
I started to up calories about 3 weeks ago from 1200 to 1500 net. Most days I meet this. My question is, if I have calories left, is it ok that I have a few beers? I only have 5-10 lbs left to lose and I refuse to give up my couple beers a day. I am just hoping that this won't affect me losing this last bit. I work out and do strength training 5-6 days a week and eat pretty healthy. I guess I just need some reassurance. Does anyone else drink and still have success?


  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    My theory is this. If you have no intent of giving up beer forever then it really doesn't make sense to give it up just to lose the last couple pounds, you should make it fit like anything else. I drink, I have no intention of giving it up and I've lost 65 pounds total so far.

    That being said (er, warning-extremely un-scientific description coming), alcohol is a unique type of carb that our body processes before anything else so it sort of diverts our system from normal function. Hate to use the phrase but, everything in moderation really does apply with alcohol for this reason. The NROL4W book has a really easy to understand description of how alcohol is processed if you happen to have access to that, otherwise I'm sure you could find some info online about it.