Black Team - Introduce Yourself!!!!!!



  • lqohana
    lqohana Posts: 15
    How is everyone after four days on the challenge? I have been struck with some tummy issues this week. Should help with the weigh in on Monday. I guess there is always a silver linning, sometimes you just have to look a bit harder for it. Have a great weekend Black team!
  • K1mmer
    K1mmer Posts: 68 Member
    I am doing pretty well on the challenge. I have been under my calorie goal all week. One day this week at work there were cookies, donuts, croissants, and more donuts brought in. I managed to keep myself to half of my favorite donut...I was very proud of myself for that one! I have also increased my activity, enjoying spring walks, gardening and pushed myself to start the 10 minute trainer videos. The weight loss has been slow, but moving in the right direction. My clothes are more comfortable and I am really noticing a difference in how my body looks and feels. How is everyone else doing?
  • Junee37
    Junee37 Posts: 60
    I am doing great. I cannot wait to see what are next challenge is! Does anyone eat their calories earned from exercise? I was wondering if that would count as going over?
  • LA723
    LA723 Posts: 98 Member
    Hi Black Team!

    My name is Lois. I'm 33 years old and I'm married to Cassidy. We have two boys and a beagle (also a boy!). I stay at home with my children and when I have time pursue hobbies like reading, photography and graphic design.

    I started watching my weight in August 2011 when I weighed 157 lbs. I fell off the wagon several times but keep getting back on. I am proud that even when I wasn't on here, I didn't go hogwild and go completely back to my old ways. I'm learning and that is the most important thing. To date, I've lost 27 lbs. I've discovered that I actually like being outside, being active and being in nature. (Still afraid of those damn snakes though!)

    I joined this challenge because I still would like to lose another 7-10 lbs as well as start toning some flab. I thought it would be nice to challenge myself as part of a team so I could be held accountable to others.

    Nice to meet you all!!
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 260 Member
    So far, doing good. The weekends is always when I screw up! Haven't done too bad today. However, most of my food has been in the later part of the day. Watched my granddaughter this morning. They aren't the healthiest eaters. So, just didn't eat - other than the few bites she fed me. LOL

    Junee - that is a big discussion here on MFP. But yep, you need to eat your calories back. MFP doesn't figure in additional exercise. I don't always eat back all my calories, but I try to get close. I did notice that when I didn't my weight loss stopped and even went the other way.

    Welcome Lois!
  • BBrieMama91712
    BBrieMama91712 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I am Arianna, I am 25 ( 26 April 8th), a wife to a wonderful husband and a mommy to 5 adorable dogs! Yes, I said 5 dogs! We are currently trying to get pregnant, so losing weight is a huge deal to me because I want a healthy pregnancy. I am also losing weight because of my cholesterol and I am fighting against diabetes. I am not a diabetic, however, I don't want to be. My Mom and Grandma both are. I want to lose weight because I want to like how I look in pictures. I don't want to have to cringe when I am asked to go shopping. I don't want to get winded walking or tying my shoes. I want to be able to play with my kids.

    So yea, BLACK TEAM LET'S DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 260 Member
    Welcome Arianna! What kind of dogs? I have 2, 1 10 1/2 year old Rottie and a 5 year old pitt mix.

    I've been where you are, so it can be done! You can do it!!!!! You have a good motivation too!
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 738 Member
    Not to sound like a complete idiot, but how does elliminations and challenges work in this competition? I can't seem to find the information. :(