Sunday, April 8 - Day 10 (for most of you!)

LMiller81 Posts: 94 Member
I was not a day one starter, ashamed to say so it is really like day 8 for me. :)

An evening with Jillian. Not too shabby; Level 1 is definitely starting to feel a little easier. I'm thinking I'll switch to level 2 tomorrow. I wonder what awaits me?

My focus for this week is to try to reign in the eating. Went a little nuts the past weekend what with the easter holiday, Masters and opening weekend of Tigers baseball. Not to mention 2 friends birthdays.

It has been so motivating to read everyone's posts -- accountability for sure! THANKS!


  • colorlessgreen
    colorlessgreen Posts: 173 Member
    Thanks for starting a "day" thread; I felt bad that I didn't get around to it, so I'm glad someone was on top of it! :) Glad to hear you are getting stronger! I'm moving on to Workout Two today, too. I keep hearing things about how it's all planks and that it's totally killer, so I'm kind of scared but also very curious. As you probably know since you've been following along, the anterior raises are my Achilles heel, so shoulder stuff is intimidating to me!

    I'll be thinking of all my friends working along with me when it gets tough -- good luck everyone!! :)
  • LMiller81
    LMiller81 Posts: 94 Member
    I am so ready to be done with the anterior raises and also the squats with lifts. I hope they won't be making an appearance in level 2!