"I'm Christian, Unless..."



  • emgawne
    emgawne Posts: 265 Member
    I'm one of the minority who is both gay and Christian. After coming out 13 years ago I've come to discover the problem isn't with Christianity.....it's with Christians. God and the Bible don't have a problem with the LGBT community, the people do. Hasn't stopped me from being gay or a Christian.

    Thanks for sharing!

    I am too! I go to a church that is open and affirming that I wish I could invite you all to and show you that the problem is not with Christianity, it is with the people in the church.
  • bluehonu20
    bluehonu20 Posts: 11 Member
    I read those articles (both the original, and the mother's letter) a couple days ago. The letter from the mom had me in tears. I can't even imagine how much that boy must have hurt, thinking that his mother didn't love him. And she is a very strong woman for being able to set aside a way of thinking she had known all her life, and embrace her son for who he is. Love is a powerful thing, and it saddens me to know that not every parent would do the same.

    I'm straight, but I know if I were not, and came out to my parents, that I would be loved, accepted, and fully supported by them. After all, they were the ones who taught me to accept everyone equally.
  • tldust
    tldust Posts: 103 Member
    An amazing blog! Really put things into perspective how much hate fuels the world. And it's not just one group of people. It's all of us.
  • nitepagan
    nitepagan Posts: 205 Member
    I read the article about the boy. The christian churches have caused all this hatred with their evil teachings. God is Love, however you believe him/her to be. Jesus taught "Love thy neighbor as thyself." There was no "Only if" clause. People need to break away from this hateful thinking. I help Equality Maine, a group trying to get Marriage for all approved in Maine. We are winning one person at a time. We are making progress. Same sex marriage is on the ballot for November. We believe we will be successful this time around. This is how you break the hatred, one person at a time.
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    Good luck in November Nightpagan. It will be a great milestone for the whole country when marriage equality passes in Maine, the first state to do it at the ballot box!
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member

    SUPPORT FOR MARRIAGE EQUALITY IN MAINE CLIMBS TO 58 PERCENT | A new poll shows that 58 percent of Maine voters now support marriage equality with only about 40 percent opposed, suggesting great promise for November’s referendum to legalize it. Though still within the margin of error, this is greater approval than the measure had just last month at 54 percent. Maine’s ballot initiative represents the first time U.S. voters will ever have the opportunity to vote YES for the freedom to marry, and there are still seven months before the election to raise enthusiasm even higher.

  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Wow! That second one really touched me. Things like that really convince me that the kids are okay!

    I also ran across this today.
    Tevlin: DeLaSalle kids have a few words with archdiocese at marriage talk


    When DeLaSalle senior Matt Bliss heard rumors that the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis planned to hold a mandatory school assembly to talk about marriage, and potentially gay marriage, he remembers thinking, "This is not going to end well."

    He was right.

    "The first three-quarters of the presentation were really good," said Bliss. "They talked about what is marriage and how marriage helps us as a society. Then it started going downhill when they started talking about single parents and adopted kids. They didn't directly say it, but they implied that kids who are adopted or live with single parents are less than kids with two parents of the opposite sex. They implied that a 'normal' family is the best family."

    "When they finally got to gay marriage, [students] were really upset," said Bliss. "You could look around the room and feel the anger. My friend who is a lesbian started crying, and people were crying in the bathroom."

    Bliss was one of several students who stood up to argue with the representatives from the archdiocese. One girl held up a sign that said, "I love my moms." . . .

    It really is a different world than the cramped and lonely one where I grew up. Thank goodness!

    Wow. And on a non-marriage-equality note: ADOPTED KIDS?!? Are there actually xians who think adopted kids would be better off in orphanages, or with unprepared parents, or even with parents that don't want them?!? 'Cause that's what it sounds like.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I myself am not gay. I am a supporter of equality. I don't even really have the words to express my lack of understanding when it comes to other people. People who claim to be christians especially. The whole idea of christianity is to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. Jesus loved all right? And to hate anyone for any reason is so heartbreaking to me.
    My family (with the exception of me of course) is pretty hardcore Catholic. But they draw the line at hate. My mom thinks the church is outright wrong with their stance on gay marriage and has let many people know it. That lady is a force and makes me proud.

    I made a facebook post about my son playing with a Barbie Corvette. I had some *kitten* I knew in highschool tell me I had better be careful or my son would 'become' gay. Apparetly you are either born gay or the other option is to own a Barbie Corvette.
    I told him that is wouldn't matter to me. I would love him and support him no matter gay, straight, transgender. He is my baby. How could I ever stop loving and protecting him for any reason? I would die first.
    And can I just say I was so proud of how many of my friends chimed in to 'like' or post support for their own children.
    And of course I ended that day with one less facebook friend.

    You may have lost a "Facebook" friend, but the number of actual friends you have remained the same. Just sayin'.

    A close friend of mine has two boys, aged 4 and 1. They have the pink, ride-on Barbie Jeep. They ADORE it!
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    I'm one of the minority who is both gay and Christian. After coming out 13 years ago I've come to discover the problem isn't with Christianity.....it's with Christians. God and the Bible don't have a problem with the LGBT community, the people do. Hasn't stopped me from being gay or a Christian.

    Thanks for sharing!

    "I have no problem with your Christ. I like your Christ. I wish your Christians were more like him." - Ghandi

    that's one of my favorite quotes. b/c it's how i remind myslef that not ALL xians are like that. not ALL of them hate. and that those who do, have it wrong.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I myself am not gay. I am a supporter of equality. I don't even really have the words to express my lack of understanding when it comes to other people. People who claim to be christians especially. The whole idea of christianity is to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. Jesus loved all right? And to hate anyone for any reason is so heartbreaking to me.
    My family (with the exception of me of course) is pretty hardcore Catholic. But they draw the line at hate. My mom thinks the church is outright wrong with their stance on gay marriage and has let many people know it. That lady is a force and makes me proud.

    I made a facebook post about my son playing with a Barbie Corvette. I had some *kitten* I knew in highschool tell me I had better be careful or my son would 'become' gay. Apparetly you are either born gay or the other option is to own a Barbie Corvette.
    I told him that is wouldn't matter to me. I would love him and support him no matter gay, straight, transgender. He is my baby. How could I ever stop loving and protecting him for any reason? I would die first.
    And can I just say I was so proud of how many of my friends chimed in to 'like' or post support for their own children.
    And of course I ended that day with one less facebook friend.

    Thats where the effed up view of society comes in and why toys r us had to deal with a fat lawsuit.

    A child should be able to play with any toy whether that child is male or female, playing with barbies or tonka trucks.
    Society has this warped view that if your son plays with barbies then hes gonna sumhow be "gay".

    Toys are us was sued by a child for gender discrimination because he didnt agree with the fact that toys r us advertised thier toys with "Outdated Gender roles".

    Here is an article on it: http://www.thelocal.se/22504/20091006/

    IN SWEDEN! And it wasn't a child but a sixth grade class... And they didn't sue, they reported them to an advisory agency that only has the power to make recommendations... thus it pretty much isn't anything like "Toys are us [sic] was sued by a child for gender discrimination because he didnt [sic] agree with the fact that toys r us advertised thier [sic] toys with 'Outdated Gender roles'."

    I don't disagree that some people, the majority maybe, have some pretty questionable views on gender identity. But getting the facts mixed up doesn't help the cause. All the information I related comes from your link, and your link doesn't say ToysRUs was "sued" by a "child" for "gender discrimination." It says a sixth grade class reported a specific ToysRUs catalog to an advisory board for perceived outdated gender roles. That is a HUGE difference.
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    Interesting article by a young man who underwent "ex-gay" "therapy" in the late 1990s.
    My So-Called Ex-Gay Life
    Gabriel Arana
    April 11, 2012

    A deep look at the fringe movement that just lost its only shred of scientific support.
