Got fitted for running shoes

_Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
Wow what an amazing difference. I just always checked the sale ads for the cheapest brand name shoes and bought what I thought was my size. The store I went to video taped me running up and down the about embarrassment. :laugh:
I knew I overpronated but didn't know exactly how bad, and even more important didn't know shoes were made to support that. Watching the video was like wow my ankle bends that far, then running with the shoes they recommended and watching the video of that was a world of difference. Also even though I've always wore a certain size they suggested going a 1/2 size bigger, I didn't think of my feet swelling and needing a bit more room.

I ran my first week in my cheapo's and now in my second week with my fitted shoes....felt like I could run forever in the fitted ones.
I'd highly recommend getting fitted for running shoes rather than buying anything based on name or price.


  • Tim249
    Tim249 Posts: 46 Member
    +1 I had a similar experience. Makes a world of difference!
  • littledumplings
    littledumplings Posts: 223 Member
    Me too..I got fitted for structured Nike shoes as I overpronate, and I was advised to go up a size too. The first few weeks of C25K in my normal 'neutral' shoes really hurt the sides of my I have no knee pain at all, and my trainers feel like slippers :)

    It really is worth the money. I was reluctant at first to spend money on proper shoes as it was 'only C25K' and I had knee pain so didn't know if I could continue, but you can't put a price on your knees and joints I say...or your health! My new shoes shoes are now going to run me a half marathon one day :) Invest!!