Recovery Debate

Jenbtech Posts: 21 Member
So, a friend on Facebook is also taking up running. She isnt doing a C25k, but another program here in town. We were discussing her recent injury and muscle pain. I suggested she take it easy for a few days until the pain subsided, and make sure to drink a good fruit smoothie after she runs or at least a fresh bananna and tons of water.

I then received a cranky response from someone in her program saying that carbs are bad after a run because it increases her blood sugar. I was annoyed. I am a nurse and I know that muscle recovery requires hydration, oxygen, fuel and rest.

So what do you do to recover? Mind you, I am on a Paleo diet, so carbs are very low for me. Im not advocating going nuts, but I would assume a banana or some other fruit couldnt hurt recovery.


  • fourluvbugs
    fourluvbugs Posts: 194 Member
    Hmmmm, I'm not running very far or very fast yet, so I don't think my body requires any special attention for recovery at this point. I'm covering just over two miles per run and burning less than 200 calories. I drink extra water and otherwise pretty much eat normally. I'm sure that may change as my runs become longer and require more resources, but this is working for me right now. I'm curious to see what the other responders say.
  • GMC_81
    GMC_81 Posts: 193 Member
    I'm pretty much the same as fourluvbugs, Cover around 2miles and once I'm home I'll have some water and depending on the time I went out I may have a banana or a cereal bar.
    Generally dont do any specific resting either, just some stretches once I'm home.
  • ProjectTina
    From what I've read, carbs are recommended before the workout - as they're part of the fuel that you burn. Meanwhile proteins should be consumed afterwards to help you build muscle and speed recovery.

    I'm horrible at following nutrition advice though, so I often grab a banana after a run..
  • Amberetta82
    Amberetta82 Posts: 153 Member
    From what I've read, carbs are recommended before the workout - as they're part of the fuel that you burn. Meanwhile proteins should be consumed afterwards to help you build muscle and speed recovery.

    This. I eat carbs/protein before and mostly protein after. It works for me.