Most favorite geeky activity sacrificed for fitness



  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    Does hot, nerdy girl-on-girl porn count??

    You could totally count that as fitness-related, so no :)

    the first time counts as low impact aerobics, if he does again within the hour, it high impact aerobics. :laugh:

    If I could do that more than once an hour, I'd have my own website with credit card purchasing.....
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    Does hot, nerdy girl-on-girl porn count??

    You could totally count that as fitness-related, so no :)

    the first time counts as low impact aerobics, if he does again within the hour, it high impact aerobics. :laugh:

    If I could do that more than once an hour, I'd have my own website with credit card purchasing.....

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • tnorth82
    tnorth82 Posts: 186
    my Gaming! :(
    Used to sit and veg on a weeekdend with the hubby once all the chores were done, but now its, chores and gym!

    I need to get back in to it in time for Borderlands 2!
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    my Gaming! :(
    Used to sit and veg on a weeekdend with the hubby once all the chores were done, but now its, chores and gym!

    I need to get back in to it in time for Borderlands 2!

    You and me both tnorth... :) September can't come fast enough!
  • Llyrian
    Llyrian Posts: 99 Member
    I've already drastically reduced my MMO gaming. I stick with semi-casual guilds that schedule raids with "working people hours" and even then, I still have to do a lot of tradeoff. It's way easier in SWTOR to be casual.. I call my weight gain my "WoW butt". *sniff*

    But yeah, we totally would just nuke food and eat at our desks, drink a lot of booze while doing runs... Of course, lifting weights between waiting for flights, etc is good. ;)
  • FitBlitz
    FitBlitz Posts: 146
    I've had to revamp my whole day to fit in working out. I finally settled on waking up at 5am to work out so I can fit the most into my day. D:

    I work from home as an illustrator, so it's really easy to want to pop on a game. However, work comes first and I don't touch anything until I'm done with 'work hours.' I'm just lucky that my work usually involves some form of 18+ material and OCs out the wazoo. :D

    It's going to be tricky this month up through June though. Tera beta, The Secret World beta (been waiting on that game since 09! Fuuuuuuu,) giving FFXIV another go, Aion just went F2P. On top of that I'm trying to fit a visual novel into the works.... but. Fitness first. orz
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,230 Member
    I gave up MMOs (until GW2 and The Secret World come out). Technically I quit Aion for college, but gave up the others in between so I'd have time to get up and move.
  • Aeriesified
    Aeriesified Posts: 206 Member
    Ugh... the leader of my guild just stepped down and quit the game altogether, and I was nominated to take his place. Trying to lead a sixty member guild and lose weight at the same time?

    I need to put my Wonder Woman panties on to get this all covered. xD
  • HowieTwoPointZero
    HowieTwoPointZero Posts: 494 Member
    Ugh... the leader of my guild just stepped down and quit the game altogether, and I was nominated to take his place. Trying to lead a sixty member guild and lose weight at the same time?

    I need to put my Wonder Woman panties on to get this all covered. xD

    You had me at Wonder Woman panties.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Ugh... the leader of my guild just stepped down and quit the game altogether, and I was nominated to take his place. Trying to lead a sixty member guild and lose weight at the same time?

    I need to put my Wonder Woman panties on to get this all covered. xD

    You had me at Wonder Woman panties.

    Me too! Er but seriously, get a couple officers you trust, give them the "base" rules on who they can invite, kick, etc, set up yuor ranks in a way that helps keep things in control (keep in mind you want a rank that you can set to "shut the **** up" to demote people to) and then you don't need to be around as much.
  • Aeriesified
    Aeriesified Posts: 206 Member
    Ugh... the leader of my guild just stepped down and quit the game altogether, and I was nominated to take his place. Trying to lead a sixty member guild and lose weight at the same time?

    I need to put my Wonder Woman panties on to get this all covered. xD

    You had me at Wonder Woman panties.

    Me too! Er but seriously, get a couple officers you trust, give them the "base" rules on who they can invite, kick, etc, set up yuor ranks in a way that helps keep things in control (keep in mind you want a rank that you can set to "shut the **** up" to demote people to) and then you don't need to be around as much.

    We're at full capacity and my second in command does a pretty decent job when I'm not around. I've got everyone in the ranks I want them, which is pretty decent. What I'm worried about is keeping everyone active. I'm trying to limit my hours, but at the same time, it's difficult when that's the goal for everyone else.
  • jenbunboo
    jenbunboo Posts: 90 Member
    My wakeup call came when a real life friend of mine passed away. While he had health problems his whole life, he had a standing job, so he got some movement in. When he got laid off, WoW was his escape. It was already my escape, so we spent plenty of time together. I was guild lead, raid lead, top dps (mmm, warlock), first of our friends to 85, <the insane> (before it was easy), <the exalted>, had the 100 mounts before cataclysm, <lorekeeper>, you name it. While my *kitten* was growing sitting playing the game for way too much time (my /played was ridiculous) he was on just as much supplying herbs for potions, gold for the guild bank, mats for every woman's everything (he had a weak spot for boobies), and gearing his own toons for our raids. That man was dedicated.

    However, he developed sleep apnea, and found it most comfortable to sleep sitting up. He "ate healthy" meaning he ordered the strawberry shake thingy at starbucks, cheese stuffed pretzels from the convenience store with an apple, and didn't understand why he wasn't losing weight. The sleeping sitting up finally did him in. He developed a blood clot in his leg, which became a pulmonary embolism. He called my fiance and I to let us know he was going to the hospital because he was having a hard time breathing, and by the time we drove out to him (we had moved a bit over an hour away), he had died.

    Now, don't get me wrong, WoW didn't kill him directly, but it gave him the blinders to his own life that are so dangerous. I tried to go back to playing again afterwards, was not the same. And I knew what I was doing to myself, he removed my blinders. So, while I still miss it, I gave up WoW and got my life in order. I spend more than 15 minutes a night getting dinner together, which lets me cook healthy fresh foods. I wake up early in the morning to get moving instead of staying up into the wee hours "just checking one more thing on the auction hall." I think the first 20 lbs of my weight loss can pretty much be directly contributed to stopping playing.
  • Llyrian
    Llyrian Posts: 99 Member
    Holy crap! I'm sorry for the loss of your friend; that's terrible. :( And yes, definitely a huge wakeup call. It makes me think some of the guys at work have the right idea with their standing desks...
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Holy crap! I'm sorry for the loss of your friend; that's terrible. :( And yes, definitely a huge wakeup call. It makes me think some of the guys at work have the right idea with their standing desks...

    ohhhh if I could have a standing desk I totally would! and I wish my work would put in a few tread desks.
  • Iheartpsychosis
    Definitely MMORPGS lol. I went from WoW (for many years. Start of TBC until a bit after Cata). Then tried Rift. Then played SWTOR - which is a really great game. If I was younger I probably would blow a few years on that game too...but I don't want to wonder what happened with the years..AGAIN.