Easter is Around the Corner....Weigh In Baby!!!!

SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
Hey friends...

It won't be long now before the weigh in....I know you all are excited I am...Not expecting a huge loss....but we sure will see.....I just want to thank those that have stuck it out til Easter... You believed in yourselfa nd now you will get the results....

Can't Wait!


  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    LOL...amazing how when you know you can't weigh...you forget about the stupid scale. I plan to weigh the Thursday after because of lift, sodium, etc...and I am not itching to weigh...maybe when I get there...lol
  • saugonda1
    saugonda1 Posts: 145 Member
    Either way, This was Hard but It Was so good for me
  • HugznKiki
    HugznKiki Posts: 170 Member
    Wait is it over??? We can weigh in now?? I thought Sunday was the weigh in date??