Chris' (Gerbies) 90-day journey with JM...

gerbies Posts: 444 Member
Day 1 (exercise, at least) is done! I woke up just before 5:00 a.m., so that I could do my double workouts. With my job and 2 year-old son, it's just too difficult to workout at two different times per day (I would have to workout at 5:00 and 9:00 pm). So, though I've tried out some of the workouts in the past couple of weeks, this week is my first official start with the Kickstart week. I do not plan to eat the Kickstart eating plan as noted, though I will try to include some her meals (greek yogurt, no carbs) and I'll be including my usual Shakeology shake in the morning and some coffee.

I have to admit: I'm surprised I was able to complete both workouts back-to-back. I was quite nervous, actually, since I've tried out the first three workouts previously. I just took a 5-10 minute break in between (e.g., took out the dog, got some water, etc.) and it was fine. Cardio day is going to be a bear! I cannot imagine doing the cardio workout completely and then doing it all over again right after. I'll deal with that day when it comes!

Overall, feeling great! Weighed in and measured yesterday (too hard to do at 4:50 a.m.) and I put on a bunch of water weight in the last few days (I think it's TOM...or at least I hope it is). I didn't update my weight in MFP, since it would have been an increase. Either way, I have a starting point for JM BR.

Hope everyone starting today has a great first day!


  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Good Luck Chris! You'll be fine with 2 Cardio's in a row~ just do what you did today and take a 'breather" in between.

    Keep in touch, OK?
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    great job! :)
  • jazzykay1971
    Way to go!! Im starting on Sunday!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Day 2 is down in the books~! I found workout 2 easier than workout 1 (other than those darn lunges with a twist...hate those!). The break in between workouts (10 minutes) is essential for me to do them back-to-back. It's a great way to start the day!

    I'm scared for tomorrow...I am going to try and do the Cardio 1 back-to-back...not sure how I'll do that. I'm usually dead by the last set of suicides. Maybe I'll just keep adding on more intervals, versus "starting over"...

    Has anyone else been doing workouts back-to-back for Kickstart week?
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Day 2 is down in the books~! I found workout 2 easier than workout 1 (other than those darn lunges with a twist...hate those!). The break in between workouts (10 minutes) is essential for me to do them back-to-back. It's a great way to start the day!

    I'm scared for tomorrow...I am going to try and do the Cardio 1 back-to-back...not sure how I'll do that. I'm usually dead by the last set of suicides. Maybe I'll just keep adding on more intervals, versus "starting over"...

    Has anyone else been doing workouts back-to-back for Kickstart week?

    I do 2 workouts in a row sometimes but I've never done two cardios in a row. :smile:
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Day 3 is in the record books :). I did not do the cardio dvd twice. I intended to...but I just am not at that level of shape to do so. I did go all out, though, so even after my shower, I was still slightly sweating (gross, I know!). I think what I'll do is try to add one extra interval at a time...we'll see. If not, I'm still happy; it's a great workout and I'll definitely see results.

    Diet is going well...I've veered off into my own version of a cleaner Kickstart diet. For example, yesterday I ate:

    Breakfast - Shakeology with almond milk and peanut butter
    Lunch - greek yogurt with Go Lean crunch and sliced banana
    Snack - apple and granola bar
    DInner - lean, broiled pork loin, snow peas with a little EVOO (and 2 raviolis...bite of my son's dinner).

    Overall, I am happy with my eating (much cleaner than before) and an easy way to incorporate healthier habits.

    I definitely need new shoes. I'm feeling shin splints and some soreness in my knees and ankles, which I really never experience. I tried on a pair of KSwiss yesterday, but I think the toe box is too big.

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    my feet and shins hurt at first, but i was walking/running a lot... i think somehow those stupid fast feet and running mans in all the cardios annoyed some muscle near my shin... it eventually resolved when i quit the extra walking. also, cardio back to back is hard. i always had to wait at least 20-30 minutes before i could peel myself off the couch from the first one. you're doing great with your meals! keep it up!!!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    my feet and shins hurt at first, but i was walking/running a lot... i think somehow those stupid fast feet and running mans in all the cardios annoyed some muscle near my shin... it eventually resolved when i quit the extra walking. also, cardio back to back is hard. i always had to wait at least 20-30 minutes before i could peel myself off the couch from the first one. you're doing great with your meals! keep it up!!!

    Thank you for the kind words!!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Day 4 is DONE! If it's possible, I felt like I was stronger in today's workouts...just a little bit. I happened to find a pair of cross-trainers in my closet that I've only worn like twice (who knew I could be shopping in my closet?) and they felt better today. I think I will also start taking an ibuprofen after my workout to see if that helps. Right now, as I type, I can feel some soreness in my ankle. I suspect I'll also have less soreness in my joints as I lose weight, too.

    It's always tough waking up at 5:00 a.m. and get going, but I love the feeling of going to work and knowing I'm DONE with my workouts. It's such a challenge for me to try and workout in the evening. With a 2 year-old and my husband, we don't even get home until 5:30/6:00 and then it's the mad rush of dinner, laundry, bath, etc. By the time I notice it's 8:00 and I try to go to bed by 9:00 (again, so I can wake up at 5:00 a.m. and start again!).

    I hope everyone is doing well!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Phew, Day 5 was my most challenging, but it's OVER! This morning was my "I don't want to" morning:

    I didn't want to get out of bed...but I did.
    I didn't want to get out of the chair after putting on my shoes to do Workout 2...but I did.
    I didn't want to start Cardio 1 after letting the dog out...but I did.

    AND I'M SO GLAD I DID!! I have to tell you that I kept telling myself "this is your last double workout...if you want it to be." Knowing I have Cardio 1 tomorrow and then my yoga class...and then a rest day on Sunday is making me look forward to my weekend :). I LOVE the workouts, but my body is getting a bit tired. Ironically, today was the hardest day mentally AND physically. I got warmed up quicker, my muscles burned faster, and I broke a sweat sooner. I hope it's because my muscles are like, "Listen, Sister, you worked us out yesterday, the day before, and days before that. Give us a break already!!"

    No matter what I'm so happy I'm following this program and am looking forward to experiencing great results. I even made a healthy dinner that my husband really liked last night:

    - Baked chicken with salsa verde (green salsa poured over chicken breasts in a baking dish, baked for like 30 minutes)
    - When the chicekn was done, I put the chicken with the salsa/sauce on on top of:

    - a bed of Trader Joe's brown rice (Steams in a bag in the microwave) with a few tablespoons of Trader Joe's Pineapple Salsa
    - On the side, we had zucchini and summer squash sauteed with a little bit of EVOO and salt and pepper.

    My husband looked uncertain when he first saw it, but is now a fan! LOVE that!

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    The final workout of the week is complete. I am looking forward to seeing my results tomorrow morning, although I think my monthly "friend" will not give a full representation. I feel better after just this first week and look forward to how I'll feel once the 90 days has passed.

    I think running man has become my's just such a great full body exercise!

    Hope everyone is doing well with their program!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Week 1 is officially done! I weighed in this morning and in the first week, I lost.....6.6 lbs. I'm pretty happy with that, I must say. I'll share that I thought it might be higher, but I think it's off since I'm pretty bloated from mother nature. Overall, I'm feeling better and less "puffy", for sure. Ready for next week..I may even add the cardio with my workouts again...who knows??
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Week 2, Day 1...workout 1 again. I woke up later, so I didn't have time to do Cardio 1, but I definitely coul have done it from an enegy perspective. Like many have noted before, I felt like I wasn't working out enough. Tomorrow, with workout 2, I'm going to do as many advanced moves as I can and make time for Cardio 1.

    Looking forward to tomorrow!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Week 2, Day 2 is complete! I woke up a bit later than I would have liked today due to our dog waking me up to go out in the middle of the night. I completed workout 2. If I had more time, I probably would have done the JM Cardio 1, too; I felt like I could have done more. I'm the type of person who likes to be sort of exhausted after my workouts; I like to feel like I gave it "all". When I got home today, I had some energy and about 30 minutes to myself, so I did a cardio/circuit training workout from my P90 set. I could feel how much easier the workout was since the last time I did it...which is AWESOME!

    Eating is still good. My low calorie days are around 1350/1400 and my highest day was around 1700.

    Tomorrow is cardio and I'm looking forward to it!
  • tyabd
    tyabd Posts: 88 Member
    Week 1 is officially done! I weighed in this morning and in the first week, I lost.....6.6 lbs. I'm pretty happy with that, I must say. I'll share that I thought it might be higher, but I think it's off since I'm pretty bloated from mother nature. Overall, I'm feeling better and less "puffy", for sure. Ready for next week..I may even add the cardio with my workouts again...who knows??

    I am so happy for you. I had just lost 4 lbs at that stage and still after two weeks though am loosing in inches no weight loss is there. am anxiously waiting for the scale to creep..
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Week 1 is officially done! I weighed in this morning and in the first week, I lost.....6.6 lbs. I'm pretty happy with that, I must say. I'll share that I thought it might be higher, but I think it's off since I'm pretty bloated from mother nature. Overall, I'm feeling better and less "puffy", for sure. Ready for next week..I may even add the cardio with my workouts again...who knows??

    I am so happy for you. I had just lost 4 lbs at that stage and still after two weeks though am loosing in inches no weight loss is there. am anxiously waiting for the scale to creep..

    It's always emotionally challenging when you don't see those drops on the scale. What I keep telling myself is that all of these good choices (i.e., eating well, doing the workouts) can only make improvements...even if it's at a slower rate. Hang in there! Those results are coming!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Day 10 (Week 2, Day 3) is over! Woke up feeling like I am getting a cold (which makes sense since my son has had a cold since last week and now my husband has one). I'm going to fight this like crazy...I'll be drinking water like nobody's business, taking extra vitamins and hoping for the best not to get sick!!!

    Cardio 1 was took me an extra 10 minutes to start, but once started, it was fabulous as usual. If I have time, I might try and work out again later, but I don't think that will be possible today.

    Can't wait for my next weigh in...I'm feeling slimmer already!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    OMG, today was the last time I'll be doing workout 1 in this round of JM (I may do another round when I'm done). To up the challenge, I followed the advanced moves when she made the suggestion (except for the first squats, I didn't jump, though I did add weight and jumps to the sumo squats). I was proud of myself: I did push-ups on my toes, lift my leg when I did planks, added weights to the warrior 2 move. I really tried to ensure it was a good workout and, honestly, it's what I needed. I felt the challenge and it was a better workout. I'll be doing the same tomorrow.

    I sort of cheated and weighed in yesterday; it's not official, but I lost a couple more pounds. Since started JM 10 days ago, I've lost a total of 9.2 lbs. I'm hoping to lose another few lbs by my weigh-in on Sunday.

    Overall, I'm loving this program!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    I'm slowly wrapping up week 2. I completed Workout 2 this morning. Like yesterday, I tried to add advanced moves, when possible. Those bridges (I forget what she calls them...first circuit, on your back raising your hips to the air), I could only do the advanced move of holding your other leg in the air (instead of crossed over your knee) for about 1/2 the reps. I added weights in the other exercises when she suggested, too.

    Again, I felt like I could have done cardio afterwards (energy-wise), but I ran out of time. Next week, I've read workouts 3 and 4 are much harder, so I doubt I'll have the energy to add the cardio right after. Instead I'll probably try and sneak in a couple of extra cardio sessions during the week. I added one cardio session this week thus far and will probably workout this afternoon. I will also be going to yoga tomorrow morning (after my JM Cardio 1), so I'm hoping all of this will help with my weigh-in on Sunday.

    I have very aggressive goals, so I'm really pushing to ensure I meet them (without getting CRAZY about exercise), while trying to make this a lifestyle. For me, double workouts every day is not a lifestyle.

    I have my 20-year high school reunion in 5 months; my goal is to lose 50 lbs by then. Wish me luck :).
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    I'm a week ahead of you and yep, workouts 3 & 4 are harder!

    But they are doable and if I can do them, YOU can do them!!

    A couple tricky moves~ maybe 2 total~ that I had to totally opt-out of due to balance issues from MS. But everything else was challenging but doable!!

    You're doing GREAT, by the way. Are you seeing any changes yet? I am~ lost 1 inch off each body part so far!! AND 6 pounds!!