"racking" the weight in front squat

kensky Posts: 472 Member
& power cleans too, eh?

I would love some guidance as to which stretches/exercises to use in order to be able to get my elbows UP in the right position when front squatting/racking the weight for power cleans.


  • Punktorian
    Punktorian Posts: 224 Member
    If the problem is getting your elbows up I would look at lat and shoulder flexibility. The former most likely. I can't recommend any specific stretches though. If you have trouble racking it with your elbows up then it might start coming to wrist and triceps flexibility.
    You may want to try this.

    Oh, and if it remains a problem and you want to do them anyway you can try straps or crossing your arms until you have the flexibility to rack it properly.