HRM accurate

I recently purchased a Polar HRM and I am amazed at how HIGH it is estimating my calorie expenditure.
As a 5'1'' female with 18 BMI, I always thought my expendenture was MUCH lower than people of average height.
It says I burned 500 calories walking 6 miles and 800 calories playing three hours of tennis (doubles).
Is this really possible?


  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    That does seem like alot, but it does seem possible to me. I burn 450 cals walking if I'm out for an hour and a half or so.
    Since you have a Polar, I would trust it. Check your user info though to make sure it's current.
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    I feel my HRM is very high too, but I can believe those numbers for the work you did.
  • solarpower4
    solarpower4 Posts: 250 Member
    I just received my Polar HRM last week and have similar concerns. As a formerly competitive triathlete, I know I burn more efficiently (at a lower rate) than most people, yet sometimes the number seems wildly high. e.g. a few days ago I mowed the lawn. It's a fairly big yard - 0.7 acres - and it is somewhat hilly. I was using a push mower and I jogged for much of the time (due to issues with a crazy neighbor I try to avoid). Still, I shook my head in disbelief when I looked at my wrist and the display read 1,008 kcal burned during the 1 hour 50 minutes of mowing. MFP, which usually overestimates my calories burned, listed 620-ish for "lawn mowing, general". I'm sure it's higher than that b/c of the hills and the jogging, but 1,008 seemed TOO high. For me, I think part of the high number was b/c my heart rate is higher than normal right now due to stress from the crazy (threatening) neighbor and lack of sleep over same.

    So, maybe if our heart rates are a bit higher than usual (b/c of lack of sleep, dehydration, illness, etc.) the HRMs slightly overestimate "calories burned". I just didn't feel I had put forth THAT much effort! On the other hand, the last 30DS workout I did (with 10 lb weights!!) said a mere 225 calories burned for those 25 intense minutes. That seems a bit LOW!

    So I will modify my "calories burned" that I enter on MFP up or down a bit when my perceived exertion differs wildly from the HRM numbers. Otherwise, I'll just go with the HRM numbers. It's so cool to see the results!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    That does seem like alot, but it does seem possible to me. I burn 450 cals walking if I'm out for an hour and a half or so.
    Since you have a Polar, I would trust it. Check your user info though to make sure it's current.

    I also have a Polar and I feel that it is accurate. At least more so than the machines at the gym.
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    I have a Polar to, mine is tf4.- I think it's pretty accurate, I agree with Swissmiss- check the user info, to make sure your weight, height , age etc is entered correctly.
  • mamaclose
    mamaclose Posts: 219 Member
    I've been reading a lot about HRM's. Not sure if I should invest in one or not?

    I am not overweight and though I do track calories eaten/expended, I don't know if I truly need an HRM.
