Eating primally is great - but it is so hard not to overeat



  • mehaugen
    mehaugen Posts: 210 Member
    Very interesting.
    Looking through my food logs I see that the real humdingers in calories are:

    - meats, usually ground meat, ribs, sausages
    - fatty fish (salmon, hering, makarel)
    - olive oil (scary how much that adds sometimes)
    - avocados
    - eggs
    - primal trail mix
    - dark chocolate
    - red wine

    Nuts and seeds by themselves are not much of a problem as I don't eat huge amounts per day
    Veggies are always present in copious quantities, but they don't amount to much (save the Avocados).

    Seems to me you need to eat more meat and eggs, lots of olive oil on your salad, have some wine and chocolate along with some trail mix

    I need to eat less of all that have more veggies :-)

    Um if you are eating a lot of "primal trail mix", then you certainly are eating a lot of nuts and seeds almost by themselves I bet! This is probably the easiest thing to overeat and munch away on. Also, try opting for non-processed meat such as plain cuts, rather than processed ones like sausages and fatty cuts like ribs. Go for sirloin or roasts. Easy peasy. Or offal, which is super fatty but hard to eat a lot of. You can eat a nice huge 10oz sirloin for the same calories as like 5oz sausage, which is going to satisfy more? The salt in sausage really makes me crave too much of it.
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    The biggest fault in the primal/paleo worlds (especially among guys) is that they think it gives them license to eat as much mat and fat as they want. We take the beautiful truth that red meats and saturated fats are not the bad guys and run away with the concept, massively overdoing it.

    The basic truth is that, even with having steaks, coconut oil and bacon in our diets - the bulk of our calories should be coming from calorie sparse (and nutritionally dense) plants: all the leafy greens (especially kale), as well as the rest of the vegetable kingdom.

    - that 12 or 16 ounce steak should be 6 ounces or less (figure roughly the size of your palm); then fill up with as much veg as you want;

    - nuts are calorie dense; a handful can easily run 300 calories and are very high in omega 6s to boot. If you're eating trail mix that has fruit, raisins or choco in it, you're adding in sources of sugar that are also empty calories;

    - sugar should not be a part of your life unless there is a plant surrounding it (meaning a whole fruit). No juices, etc.

    Your food list is healthy - mostly you need to just change the proportions. You can make three eggs and a side of bacon for breakfast (500 cals) or two eggs and a big plate of sauteed greens (300 cals). You still are getting the protein and fat - but you are also getting a lot of bulk and nutrients for a lot less calories.
  • kaiman1
    kaiman1 Posts: 27
    The biggest fault in the primal/paleo worlds (especially among guys) is that they think it gives them license to eat as much mat and fat as they want. We take the beautiful truth that red meats and saturated fats are not the bad guys and run away with the concept, massively overdoing it.

    Ain't that the truth :-)
    Your food list is healthy - mostly you need to just change the proportions. You can make three eggs and a side of bacon for breakfast (500 cals) or two eggs and a big plate of sauteed greens (300 cals). You still are getting the protein and fat - but you are also getting a lot of bulk and nutrients for a lot less calories.

    That's basically where I am ending up with my logic as well.
    As much as I'd like to basically live right next to my BBQ, I need to watch total amounts :-)

    Trail mix, as some have suspected here, is not much an issue since I treat it as a snack only. However, even then the triple digit calorie count is noticeable.

    Thanks everybody for your tips. It is much appreciated.