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Jenbtech Posts: 21 Member
I just finished my first work out on the road to a 5k. Im using the NHS c25k podcast on my little mp3 player. It was refreshing to get outside. I have to get out their earlier as the heat is gonna kill me here in Austin :)

Question 1: I dont like how the HRM fit on me, so I am not using one to figure out calories burned. Can you recommend a good website or app that can figure it out for me? At the moment, i am just entering in the time I walked and the time I ran.

Question 2: Also, I dont like carrying anything heavy on me, so I am keeping my phone at home (besides, it is my work phone and I dont want anything to happen to it). Does the Fit bit do a good job on figuring out calories? I dont mind carrying something small, but running with my phone seems awkward unnecessary.

Thanks in advance!


  • fourluvbugs
    fourluvbugs Posts: 194 Member
    Congrats on starting the program. It is really fantastic and I can't believe the progress I've made the last few weeks.... I hope that your experience is the same. I unfortunately can't answer either of your questions. Inside and out I'm wearing a HRM and I'm using that for calories burned.

    Maybe if you post these questions on the main board in the fitness and exercise area more people will see it and be able to make helpful suggestions?

    Welcome to the group!
  • ssdivot
    ssdivot Posts: 193
    Gratz on starting the program!

    I just did week 2 day 2 and I have a bodymedia Fit amrband and it says I burned 370 calories during that time period. My treadmill readout says it was 270 calories however its not accounting for my weight which is about 250 lbs. I think the bodymedia fit count sounds reasonable but am not sure. I do have a heart rate monitor and will wear it next time to see what it things :o
  • GMC_81
    GMC_81 Posts: 193 Member
    Hi, and welcome.
    Well done on starting the programme. I'm using the NHS podcsts too.

    Went trying to work out my calories burned I work out my route (I use map my run) then the time to do MPH I use that as the average and enter in as Walking -very brisk pace - 4.0mph, 35minutes (for example) I know its not an accurate way of doing it but thats ok with me for now.
  • ssdivot
    ssdivot Posts: 193
    I just did week2 day 3! It went great! Day 2 a couple of days ago seemed harder than the first day of the week did and on the last interval I leaned on the handrails of the treadmill, but today I felt strong! I was trying to figure out an app on my phone which allows me to play my own playlist and the app dims the music and makes a "gong" noise when it is time to switch from running to walking or vice versa. For some reason I thought you were supposed to start it after your 5 minute warmup and that the first interval was to be jogging, and I jogged for over 2 minutes before I figured out that I was supposed to be walking for 5. Then I restarted the program so actually got in an extra 2 minute interval at the beginning. And finished strong!

    I wore my HRM today for the first time while doing the program and for the 43 minutes (which included an extended warmup and then the false start to the program I had) it recorded 430 calories burned. My Bodymedia Fit for the same time frame records 399. My treadmill only says 268 but has no input for my (considerable) weight. I'm encouraged to see that my Bodymedia Fit seems reasonable for this activity. I think it overestimates some things like when I do turbo fire when I'm slinging my arms all around. There it records me as burning more than my HRM.

    Lets keep on trucking! It sure still does seem impossible to me to think I will ever be able to jog even one mile.
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    Hi there ... well done ... I just enter in on MFP the time run and walked and go from there. Don't have a HRM either. I don't have a phone that takes app's so i downloaded podcasts to my ipod from following website. Find it really good.
  • joanbip
    joanbip Posts: 6 Member
    Congratulations on starting the program! :)
  • Jenbtech
    Jenbtech Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks all. I think Im going to just enter the run info and then the walk info. It seems to be as accurate as I need. Im not a stickler for exact numbers. Honestly, getting off the couch and moving is more than I was doing 3 months ago. So no matter what, Im burning the fat!

    Now to just run faster than I can walk :) I swear I walk faster!
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    I use to figure out the miles I go, then use my time to figure out my average mph - then put into mpf my however many minutes at that mph.
  • trustymutsi
    trustymutsi Posts: 174 Member
    I just finished my first run, and am surprised how well it went. Maybe it's because I've been walking pretty regularly for the last few weeks.

    I also use the NHS podcast, and I LOVE it!
  • Jenbtech
    Jenbtech Posts: 21 Member
    I have found myself in a rut, and frankly, a bit frightened of hurting my knees. My mother has had both knees replaced, and my kness crack and ache without running.

    Should I abandon the idea of running and stick to a fast paced walk?
  • ssdivot
    ssdivot Posts: 193
    I've got super crackly knees and they hurt at a certain point when I squat down or go up and down stairs. And I need to lose probably 100 lbs. My knees have really improved tons (insofar as how far down I can squat without pain) since I started doing a lot of walking, squat exercises, and now, C25K. So many things can cause knee pain I don't feel qualified to really suggest what to do, but I think mine are in part caused by weak muscles. The jogging so far hasn't specifically bothered my knees at all. I do it on the treadmill though, which is softer than jogging on the road. Also I understand that if you don't have the right shoes for your particular gait, it can exacerbate, or cause knee pains. Good luck with whatever you decide to do!
  • thekarens
    thekarens Posts: 254 Member
    My right knee crunches LOUDLY, both my SO and co-workers tell me it's gross and creepy, but it doesn't stop me. If I feel pain (not soreness) I will stop, but otherwise I don't see any reason not to continue. If you're running and you feel real pain just stop.