working out more

giag09 Posts: 203 Member
i see all the women on here that eat all there tdee calories plus exercise calories and look amazing i usually workout anywhere from 25-45 minutes a day doing circuit training via ripped in 30 jillian michaels/ lifting hand weights also i try to fit in some cardio either a video/ellipitcal or recumbunet bike... i cant go to the gym yet bc my youngsest son is only 5 months and he has to be a year before he can go in to daycare when that happens i will go with my husband on my off days froom work between 2-3 days a week... however i am a little upset because i feel like i dont have the time to devote to getting the workouts in taht i want i feel a little selfish doing it since i have a 3yo and 5 mth old and a hubby... i just dont have the energy to get up at 4 am i get up at 5 am do my workout feed the baby and then get everyone ready and go to work. doing what i am doing will i able to get a lean body ? feel free to read my diary anyone thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • giag09
    giag09 Posts: 203 Member
  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    Well, i'm no expert. I do have a 6 and a 3 year old (and I homeschool so they are with me all day), so I can tell you what i've worked out for me.

    My own feelings are, I do this for me. This is the one thing I do for myself and I can not feel guilty for it. That being said, in the past I used to do a lot more cardio but now i'm working out of TNRWFW and there is far less cardio and far more weights. Perhaps instead of trying to do any cardio at the gym, just focus on weights 3x a week when you can (for 30 mins). That would be a total of 1 and 1/2 hours at the gym. Cardio is fun at the gym, however do you live somewhere where you can go out for 20 mins and do interval sprints? You could also do a weighted hula hoop or jump roping some other activity. I would just try to focus on the strength training and make sure you get that in (even some weights at home if you can't get to the gym) and not to worry about the rest as much. There are lots of opportunities to get some exercise in if you can manage it with kids (I actually climbed the pole at the playground last week while the kids were occupied... lol).
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I mostly do my workouts in the late afternoon while my kids are engaged in playing a board game or with their toys. My workouts are only 30 minutes (Jillian Michael's Body Revolution DVD's).

    But there have been days where the weather has been super nice and my kids want to go to the park. So instead of doing the DVD, I'll do walk/sprint intervals around the play area while they play. It's a win-win situation.

    And since you have a 5-month old, you could put him in some type of carrier and carry him on you while you walk OR push him in the stroller. Make sure to add that to your workout since you'll probably burn a ton more calories with the extra weight added!

    I've also done push-ups at the park, planks....whatever I can do to still get my workout in while the kids are engaged and happy!