


  • maglodee
    maglodee Posts: 46 Member
    Hi! I'm 41 and started MFP in January after struggling for years with weight issues related to depression. I finally have that under control, so now it's time to get the weight under control. I'm down about 20lbs since I started, but would love to lose another 10lbs before my birthday in May. If I could do that, I would officially weigh less than I have in my entire adulthood! Woot!

    I've been married for almost 17 years and have 2 younger boys (11 & 9) who keep me busy with activities after school, so I'm fortunate to be retired, and do my workouts during the day. I've been doing really well with JM's 30 Day Shred, and although she drives me a little nuts, I keep at it because it works for me.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all!
  • chezmoss
    chezmoss Posts: 79 Member
    I’m the fittest and leanest I’ve ever been and I’m happy to defy my 42 years!

    I’ve lost 25lbs, would ideally still like to loose 8lbs but toning and strengthen are now my main focus.

    MFP is a great structure to help me control my
    calorie consumption V expenditure of energy.
    Participating in exercise has never been my challenge- controlling food consumption has!
    Yesterday I burned over 1500 calories and had no problem eating every single one of them back.

    This group looks like a great place to find new friends facing similar challenges and have shared interest and goals.
  • dlamaier
    dlamaier Posts: 5 Member
    I am RN that works nights and I think working nights has a big thing to do with gaining wt. Do you still eat a full meal at night or are you considering your lunch as breakfast for the next day?
  • sexycute
    sexycute Posts: 74 Member
    Hello! I am 40...41 in May, and I am training for my first 5K next month. It is out of my comfort zone but my thought is "Hey, why not?" I am determined that 2012 is my year for big changes-healthwise. I am blessed just to wake up every morning so why not make sure I stay here on earth a little longer!
  • sueset
    sueset Posts: 12 Member
    Wow 49 lbs.! That's inspirational! Keep it up
  • deebelky
    deebelky Posts: 32 Member
    hi all. sueset--these boards can get really big! in response to your question about keeping it manageable where everyone can really connect, maybe you could create some subtopics--i haven't read all the posts, but you could probably find a few folks who have some common specific goals -- health issues, weight training, etc., that could give you an idea of what topics would be most helpful. just a thought. :-)
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    I just turned 40 last week!
    Count me in!!
  • traceyjj
    traceyjj Posts: 406 Member
    HI I'm Tracey a 47 year old mother of 4 teens and older.

    I've been slowly gaining weight since I had to bed rest while pregnant with my eldest son (now 21), streching my bodys size to the limit with big twins, and then really gaining since having a hysterectomy in my 30s. At the start of my journey I had more than 100lb to lose, but hard work and detemination (and the promise of a "me" holiday) has focussed my mind and made me determined to lose weight for the sake of my health.

    I now visit the gym for a solid 90 minute session (plus walking there and back) 4 or 5 times a week., ever hopeful that I can get my size down to a UK 12 or less...

    I watch what I eat, but I havent really cut anything out of my diet, otherwise I know I would fall off the wagon and gain all the weight back.
  • janetsalley
    janetsalley Posts: 122 Member
    Hey All, SO GLAD I FOUND THIS SITE!!!! I'm 44, have at set of twins 25, a daughter 18 and a son 14. I also have 2 grandbabys. This winter I've gained weight that I can't get off...I don't have a lot of stamina when I comes to exercise now, I guess it has something to do with my age.!!! N E Way, I'm glad I've found MFP...I can read stories and get ideas and inspiration while I take this journey. I look forward to laughing and crying with you guys as we all try to reach our goal. :)
  • WOW! This is great! Finding great women who are in the same situation and knowing I'm not alone!

    I am a nurse practitioner in a family planning/STD clinic. I am 48 years old and I have a 4 year old. Yes, I had her when I was 44! My daughter was planned, and not a surprise baby (ppl often ask me that). Not long after I had Kate, I went thru menopause. When the periods stopped, the belly weight just seemed to pile on overnight!

    I have been dieting since January, doing MFP since March to help me keep track of my diet. I have also accepted that I am addicted to food and just love to eat! Still working on this....

    I never thought I would look on the BMI chart and find that my stats were obese. Like alot of you, my weight was manageable and normal when I was in my 20's and 30's.

    I am committed to this because I want to set a good example for my daughter. Plus, she is a high energy kid and loves sports of all kind. Being outside and running with her made me realize that my current condition was and would continue to limit me in playing with her. I want to be able to keep up with her.

    I also would like to be the 50 yo momma with the rockin bod when I take her to kindergarten.....but, for now, I would settle for just losing the first 10 pounds!

    I look forward to being "fitness friends" with many of you. Feel free to add me, we can encourage each other!
  • student37
    student37 Posts: 29 Member
    On Thursday i will be 42 years young. On Friday I will be married 16 years. I have 3 children ages 14, 9, and 7 and work full time. There is a lot or running children here and there. things just seem crazy lately. I am working on getting rid of my baby fat...better late than never. It is hard to find time to get anything extra in some days. Life definately has had a lot of downs lately. I am looking for better self esteem and the ups in life also.
  • tammc42
    tammc42 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I am 48 and married. I have 2 children, my husband has 2 also. Together we have 7 grandchildren. Very busy. LOL have been losing weight since last May. Have had a tough time keeping it off. Menopause sucks! But i have managed to stay between 11-15 pounds lost. Started walking again. I usually walk during my lunch at work and then 3 times a week at home. Usually walking about 5 miles total. i am just watching my calories and walking. seems to work for me.
  • jaynegarrod
    jaynegarrod Posts: 9 Member

    I am Jayne, I am single 42 with two fabulous children aged 25 and 19. I also have an amazing grandson who is almost 5 months [time flies].

    I need to loose about 50 lbs and I am loking at doing this just by 1 pound a week - theory is 52 in a year. I have tried this hundreds of times but I fall back off the wagon.. My motivation is easily broken but i keep trying. and with support of everyone here I think I wil be able to manage it.

    Please add me as a friend.

  • jgriffin88
    jgriffin88 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi everybody.. I'm 41 and married. (Newlywed ..married last Sept.) We have a 4 year old son and he has a 16 year old daughter. I'm not sure how to put into pounds what I really want to do.. My goal is to lose 10 inches from my waist and 3-5 inches from my hips. I have never worked out or been on a diet.. I never had to. Over the past year I have had more people ask me if I'm pregnant that I can count and every time it makes me feel so ugly. I got tired of hearing the question and decided to do something about it. I started in earnest back in February and have lost 1 1/2 inches from waist and 1/4 inch from my hips to date and I've lost 3 pounds. I started at 150 in February. Let's do this everybody!!!
  • ellybeann
    ellybeann Posts: 122 Member
    Hi everyone, 40 here. I have a 19 year old son and a husband on the healthy living journey with me. He is great at motivation and helping me prepare foods, but hes not a 40 year old woman. So I am very excitited for this group. :bigsmile:
  • Jwynn28
    Jwynn28 Posts: 2
    Glad to see there is a group here at MFP that fits me perfectly! I am a 47 recently divorced mother of 2; a 19 year old daughter and an 18 year old son. I am now embarking on the second part of my life after 22 years of marriage. Both kids live with me and will both be in college in the fall. As you can guess, we all come and go as ships passing in the night. My major household job is to stock the fridge and cabinets, cook and clean and take them out to eat when they are tired of my cooking. Their girlfriend and boyfriend are like having two more children to take care of...!

    I work two jobs (one as an executive assistant and the other as a group fitness instructor) and recently changed jobs within my primary day-job company; so, divorce, job change, new home, new relationship and ability to travel has brought me to here. Life is really good so I've decided to take better care of myself so I can enjoy the second part more than the first. I have always fought the 10 - 30 lb battle, high cholesterol and low back pain. My goal is to drop some weight to improve my numbers, feel better and hopefully live longer.

    I need to say how impressed I am with everyone at this site who has come forward to tell their story. You should be proud of what you've accomplished even if you don't think it is good enough or it is a daily struggle. You all are my inspiration!
  • clange68
    clange68 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone! I am 43 years old and have 3 grown children two girls 23 and 21 and a son that is 20. I also have 3 grandkids and one more in June. I live with my boyfriend of 5 years. I also am a school teacher and coach. Like any women with kids, grandkids and a job I am busy.

    I was 19 when I had my first child and 22 when I had my last and I never gained more than 25 lbs and very easily got back down to my 135 to140 lbs,. I was also able to maintain this during my divorce. I was very active. About 4 years ago my wieght stated going up didn't really worry to much about it at the time it was just about 10lbs., but over the last 3 years I have add a lttle taken a little off and then about a 1 1/2 years ago my last child moved out and went into the Army. I was always a runner and my son was my running partner and he was gone. I became very depressed and put on the last 30 lbs.

    I have made a change to be a healthy me again., I know what I need to do but support always helps..My boyfriend is great he is helpful and never trys to tempt me. My daughters are great and my son would be kicking my butt if he was here.
  • schmidlj
    schmidlj Posts: 3 Member
    Hi girls and guys, I am 42 years old and I am single. My friend told me about this app and I love it. I am on here to get healthy and lose about 80lbs. I think I have hit rock bottom because I am tired of people asking me when my baby is due. So here I am trying to really to keep track of my food and water intake and exercise. If anyone is in the Cincinnati area and want to walk or work out at Urban Active, I am ready.
  • dsharpe63
    dsharpe63 Posts: 1 Member
    Been there done that! After 25 years as a nurse and night shift on and off, I definitely think it poses a weight challenge. First it requires turning your "normal" schedule upside down, and second once you are cooking for a family it is hard to know what to eat when. :wink:
  • Hi everyone!!! And I thought I was alone in my struggle!!

    I am 40 years old, I've been married for 18 years to the craziest, weirdest, most awesome man on the planet. (OK, I'm a little biased) I have two daughters ages 19 and 16. They are simply amazing. I saw that I'm not the only one that works 2 jobs and that is stressful, but life is good and the only thing that would make it better is to lose this 72 lbs and be able to enjoy every second of every day without being so tired. My excuses are over and it's time to really get this going!!! We can do this!! <3