


  • MagicalFlames
    MagicalFlames Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm Ashley (26). I have been battling with my weight all my life. In my group of friends I have always been the heaviest and just "yuck." I hate it and the way that it makes me feel ... even though I have always been told that I am pretty and whatever. But I don't feel that way. I mean I don't want to be supermodel thin, but I want to feel comfortable AND healthy in my own body.

    I have actually been apart of the Fitnesspal website for some time now, but I have never really utilized it for all it's potenial. See, I have battled with my weight for most of my life and I have had a little sucess here and there, but nothing reallly substanial. I now realized that was because I didn't have ther modivation and determination to change. I have that now ... but I know that the journey is going to be hard. I joined this group, because I hope to make connections with people that understand THIS struggle. Like I mentioned earlier I am the heaviest person in my close circle of friends. And while I love my friends and family sometimes I just don't think they get it.

    Anyhoo, as of today, I am 370 lbs. That is not my heaviest weight I have ever been, but I have gained about twenty pounds since the start of Feburary. So I know that the best way to lose weight is to have an overall goal (which for me is to get my weight down to 180 lbs with a body fat percentage of 24%), using short term goals to get there. Currently my short term goal is to lose 30lbs by May 31, 2012.
  • tinaw815
    tinaw815 Posts: 5
    Hi Ashley and welcome aboard! We can do steps and greater challenges every day. Get beyond the mindset-I Think I can and Believe with all your might- I Know I Can. This Time We Will Succeed!
  • Nursemom63
    Nursemom63 Posts: 4 Member
    I like your positive attitude we CAN do it this time!
  • Nursemom63
    Nursemom63 Posts: 4 Member
    way to go Sound with that attitude you'll make it!
  • akern1987
    akern1987 Posts: 288 Member
    I saw this group and I just had to join. I have struggled forever with my weight, from being the chubby kid in class, to worrying about fitting on the roller coaster seat. I have tried diets and exercise plans from all over, and I made a promise to myself this New Years not just for weight loss, but for overall Self Improvement.

    I am 24 years old, I have a college degree, an awesome job that I love, and I am getting ready to move out on my own and really start my life.

    Currently I weigh almost 300lbs, it is the biggest I have ever been, and sometimes it really takes a toll on me mentally. It prevents me from being me, not to mention, I would love to walk into any store and not have to have that worry in the back of my head "is anything in here going to fit me?"

    I'm tired of feeling sorry for myself, and I am no longer going to blame my genetics, my circumstances or anything else but me while I am on this journey for Self Improvement.

    Here we go! :)
  • steph2606
    steph2606 Posts: 42 Member
    Welcome to you all!! :flowerforyou:

    Let's make this change forever! WE CAN DO THIS GUYS!!! :heart:

  • sae19jd
    sae19jd Posts: 3
    Hello.. I am here to lose over 100 pounds and I need all the help I can get. I am married and we have a wondeful son.. I hope to lose to keep up with him and to live a long blessed life.
  • jhunt313
    jhunt313 Posts: 2
    Hi everyone. I joined this group because I have 120lbs I need to lose to reach my goal weight (this is also to get my BMI healthy). I lost 75lbs over a year ago. That was a huge accomplishment then. Since having a baby this January and work becoming very stressful after an acquisition back in 2010 I gained 50 of that back (20 from the baby and 30 from work)! It's been 4 months since having the baby it's my goal to pick up where I last left off, but with the mentality of starting new. I updated my settings here to have a fresh start. I can't get hung up on what I did .. I have to get hung up on what I have to do. I have a lot of work to do, but I'm going to take it one day at a time. I did it once before and I know I can do it now. I hope to be able to share my struggles and success and read/learn about yours!

    Jean :-)
  • jkte
    jkte Posts: 1 Member
    Just joined MFP today. I have fought my weight and lost my whole life. I was born and raised in Georgia and as you know everything is fried here. We have never met a vegie we couldn't fry. I eat out waaaay too much, too many burgers and fries. I hate to cook but have started to look for healthy simple dishes I can cook for me, my husband and my son. I had phemonia (SP?) in April and stayed in the hospital for 4 days. While I was in there they said I had sleep issues, so they sent me for a sleep study. I now have to sleep with a machine strapped to my head. I also quit smoking when they admitted me to the hospital. I have gained 15 lbs since April 12th. uggggg! Anyway... I am 47 years young, in the middle of some hormonal change of life crap:mad: . I am 5'4 and weighed in at 303 yesterday. I have never been this heavy in my life. I want to lose about 150 or until I feel good in my skin and cloths. I hope to find support and some laughs along the way here. Good luck to everyone!!!!:bigsmile:
  • tinaw815
    tinaw815 Posts: 5
    Welcome Welcome Welcome!
  • jenniferlmartinez
    jenniferlmartinez Posts: 95 Member
    Hello! My name is Jennifer Martinez and i'm 34 years old! I have 101 pounds to lose. I started going back to Curves. I'm married to a wonderful guy and have 3 kids. I live in Nebraska. I just ordered TURBO JAM! I'm hopeing i will stay motivated. :smile: looking for some friends
  • MaryElemen
    MaryElemen Posts: 17
    Hi, my name is Mary and I live in Northern California, same here for being heavy all my life. I have lost and gained my 100 pounds about 4 times now, this last time took me 10 years to get it all back on. I just turned 50 so my reason is wanting to lose the weight and finally keep it off is to be able to travel and walk and stop the pain. I tore my achilles tendon 2 years ago and had it surgically repaired 1 year ago and am just now able to put a shoe on. I am learning to walk all over again and am excited to get back to yet. Just started swimming and walking in baby steps - can barely make it to the corner and am out of breath. I am looking forward to making friends and getting to know everyone. I do not know exactly what 'add me' means but I want to be added!:smile:
  • chicbuc1
    chicbuc1 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I'm Jessica. I've been overweight all my life. I kind of stumbled into getting healthier just a few days ago so all this is brand new to me. I have a LONG way to go...but I want to get healthy for my kiddo. I have the most beautiful 2 year old and I really do want to be around for him. And I want him to see what it looks like to eat healthfully so he doesn't have to grow up being the fat kid too.
  • thatgirl02
    thatgirl02 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi. My name is Tammi. I've been overweight for like forever. I'm just so done looking in the mirror and not liking what i see. I love taking pictures.... and now i want to love taking pictures of me.
  • CourtneyWoodworth
    Hi, I'm Courtney and I live in Japan. I am a military wife and teacher. I am hoping to develop new habits during my summer break and start healthy habits to stay with me for life. I have one son and three angel babies. I just completed my masters degree and this will be the first summer in a long time that I can actually do some things for myself. I look forward to meeting my goal along with all of you!
  • letsgo1983
    Hi, I'm Kathi, recently turned 29, and like many here I have been overweight for most of my life. I want to lose 170 lbs so that I can do more travelling, hiking, biking, swimming, horseback riding, etc. I also want to try new things like ziplining and amusement park rides. I've always wanted to lose weight and have vascilated between trying, "trying" and not bothering. I joined MFP 5 days ago to get the aid of tracking tools/apps and the support of other people in the same situation as me. I have a goal of biking the Ride to Conquer Cancer in 2014, so cycling will feature in my exercise plan. I'm excited to look in the mirror and like what I see as well as being able to have fun clothes shopping.

    I'm currently a university student so there is a lot of time at a desk either in class or at home studying/doing homework. On the flip side, I'm very good at procrastinating homework so I should be able to get exercise in first. :laugh: I know it will be hard but I look forward to the journey this weight loss will be. And I am especially excited about the end result.....
  • wwright2012
    Hello My name is Wendy, I'm 31, and fixing to marry a wondering man in 1 month 27 days 1 hour and 47 minutes (yes I have a counter on my phone :love: ) I am currently working on losing at least 20 pounds before this day, if it's more that's a plus, but not really "needed" My big goal is about 200 pounds! ugg so crazy to think about that... I used to do WW a long time ago, then I left, and went back after this last November and I was excited about the new app/tracking stuff. Well.... it took me over three months to lose 10 pounds! I hate the new plan, I was not losing enough weight quick enough and could still eat stupid fatting meals with calories to burn! so I dropped that, and recently found MFP this site/app is sooo freakin' cool!!!! AND I LOVE that I can be socail with people too!!!
  • christine5791
    christine5791 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi guys! :smile:

    My name is Christine, I'm 36 yrs old and from the GTA ( greater Toronto Area).... I started about a month ago on a life changing journey of losing about 150 lbs. I say about b/c I honestly am not sure where I should be... I lost a LOT of weight when I was around 21 ( being stupid with barely eating, working till almost passing out...) and I was very happy with where I was, about 160 ish... mind you I wasn't a super model, lol... but I felt grat physically and about myself...
    I started out at 300 lbs and 5'4"... and am now 283... I am trying to eat a decent amount, including all the food groups, working out some, strength training some and letting myself have one little 'treat' a day a low fat pudding cup or soemthing)...and one day a week where I let myself have pizza or ice cream if I want it... I think this has been keeping my sanity... which I think is important given that it's going to be a lonnnnng haul... lol...
    There has also been some major turbulence in my marriage ( going on 10 yrs), including major divorce talk, which certainly hasn't helped any.
    I feel there are many things in my life and upbringing which had 'helped' me forge these bad habits and how I dealt with things....some of those things being very poor growing up, living off the food banks and while I am sure they saved us, there is very little variety or nutrition in those pkg's), lost my Mom when I was a teen, father fell out of the picture in early 20's so it's it's just me and my sibling, who I love more then anything. I have almost always turned to food and that is probably the biggest ( haha! :laugh: ) challenge I face
    I went into this with the challenge of making myself proud of who I am, feeling good physically and mentally) , actually like going out again, liking going shopping... etc...This is my pledge to me! :drinker:
    I wish you all the best! We can so do this! :smile:

  • christine5791
    christine5791 Posts: 46 Member
    Hello My name is Wendy, I'm 31, and fixing to marry a wondering man in 1 month 27 days 1 hour and 47 minutes (yes I have a counter on my phone :love: ) I am currently working on losing at least 20 pounds before this day, if it's more that's a plus, but not really "needed" My big goal is about 200 pounds! ugg so crazy to think about that... I used to do WW a long time ago, then I left, and went back after this last November and I was excited about the new app/tracking stuff. Well.... it took me over three months to lose 10 pounds! I hate the new plan, I was not losing enough weight quick enough and could still eat stupid fatting meals with calories to burn! so I dropped that, and recently found MFP this site/app is sooo freakin' cool!!!! AND I LOVE that I can be socail with people too!!!

    Hi Wendy! :)

    Congrats on your upcoming nuptuals btw! :) It's so cute that you're all twitterpated! :) As I have been trying to tell myself, don't focus on the big number, b/c that will almost instantly defeat you. I have been going in 5 lb increments at this point. It helps me stay on track and stay positive. This site is great with all the trackers and the social aspect is great, I had several friends recommend it actually, so here I be! :) I wish you well on your journey and we're all right here wth ya! :)

  • christine5791
    christine5791 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi Ashley and welcome aboard! We can do steps and greater challenges every day. Get beyond the mindset-I Think I can and Believe with all your might- I Know I Can. This Time We Will Succeed!

    Hi Tina! :)

    I so love the positivity you bring all of us! We all just have to do like Tina says :) Good luck and welcome everyone! :)