Introductions & Welcomes



  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    hello to all you 30 something mfpeeps! i'm stacy, and i've been on mfp since november of 2009. which i don't really count since i pretty much set up an account and didn't look at it again until august of 2010! i lost about 30 pounds between august of 2010 and june of 2011, which is great progress for me! unfortunately, i haven't dropped a pound since then. i haven't gained, but i haven't lost, and it's pushing a full year. gah!

    but, i'm still logging (mostly) and i'm still working out 5 days a week, sometimes 6. i've run two 5ks now and am working on getting up to 5 miles - i'm at 4 right now. very slow, but i don't care! i've really upped my weight lifting routine over the last year. i started out with 5s and 8s and now i primarily use 15s and 20s. sometimes i'm very good about drinking water, but i'll have 'dry' periods where i drink nothing but dr. pepper!

    i started two other groups for twihards (yes, guilty) and non-moms (overweight women who have only eaten for one) so feel free to check those out.

    i'm certified to teach music k-12 and elementary k-6 and have been looking for a job for over two years. i had an interview yesterday and think i might have a break finally! but we'll have to wait and see. i guess that's about it. i'm 34. live in nc. i love walks on the beach, margaritas, and i'm a libra!
  • kristinlk76
    Hey everyone! I joined MFP a while ago, but never really logged in or did anything with it. So today I have had a little down time at work and decided to become more active, meet new people and maybe provide a little motivation to others! By day, I am a full time Physician Assistant and love what I do. I love being able to help people daily, provide support and let them know that diet pills are NOT the answer. By night I am a mom to a three year old son and wife to a wonderful man!

    I love love love working out - especially HIIT workouts! I try and get in 6 days of a high impact program a week and then add in running when I can. With a little one at home, it makes it difficult to do anything in the evenings. I usually get up at 5:30 in the morning to get it done - which starts my day off in such a positive way! My downfall is wine. I love a good wine paired with a good strong cheese. If I could cut those extra calories out, I would be good! Until then I will just keep plugging away!
  • sweetfacephoto
    sweetfacephoto Posts: 45 Member
    Hi all! I'm Gwen! I just joined MFP last week because I was looking for a place to get information, as well as comraderie from others on similar journeys. I'm not really looking to lose a bunch of weight, but rather to tone up and get stronger. I don't have a real problem with working out (anymore - see below); it's my diet that I really need help with. Trying to really settle into a healthier lifestyle - not just for me, but also to set a good example for my mini-me.

    I will say this - I have ALWAYS haaaated working out with the fire of a thousand suns! lol but then this January, something just clicked. I started P90X and found myself actually looking forward to working out. I just finished that and have now recently started Insanity and I'm enjoying that, too. And now I have gotten much more serious about the food we intake.

    I am really enjoying MFP so far. There are a lot of good people here who are very willing to help and be positive role models. Looking forward to getting to know you all.
  • lissa0040
    lissa0040 Posts: 362 Member
    Welcome Everyone! Glad you are here!

    Gwen -- P90x seems like craziness to me! I am hoping one day to be able to keep up with something like that. That is awesome that you are working to be an example for your child! Keep up the good work!

    Kristinlk76 -- I don't know too many people who love to workout. What a blessing! My good friend owns a wine shop and they have tastings every friday. It is so much fun when someone who knows wine tells you what's good. Definitely full of calories so it's an occasional treat!

    Stacy -- I am definitely gonna check out weight loss group for non moms. Looks like you are making good progress. I hope to run my first 5k this summer.
  • sexyswimmer0711
    Hello All!!! My name is Amanda.........have been using MFP for about a month or so, i've lost ten pounds using it and before MFP I lost 25 for a grans total of 35!! I'm a school student (yikes!) - and I've found that weight is getting harder to loose the older I get so I'm trying to beat it now!!! I love to swim and I do it 6 days a week........that plus MFP is helping it to come off.....
  • patsfan39
    patsfan39 Posts: 16 Member
    Options I said I am new to the group and as some of you will see I kind of introduced myself on a new topic instead of looking a little harder and seeing this topic here already. Sorry.

    Anyways, my name is Brian, I'm 39 years old married to my wife Bridget (5 years in August). I have 4 beautiful children Emilie (14), Olivia (11), Zachary (5), and Kaylee (4). I live in Grantham, NH and I am a preschool/school age teacher at a local preschool. I just joined MFP a couple days ago on the suggestion of a friend. I don't know a whole lot about this site but am looking forward to learning more and more. Also looking forward to all the encouragement I can get. I would love to lose about 75 lbs so I can look and feel healthy again.

    Nice to meet everyone...looking forward to meeting some new friends!!
  • DougEMT29
    DougEMT29 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone!!! My name is Doug. I turned 30 in December, joined mfp on January 20. So far I am down 44 pounds, I just found the actual site a couple of weeks ago (using iphone app). In a rut, finding it hard to eat right, but I am determined to get back on track. Wishing everyone luck on their journeys.

  • flutieflakes
    Hi All,
    My name is Joe, I'm a 31 year old teacher in North Dakota. I need to lose 15-20 lb's to keep up with my lifestyle. Happy to be in this group, I love MFP but I think I need some contacts for some motivation. This group seems to relate to me.
    I used MFP last year for a few months and had a lot of success but I drifted away. Looking forward losing some weight with you folks.
  • IseLedon
    IseLedon Posts: 20 Member
    Hello everyone!
    I'm Isela, 34 yrs old (35 next month) and am in the South Florida area. I sit behind a computer all day, Monday through Friday and work long hours, usually back home by 8pm most days (often later, rarely earlier). Coming home exhausted makes it challenging to find the time and the energy (or will) to exercise. Also, like in many office environments, chocolate and other kinds of sweets, like cakes and cookies, are always brought in by someone who apparently does not have weight issues, making healthy eating that much harder.
    I've always had weight issues, but this is the heaviest I have ever been, and unless I take the necessary steps now, it will keep creeping up on me. Looks are the initial motivation, but at some point, my health could become a concern. I want to never get to that point.
    I joined this site today, after a friend's recommendation, and hopefully I can find the much needed motivation to lose the weight I need to lose and get healthy..
    I've made many attempts before. My most recent weight loss was about 2 years ago. I dropped over 35 lbs and the second I stopped that hard-core lifestyle, it all came back, along with an extra 30 lbs. It's so frustrating.
    My initial goal is to lose 75-80 lbs, which is a pretty overwhelming number. If I can reach that weight, I am throwing a party!
  • lbcbeachbum77
    lbcbeachbum77 Posts: 78 Member
    Hello.. I am Mariesa (Marie-sa),

    Age 35, about 75 pounds to lose. Had already lost about 56 but gained back about 25 over the last few months. I love good nutrition and to cook with fresh whole ingredients but also love sugary sweets and am an emotional eater. I have been heavy since about 22 and once got close to my goal with atkins but gained it all back and then some in 2005. I have had a lot of life changes recently and am ready to focus on getting myself healthy once and for all...

    A little more.. I have two sons, 13 and 14 that live with me 1/2 time. I am separated/divorcing after 16 years of marriage. I am an RN out of work due to injury (broken R. upper arm), I live on the West Coast.

    My eating plan will be about 1200-1300 cals/day, low but not extremely low carb diet with a focus on whole nutritious foods and as little processed junk as possible. I am not following any particular plan or diet. I have a memership at The Zoo, but with better weather coming (hopefully) I plan to get outside and walk or hike a few days a week.

    I don't have any friends on here, so if you are serious and looking for someone to be accountable with I would love that.

    Nice to meet you all :)
  • flutieflakes
    Hey Brian, I'm also a pre-K teacher (special ed). Losing weight and teaching little kids seems to be a field dominated by the ladies. I'm glad to see few dudes in this group...and all of the ladies of course :)
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Hi all! I'm Erica. I'll be 33 on Saturday. I've been on MFP since September 2010. I was one of the original non-mom members with Stacy. I got pregnant last year and had a baby in November, so I'm only a non-mom in spirit. LOL I'm still trying to get back on track. I fell off the bandwagon due to morning sickness and have yet to go back to eating regularly or finding the time to exercise. And I lost a lot my support people on here during my loooooong break. I've got about 10-15 pounds to go to my goal. Pretty much the same pounds I've been battling since since I joined, but now I've got the mommy tummy to tone, too.

    I've got an elliptical, Zumba for Kinect, several pilates programs, and now a jogging stroller. I just need to get the motivation and energy to use any of them.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    Hi all! I'm Erica. I'll be 33 on Saturday. I've been on MFP since September 2010. I was one of the original non-mom members with Stacy. I got pregnant last year and had a baby in November, so I'm only a non-mom in spirit. LOL I'm still trying to get back on track. I fell off the bandwagon due to morning sickness and have yet to go back to eating regularly or finding the time to exercise. And I lost a lot my support people on here during my loooooong break. I've got about 10-15 pounds to go to my goal. Pretty much the same pounds I've been battling since since I joined, but now I've got the mommy tummy to tone, too.

    I've got an elliptical, Zumba for Kinect, several pilates programs, and now a jogging stroller. I just need to get the motivation and energy to use any of them.

    wa-hoooo! it's the roo! (sorry - couldn't help going a bit old school with my excitement of seeing you here!) *high five!*
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    wa-hoooo! it's the roo! (sorry - couldn't help going a bit old school with my excitement of seeing you here!) *high five!*

    Hehehehe! I wish I'd never changed my screenname. I miss the Roo! So glad I saw your post on my feed. Love having a group to go to!
  • patsfan39
    patsfan39 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey Brian, I'm also a pre-K teacher (special ed). Losing weight and teaching little kids seems to be a field dominated by the ladies. I'm glad to see few dudes in this group...and all of the ladies of course :)

    Hi there...this is definitely true. Although I do get a number of parents who really appreciate when a guy enters the teaching or preschool field.
  • CdnPgnMom
    CdnPgnMom Posts: 172 Member
    Hi! My name is Christina.

    I am 33. I have two children, Gavin (7) & Chloe (6). I am not officially married, but my other half, Justin, and I have been together for almost 9 years. I was born and raised in Nova Scotia, but have lived in Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Alberta, and Manitoba, as well. I don't work - I am a stay at home mom, but have held many customer service positions over the years. I volunteer in the community, including heading up a healthy living/fitness support group at my local community centre, and that and my family keeps me super busy. I love to read, write, listen to music, watch TV/movies, play video games, play darts, go for walks, hang out with my family, dance, research things for the fun of it, bake, cook, and much more! My goals are to be healthier and to no longer become winded when walking up and down the stairs to do the laundry.
  • susieq101178
    susieq101178 Posts: 305 Member
    I'm a little slow . . . some of you already "know me". I've jumped into the group with both feet, eager to learn, support, and succeed! Susan, by the way.

    I am a recently re-married mother of one. My husband and I have known each other for 18 years but just got around to seriously courting 4 years ago - married in July 2011. :smile: My son is 11 so my baby isn't my baby so much anymore. :sad: Hope to have another . . . but want to get healthy first. That and my husband needs to agree to it - ha! :noway:

    I work full-time plopped in front of a computer. This, I am certain, has been my downfall in weight struggle. Going on 6 years behind a desk now and it has taken it's toll considerably.

    I apparently joined MFP in 2010, but only started really using it in February/March 2012 . . . my best friend had been using it with some success so I jumped on the bandwagon. Now she hasn't logged in in over a month. My husband is very supportive, but not terribly committed to eating reasonably (his motto is "chips go with everything") lol. So, that's why I joined this group and I am SO GLAD that I did! It's great, love it!! It may be just what I need to keep me in the game. You guys are awesome!!
  • hcdawg
    hcdawg Posts: 69
    Hi, I'm new to MFP, I am 36 years old and live in upstate South Carolina. I am married (16 years) with 3 children (2 boys 13 and 9, one girl 8).

    I have been trying to lose weight since April of 2010. I was 265 then and now 210. My goal is 170 but that seems so far away. Have kept the weight off but have made very little progress since September 2011.

    I tracked food on livestrong for a while but a coworker showed me the MFP app for tracking food and I liked it better so I came to the website also.

    Still seem to be stuck at 210, although I am hoping and working for a breakthrough soon. I enjoy running but I am still relatively new to it. The street we just moved onto is very hilly so that has put me back at square on as far as running is concerned but sticking with it.

    Anyway hopefully I can be an encouragement as well as receive encouragement from being part of this group.
  • clareeast
    clareeast Posts: 64
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Clare, 37, from Lincolnshire in England. I've been married for 12 years and have two boys aged 8 and nearly 6. My eldest has autism and ADHD and he keeps me pretty busy! I've been a stay-at-home mum for the last 18 months, before that I was a high school librarian.

    I eat a vegetarian diet, but the family eat pretty much everything - so I'm interested in all types of recipes! My main problem is that I love food - I like to cook, and see my family appreciating my efforts (and so far this week, even the fussy youngest one has eaten everything!). Husband could do with losing some weight, too, but both the kids are underweight - so there's quite a balancing act going on with food in this house!!

    I haven't done any formal exercise for a while - I broke my ankle (for the second time!) last summer, then had another fall and hurt my back. In the autumn I developed what appears to be arthritis, and just into the New Year I sprained the ankle I had previously broken. On top of all that, I have suffered with endometriosis for years, and my doctor has recently diagnosed adult-onset asthma. I'm hoping that he will pass me fit to resume the Zumba class I used to go to - it's the only exercise class that doesn't feel like torture to me! (I've got to manage to get an appointment first - a challenge in itself, but that's another story!)

    Most of my exercise comes from doing the chores and playing on the Wii, but it's not really enough to get the weight off and keep the weight off!

    I have lost the weight before - I used to go to a Rosemary Conley class, but there aren't any classes near me at the moment. It worked for me, but it was quite expensive, and MFP does the same thing for free. I have been a member for a while - it was recommended by another member of the RC class, as it does the same thing for free! But I haven't used it properly recently - I keep falling off the healthy lifestyle wagon!!

    I determined to get my weight back down - I have clothes that I cannot fasten, and I am refusing to buy any more! I need to be able to keep up with my kids.

    Glad to have found a group of similar, like-minded people! Friend requests welcome!!
  • katejenkins1
    katejenkins1 Posts: 210 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I started my weightless back in November but I didn't find MFP until January. In total I've lost 16lbs, I would like to lose at least 50lbs and will reevaluate from there. Start weight was 198 (it was 189 when I joined MFP)
    I'm a mother of 3, twin 6 yr old Boys and a 4 yr old daughter, (and I'm done havin' babies). I work full time in sales, and working part time as a photographer, (just started).

    My motivation for losing weight is the same motivation for changing everything else. I found myself extremely unhappy and a very negative person. I had a moment of clarity and realized I needed to make changes and I needed to do it immediately.
    When lent came around I had to figure out something to give up, b/c I gave up almost all the lent fall backs (chocolate, soda, etc...)
    So I gave up excuses and rarely let them back into my life.
    Right now I walk about 5-6 miles per day/evening and I have started 30DS, (mornings)
    Thanks so much for the invite, I am looking forward to being a part of the group!!!