Important stuff will go here one day.
Just wanted to say Thanks to you all for participating and being so faithful in this journey of the No Scale...You all have done wonderful continue to focus mainly on your eating and exercise...Don't let the scale discourage you or make your journey!! Love each one of you...Until the Next Holiday...
Easter is Around the Corner....Weigh In Baby!!!!
Hey friends... It won't be long now before the weigh in....I know you all are excited I am...Not expecting a huge loss....but we sure will see.....I just want to thank those that have stuck it out til Easter... You believed in yourselfa nd now you will get the results.... Can't Wait!
ONLY 2 Weeks Easter No Scaler's......
Today is the day you look really closely being that we only have 2 weeks before weigh-in...Could you eat better? Could you push a little harder? Do you need to switch up workout? These are all key factors in success in the scale.....BUT we do not focus on the scale we work hard to be healthier....and Inches do count....…
31 days left!!!
31 days left ladies!! Lets keep pushing through!!!! I had my hubby hide my scale, as I was sick of seeing it sitting on the floor of my office lol...however he didn't hide it too well as he simply put it in the closet of the same room (LOL PURE LAZINESS) bwwwhhhaaa anyhow....I have still been successful in staying off of…
You got to love the relief and break you feel from trusting in your own healthier eating and putting in thd proper work to know you will get results. Some of us get on that scale, hrly, daily, etc....Trust yourself enough to not the let the scale make all your hard work feel in vain....As soon as you step off up or…
Taking New Pals for Easter No Scale Challenge
I have made a couple quite a few new friends!! I just wanted to extend the NO SCALE Until Easter.....I am currently not getting on the scale until July but I like to encourage my pals to refrain from getting on that scale several times in the day or week....It is good to have a solid time when you get on that scale.. I…