Food will not have dominion over you!

egwatkins Posts: 9 Member's a play on the scripture that says sin will not have dominion over you. But this was the train of thought I was on this morning. Food was meant for our enjoyment, not our enslavement. If you are like me, I love, I mean LOVE food. But I've allowed it to control me instead of me controlling it. So now, I have to retrain my mind (and my stomach). I can and should still enjoy food, savoring the wonderful flavors, but in proper portions and not to the point of gluttony. I should enjoy it as a means for nourishing and strengthening my body, not destroying it like I've allowed it to in the past.

So let us be encouraged to rule our food and not let it rule us!


  • ShanaGore
    ShanaGore Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks for those very awesome words of encouragement for us Emily. Looking at it in that perspective is very helpful! Today, I am going to rule my food!!
  • warrior_hero
    warrior_hero Posts: 5 Member
    Awesome thought!!!