For the Brave - Picture Thread



  • Carlyannabelle
    Carlyannabelle Posts: 621 Member
    Reluctantly, I will be posting mine soon.
  • joelleh26
    joelleh26 Posts: 74 Member
    will post soon, need to get someone to take them as i dont have a long mirror. well i do but its wavy so you cant get a decnt pic
  • Ewaldt
    Ewaldt Posts: 106 Member
    Hi, this is a bad representation of my size because I am sucking in my gut like no other, but for the moment I do not have a cord to take my pictures from my camera to my computer. So, for now, this is the best that I can do! Just know that there is even more pudge to the midsection than is showing here.. :\ unfortunately!

  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    This was me when I started MFP in March of last year:


    This is me on March 25th, my one year anniversary here:


  • happydays2525
    happydays2525 Posts: 109 Member
    That is amazing. Congrats!
  • MexisMom
    MexisMom Posts: 249
    Congrats to all those who have lost so far, and bravo to everyone who's posted pictures here!!

    I'd like to encourage anyone on the fence to take the dive and post... It was scary as hell to do it but we're all on the same journey here. It feels a little empowering to post the "before" pictures. No hiding from the truth when you've got it right in front of you!
  • jingoace
    jingoace Posts: 219 Member
    Ugh... just took my 1st of the month body shots for April... not much improvement from the previous months.
    Maybe by the end of the year I will be able to see real differences... I hope! :) J
  • lauren3040
    lauren3040 Posts: 27 Member

    Here is me as of 4/5/2012.

    My weight loss has started to slow a bit, so I pumped up my work out schedule. Now, every other day, I run on the treadmill for 7 minutes to get my HR up. Then I do 30 minutes of weight intervals, and then I get on the treadmill for 30 minutes. On the off days, I simple stay on the treadmill for 60 minutes. I recently upped my calorie intake as well. I am a low-carber. :) I try to stay around 50-60 carbs a day, with 1 cheat meal a week.
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 386 Member

    Sorry it took so long for me to post... I haven't had time until now.

    eta:I tried to change the size of it but it is still showing up this big I'm not sure what to do
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 386 Member