs in Capt. Morgan's rum? Thanks!


  • chrisil25
    Very few
    They add a tiny bit of sugar to the spiced rums, and so they have some carbs. There's very little in the original. Different varieties have more sugar:

    Original - 0.3g
    Silver - 1.7g
    Parrot Bay - 6.0g
    Private Stock - 2..2
    Your body has to burn through alcohol before carbs so that's why they say not to drink. But they also say it will slow down your weight loss but not stop it
  • CandyAppleCockers
    CandyAppleCockers Posts: 74 Member
    The few times I've had a few drinks while on keto, I've stuck to water, vodka and a squeeze of lime. Low carb, but it stalled out my weight loss for a week at a time each episode (drank one night 2 different weekends). And it seemed to slow weight loss for at least a week beyond the stall week. Can't prove it, but most days even now that I'm close to my goal the scale drops a few oz.

    I miss having a glass of wine at dinner.. I'm hoping when I hit my goal I an work a glass back in a few times a week with no consequences, if I stay low carb.