Daily weighing (I'm a rebel) :)



  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I'm going to start charting too...I find it really interesting and I think it'll help with the ups and the downs, esp if I can see a trend and be able to anticipate when my weight may fluctuate most.

    And on a side note, I managed to fit into a pair of capris that I haven't worn in ages!! So, something's working!!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I am going to start grafting...really neat.
  • indrani1947
    indrani1947 Posts: 178 Member
    I like the look of those links I go up and down on a regular cycle but do have a downward trend which has slowed down recently!
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Thanks for sharing this.......I'm going to start tracking today :)
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    I had been off the scale for months until I got the BMF and now I've been tracking daily again. I knew already that my weight would fluctuate a bit from day to day but would stay within the same small range (I'm in maintenance). But since I've been eating to what my actual maintenance is per the BMF my weight has shifted WILDLY from day to day. In 2 weeks it has generally trended up but it can change 2-3 pounds from day to day. I've not experienced this before except when I've eaten out and had a lot of high-sodium foods and this does feel like bloating. I've been chalking this up to water retention from taking Zyrtec, but maybe after reading this thread it's not? I am trusting what you ladies have been saying and actually haven't been freaking out about the number on the scale. But I'm curious to see what happens over the next few weeks.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I had been off the scale for months until I got the BMF and now I've been tracking daily again. I knew already that my weight would fluctuate a bit from day to day but would stay within the same small range (I'm in maintenance). But since I've been eating to what my actual maintenance is per the BMF my weight has shifted WILDLY from day to day. In 2 weeks it has generally trended up but it can change 2-3 pounds from day to day. I've not experienced this before except when I've eaten out and had a lot of high-sodium foods and this does feel like bloating. I've been chalking this up to water retention from taking Zyrtec, but maybe after reading this thread it's not? I am trusting what you ladies have been saying and actually haven't been freaking out about the number on the scale. But I'm curious to see what happens over the next few weeks.

    Please give me some details...when did you start and what are the weigh ins?
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    I've been weighing but not recording, I'll try to give as much info as possible.

    I hadn't been on the scale since the fall- 153 (5'9")
    In January started NROL4W, per book instructions 2000 sounded like good goal, by late Feb when stage 1 over, I was obsessively hungry and all measurements went up 1/2 to 1". Wasn't actually tracking food through MFP but estimating.
    early March- started diligently tracking cals to see why I went up in size. Turned out I was actually eating 1600-1700 most days. Started diligently eating 2000 cal.
    Mid March- completed stage 2- measurements all the same but had classic signs of overtraining, ordered BMF, took a week off from training
    3/19- weighed 159 and felt bloated
    3/22- 161(and change) and more bloated, appetite actually poor this day
    3/23- 157- actually felt somewhat normal
    3/25 got BMF, restarted NROL stage 1 (modified) M,W, Sa
    3/25 to today- average about 2300 TDEE, trying to eat to that, weight went from 157 back to 159 to 162 to 160 to 159 to 161 etc to 162.4 today. These estimates don't maybe look that extreme but my scale measures to .2 so 159.2 to 162.4 is a pretty big daily jump for me. And my clothes are getting tight :(
    I started the Zyrtec in early March and I do know it causes me to retain some water so I don't know how much of this is due to that or due to the increased cals. And I eat pretty clean, I don't think this is a sodium issue I'm overlooking. I still don't understand how I could have been undereating that much but all my measurements went up that much.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I have to say, I truly love the charting thing....I am noting the weight in the morning along with what happened the day before if there was a lift, high sodium...I am seeing the fluctuations based on what happened the day before...so neat to see it graphed...
  • rmk20togo
    rmk20togo Posts: 353 Member
    My weight loss is weird as my weight can fluctuate daily by alot. The way I know if I am on track is by looking at the last month as a whole. I am logging my calorie intake and loss on an excel document as the reports on MFP are pretty useless. (I do love MFP though)

    So I am seeing a pattern of about 10 days where my weight goes up and down and looks very random them BAM! I will go down to a new lowest weight of about 3 - 3.3 pounds less than my last lowest weight.
    That weight will stay for a couple of days then my weight increases overnight again to take back most of these pounds and will spend another ten days watching it go up and down between the new lowest weight and the old baseline.

    Being able to plot my weight on a spreadsheet really shows up long term patterns much clearer. So glad I did it because now I don't stress over what I think is me stalling. Its just the way my body likes to lose weight.
    If I didn't know that I need at least ten days between my loss showing then every 7 days I would be stressing over "no progress". If I didnt know that my body seems at this stage to like to gain most of the fat lost back as water weight and hold on for another week I would be stressed about that too. So for me weighing everyday has chilled me out alot.

    I have felt frustrated until I looked at the spreadsheet numbers which show that speadout over time my weight loss has averaged 0.94 a week (2.07 pounds) for Feb and 0.75 kilo a week (1.65 pounds) for March.

    For me its more about having enough information about how my body responds to what I am doing. I am my own science experiment and I am enjoying the process!
    I am hoping to be able to use the info to encourage others later that go through the first uncertain couple of months when they up their calories.

    <3 Excel : )

    This is my story exactly (well almost exactly). I'm not really seeing any measurable weight loss, but still looking for the sweet spot for calories. I'll get there.

    Interestingly, my weight is it's lowest during TOM and the highest during ovulation. Maybe that a pre-menopause thing - who knows.

    I'm not techy enough to create a spreadsheet and can barely use one....:noway: I just chart my daily weight on my calendar and average them on Saturdays.

    I be most interested in a spreadsheet if anyone wants to share!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I've been weighing but not recording, I'll try to give as much info as possible.

    I hadn't been on the scale since the fall- 153 (5'9")
    In January started NROL4W, per book instructions 2000 sounded like good goal, by late Feb when stage 1 over, I was obsessively hungry and all measurements went up 1/2 to 1". Wasn't actually tracking food through MFP but estimating.
    early March- started diligently tracking cals to see why I went up in size. Turned out I was actually eating 1600-1700 most days. Started diligently eating 2000 cal.
    Mid March- completed stage 2- measurements all the same but had classic signs of overtraining, ordered BMF, took a week off from training
    3/19- weighed 159 and felt bloated
    3/22- 161(and change) and more bloated, appetite actually poor this day
    3/23- 157- actually felt somewhat normal
    3/25 got BMF, restarted NROL stage 1 (modified) M,W, Sa
    3/25 to today- average about 2300 TDEE, trying to eat to that, weight went from 157 back to 159 to 162 to 160 to 159 to 161 etc to 162.4 today. These estimates don't maybe look that extreme but my scale measures to .2 so 159.2 to 162.4 is a pretty big daily jump for me. And my clothes are getting tight :(
    I started the Zyrtec in early March and I do know it causes me to retain some water so I don't know how much of this is due to that or due to the increased cals. And I eat pretty clean, I don't think this is a sodium issue I'm overlooking. I still don't understand how I could have been undereating that much but all my measurements went up that much.

    Ok, it sounds to me that it is good for you to track your calories closely and eat maintenance for the six/eight weeks the book suggests. This will allow you to stabilize. You sure aren't gaining, the weight fluctuations I bet coincides with your lifts, but I think with you were eating so low before you were storing the fat which is why the measurements didn't go down...fat takes up more space. You may be gaining a little muscle too now that you are lifting as well so a bit more bulk.

    So, I would say, keep at TDEE, keep doing the workout routine and track your weight...once you hit that 8wk mark your metabolism should be all revved up then you can start with a 10% cut to see if the weight loss starts again...then go to 15%...

    Trust me on one thing...get in your protein...at least 1gr per lb of body weight...and keep at it...you will hit a corner and lean out...you are doing the right things...it just takes time. I believe stressing is a hinderance during the process because the body releases cortisol which is linked to belly fat as well.

    So, please relax in the process and know that things will move in the direction you are looking for.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    My weight loss is weird as my weight can fluctuate daily by alot. The way I know if I am on track is by looking at the last month as a whole. I am logging my calorie intake and loss on an excel document as the reports on MFP are pretty useless. (I do love MFP though)

    So I am seeing a pattern of about 10 days where my weight goes up and down and looks very random them BAM! I will go down to a new lowest weight of about 3 - 3.3 pounds less than my last lowest weight.
    That weight will stay for a couple of days then my weight increases overnight again to take back most of these pounds and will spend another ten days watching it go up and down between the new lowest weight and the old baseline.

    Being able to plot my weight on a spreadsheet really shows up long term patterns much clearer. So glad I did it because now I don't stress over what I think is me stalling. Its just the way my body likes to lose weight.
    If I didn't know that I need at least ten days between my loss showing then every 7 days I would be stressing over "no progress". If I didnt know that my body seems at this stage to like to gain most of the fat lost back as water weight and hold on for another week I would be stressed about that too. So for me weighing everyday has chilled me out alot.

    I have felt frustrated until I looked at the spreadsheet numbers which show that speadout over time my weight loss has averaged 0.94 a week (2.07 pounds) for Feb and 0.75 kilo a week (1.65 pounds) for March.

    For me its more about having enough information about how my body responds to what I am doing. I am my own science experiment and I am enjoying the process!
    I am hoping to be able to use the info to encourage others later that go through the first uncertain couple of months when they up their calories.

    <3 Excel : )

    This is my story exactly (well almost exactly). I'm not really seeing any measurable weight loss, but still looking for the sweet spot for calories. I'll get there.

    Interestingly, my weight is it's lowest during TOM and the highest during ovulation. Maybe that a pre-menopause thing - who knows.

    I'm not techy enough to create a spreadsheet and can barely use one....:noway: I just chart my daily weight on my calendar and average them on Saturdays.

    I be most interested in a spreadsheet if anyone wants to share!

  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Ok, it sounds to me that it is good for you to track your calories closely and eat maintenance for the six/eight weeks the book suggests. This will allow you to stabilize. You sure aren't gaining, the weight fluctuations I bet coincides with your lifts, but I think with you were eating so low before you were storing the fat which is why the measurements didn't go down...fat takes up more space. You may be gaining a little muscle too now that you are lifting as well so a bit more bulk.

    So, I would say, keep at TDEE, keep doing the workout routine and track your weight...once you hit that 8wk mark your metabolism should be all revved up then you can start with a 10% cut to see if the weight loss starts again...then go to 15%...

    Trust me on one thing...get in your protein...at least 1gr per lb of body weight...and keep at it...you will hit a corner and lean out...you are doing the right things...it just takes time. I believe stressing is a hinderance during the process because the body releases cortisol which is linked to belly fat as well.

    So, please relax in the process and know that things will move in the direction you are looking for.

    I completely agree about the cortisol, I think that's what I was seeing when I decided to take a rest week. I overloaded my adrenals in the past and I had low adrenal function I had to heal for several years. I don't want a relapse. I'd been doing okay on my protein but still probably 20-30grams short per day so I will continue to work on upping that number. I've always felt that everything else usually fell into place in the past when I got this number right and as a result eating and weight loss and then maintenance were easy. I just need to build up to the right level for what I'm doing now.

    Thank you for the encouragement. I really appreciate it.
  • lillebanon
    lillebanon Posts: 214 Member
    Interestingly, my weight is it's lowest during TOM and the highest during ovulation. Maybe that a pre-menopause thing - who knows.

    Same here (except I am hopefully not pre-menopausal at age 31). My peak lows almost always hit on the first day of my TOM, with my highs about two weeks later.
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    I have to say, I truly love the charting thing....I am noting the weight in the morning along with what happened the day before if there was a lift, high sodium...I am seeing the fluctuations based on what happened the day before...so neat to see it graphed...

    Yeah really I just like the playing with numbers geekery of it :)
    Other stuff on my table that feeds into charts - Net calories, exercise calories, TOM, just putting sodium in now. I have colour coding as well showing the downward or upward trend day by day on the actual chart as well as colour code on the calories showing if there was a day that I had to roughly estimate calories (if I eat out usually).

    I am thinking about doing more measurements and starting to chart that. That line should be more linear as less fluctuations would occur.
  • rmk20togo
    rmk20togo Posts: 353 Member
    Trust me on one thing...get in your protein...at least 1gr per lb of body weight...and keep at it...you will hit a corner and lean out...you are doing the right things...it just takes time. I believe stressing is a hinderance during the process because the body releases cortisol which is linked to belly fat as well.

    So, please relax in the process and know that things will move in the direction you are looking for.

    Try as I might, I have NEVER hit 1gr of protein per lb (164). I don't see any way without going way over on daily calories or giving up a substantial amount of food to supplement with whey protein.....and I eat nuts, cheese, meat and eggs almost every day and add greek yogurt when calories permit.

    Off to do more protein research (a/k/a stalking your diary)! :smile:
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Set up an excel spreadsheet ot track today. Let's see how I do at it. I won't get off maintenance calories for a few weeks but this will help me see if I am getting enough net calories. So far I haven't most days come up to my calorie goal but getting better. Then when I lower down by 15% it will be interesting to see how it goes. One thing I have found is that my fluctualtions have lessened since I have upped my calories. Thanks for the thread.
  • mickeyluvchocolat
    thank you for posting that!!!

    I usually take 10 pounds around TOM!!!!

    I also weight everyday just to figure out how my body work and react.... Keep in mind that it's my friday weight that counts!

    Good luck everybody!
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member

    USE THIS SITE!! Its fantastic!! Plot your average/trend of weightloss, and you will see that the small ups and downs are really NOT something to worry about as much as we do.. Its the overall trend thats important.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    I think (hope) my weight may be leveling off. I was at 160 Thursday and Friday mornings, then I spent Friday-Monday at an all-inclusive resort in Cancun. I'm not much of a drinker and I ate at least at maintenance but surely more (but not ridiculously so). My weight this morning was also 160. I start back to my lifting tomorrow, so I'll see what happens.
  • fmbomzo
    fmbomzo Posts: 382 Member
    This post is food for my soul. I have been dealing with the crazy ups and downs of my weight as well. I lost 10 lbs back in January and maintained that but no additional loss through March when I started MFP.Beyond the 10 lbs, I've managed to lose and gain the same 3 lbs since March but never more. I think my body's getting adjusted to the new low. It hovers between 167.2 and 169.8. The fluctuation can vary from .4 lbs up to 2 lbs daily. I will definitely start charting daily.