Eating out on the Meal Plan

sdsmom Posts: 62 Member
I am curious what those of you following the meal plan eat when you have to eat out? At nice restaurants I've been having salmon or sirloin with veggies. I have two days a week where I have to eat at least one meal a day out. Today I went to Panera bread and had a cup of broccoli cheddar soup and a small Greek salad. It was only 390 calories total and I felt like it was a good choice. I have also had the Harvest chicken sandwich at Quiznos and if I'm really in a hurry, a grilled chicken sandwich without any mayo. I was really good during kickstart about packing my meals and taking them with me but it is not always possible. What have the rest of you been eating when on the go?


  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I have only eaten out once since starting on the plan and that was going out for sushi with my daughter over the weekend. I splurged but managed to stay within my calories.

    For the most part, when I know I'll be out at meal time (usually lunch), I'll just pack it and take it with me. But my birthday is this weekend and I know my husband plans on taking me out for dinner so I'll be interested to hear how everyone else handles this.
  • lalfaro01
    lalfaro01 Posts: 60 Member
    I've been trying to make healthier choices but as long as I stay in my calorie range I don't sweat it too much. I haven't gone out that much either. My mom took us to Burger King and I had the Tendergrill with no mayo and just small fries. I had had a low cal day so I stayed in my range. My friend's birthday is this Saturday though, and we are going out for dinner/drinks. HOWEVER, the place she chose is waaaay too expensive so I might just get like a small appetizer and maybe one drink which will help, haha.