30s Daily - Monday, April 9

Welcome to our daily thread!

We post here for motivation and support. Feel free to share your successes and your failures. Really, you should feel free to share whatever is on your mind. Just be respectful and expect respect in return.

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  • shorty313
    shorty313 Posts: 432 Member
    Anyone else eating a lot of hard boiled eggs this week? lol.

    Doing pretty well today. I'm avoiding the coffee station at work where I can see someone brought leftover treats. I traded the run today for recumbent bike and hill walking on the treadmill. 38 minutes total. My shin still hurts a bit and it's SUPER windy today. I'll lift tonight too.

    I'm trying not to eat back my exercise calories today to make up for some chocolate indulgences this weekend :)
  • SaraGrace82
    SaraGrace82 Posts: 232
    Now that easter is over we are settling in for a week with houseguest. I am going to try get in enough wandering around to make up for eating out more often. Plus, trying to remain focused on working out normally. Both of my friends who are in town have lost on MFP and will be really supportive because they want to maintain while here.

    Can I just say how excited I am that my Polar heart rate monitor (hrm) is showing a little trophy on it today?!? It lets you set calories goals and then when you get close, meet, or exceed them you get a little trophy in recognition of your hard work! It just shows up on the main screen of the watch. It is just a little thing but it has been a really long time since it was there!

    Debbie - Good choice to stay off your shin splint. I had to give up on running for awhile because I kept having issues with shin splints and my IT band. Have you been checking out/doing stretches for shin splints? The Livestrong community seems to have good suggestions.

    A physical therapist also told me to trace out the whole alphabet in the air with my feet. So leaving your legs stationary (just rotating your ankles, foot, and toes) go from A, B, C to Z. This is exercise strengthens those small muscles in your lower leg so that they can carry more load. If doing something like that is too painful, you might consider seeing a doctor. Sometimes shin splints can lead to a stress fracture and you definitely want to get that treated right away if you have it!

    Finally, what shoes are you running on? Sometimes you can correct shin splints with a little rest and new shoes. When I first started running I quickly discovered that I have to get shoes that correct my foot pronation. Sadly now I weigh a bit more and I am finding that shoes alone are not enough so I am on a break until some of the weight comes off. I really hope you can get back up and running soon!

    Until later,
    Sara Grace
  • shorty313
    shorty313 Posts: 432 Member
    Sara Grace - which Polar do you have? I was JUST on their site poking around and trying to decide which model to get. I've been considering the FT7, FT40 and FT 60. The 60 might be overkill, but it has some neat features. I do think I'm due for new shoes, I found a running store in the town over so I hope to go this week or next to be properly fitted. I'm sure it will be pricey to buy a pair there, but hopefully after that I can find whatever they recommend online. Thanks for the stretching tips! I just did the alphabet and while I felt the stretch, it didn't hurt so that's a good sign I suppose.
  • PJYoung2012
    PJYoung2012 Posts: 191
    Hello folks, hope everyone had a good weekend. I'm hoping for some good gym time in this week. With the holidays over the weekend the gym has been closed and i've had to make do. Sometimes i have to remind myself that i have bags of time and the job is two thirds finished. But the man in me would rather get there and have more time to wait. Damn this whole man gig. It's horribly complicated. Have a few DIY projects going on at home to do over the next few weeks to keep me busy As much as i love my new lifestyle i struggle to get used to the excess of energy sometimes. It was so much easier to sit in front of the tv every night. My fiance remains baffled as to why the house is always tidy and the washing up done.
  • SaraGrace82
    SaraGrace82 Posts: 232
    Debbie - I have a Polar F11 from like 4 years ago. I got that version because it was coded to not pick up other hrm signals (cheaper models weren't) and I was doing a lot of spin class at the time. I will have to check out the newer models. The biggest down side is that Polar doesn't seem to have any Apple compatible software. I really wish it would work with my laptop or my phone...
  • blueeyedcristi
    blueeyedcristi Posts: 304 Member
    Well guess you could say I am definitely having a crappy day. It's 4pm here and I haven't eaten or had anything to drink yet. Stupid migraine and now I am even more frustrated. Went online to pay hubby's credit card bill and saw something on the statement that upset me. He called me and just got in a squabble over him lying to me. He is out of town for work this week and we are leaving mid next week for vacation.