Defending Paleo on the Main Boards



  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    After I read Why We Get Fat, read Good Calories Bad Calories which was written more for health professionals and has more citations. I've been eating paleo over a year now and rarely post on main boards because of the anti-paleo trolls who apparently take delight in framing paleo solely in caveman eating terms such as, must eat everything raw, must only eat what you hunt and gather, willfully misunderstand life expectancy and lifespan of early modern man, and when, what and how EMM began using grains as a dietary item, among other ludicrous suggestions. I've read everything from scientific literature to lay proponents such as Mark Sisson et al, and Gary Taubes (who is not a paleo/primal writer), and more, and am more than satisfied by the validity of this way of eating. Paleo/primal is just a stupid name.

    While I started this for weight loss, I've easily stuck to it because of the vastly, amazing even, improved health. On the boards I say it worked for me and leave it at that. "A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still" Impossible to *make* someone change his/her mind ... if they aren't willing to open their mind to try something--the 30 day test of their *own* body--then nothing I, a total stranger, can say will make a difference. Honestly, I came across the paleolithic diet on the internet years ago before Robb Wolf's and Mark Sisson's books and thought, 'no way can I give up pasta and bread, and gimme a break, this is craziness'. Trying it made all the difference. Posters on the main boards for the most part make comments based on hearsay.

    On these boards no other way of eating such as herbalife, vegan, vegetarian, nutrisystem, jenny craig, etc. faces the same derision as paleo.
  • After I read Why We Get Fat, read Good Calories Bad Calories which was written more for health professionals and has more citations. I've been eating paleo over a year now and rarely post on main boards because of the anti-paleo trolls who apparently take delight in framing paleo solely in caveman eating terms such as, must eat everything raw, must only eat what you hunt and gather, willfully misunderstand life expectancy and lifespan of early modern man, and when, what and how EMM began using grains as a dietary item, among other ludicrous suggestions. I've read everything from scientific literature to lay proponents such as Mark Sisson et al, and Gary Taubes (who is not a paleo/primal writer), and more, and am more than satisfied by the validity of this way of eating. Paleo/primal is just a stupid name.

    While I started this for weight loss, I've easily stuck to it because of the vastly, amazing even, improved health. On the boards I say it worked for me and leave it at that. "A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still" Impossible to *make* someone change his/her mind ... if they aren't willing to open their mind to try something--the 30 day test of their *own* body--then nothing I, a total stranger, can say will make a difference. Honestly, I came across the paleolithic diet on the internet years ago before Robb Wolf's and Mark Sisson's books and thought, 'no way can I give up pasta and bread, and gimme a break, this is craziness'. Trying it made all the difference. Posters on the main boards for the most part make comments based on hearsay.

    On these boards no other way of eating such as herbalife, vegan, vegetarian, nutrisystem, jenny craig, etc. faces the same derision as paleo.

    i have noticed that too. like any posts about all types of diets and pills and plans and gimicks and all sorts of stuff are accepted but as soon as paleo is mentioned it becomes fair game to be crucified. annoying
  • SarahSwimmer
    SarahSwimmer Posts: 125 Member
    A LOT of people would benefit from using the 'Search' function before posting their question, because most times I feel it's probably been answered a billion times over.

    Oh my gosh, if I see another "A pound of muscle is NOT heavier than a pound of fat, Idiots" post I WILL SCREAM.
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    A 'friend' here on MFP asked me to look through his diary and tweak it, in a Primal fashion. After spending an hour of reading through his diary and writing a LONG private message to him, I sent it. Two weeks have gone by and no response. I don't feel like I wasted my time, but you'd think at least a brief thank you would be in order.

    Perhaps the concept is just too foreign to standard dieters...who are struggling and not getting anywhere...hmmmm, wouldn't you look for something that worked rather than keep trying the same kind of deprivations?????

    My rant is over
  • samand25
    samand25 Posts: 30 Member
    Even if the idea is to far for some, it is very rude no to even thankyou!