
This is my first attempt at a group so bear with me.

The plan is to start C25k on April 29th, We have 3 weeks to get ready, lets start some walking!


  • This is perfect! My goal for the rest of April is to walk everyday in preparation of more strenuous activity! I've always wanted to be a runner. Its time :)
  • louised88
    louised88 Posts: 159
    Tried C25k before, it's amazing! I had to stop because life got in the way a bit, but I'm looking forward to getting back to it!
  • Gulzilly
    Gulzilly Posts: 238 Member
    I just completed Week3 of c25k. My gfs are saying my thighs and legs are getting very cut(defined). I am at the point where I can run 10mins nonstop. Ice lost 11lbs so far.
  • Emwalker3406
    Emwalker3406 Posts: 308 Member
    Hi Pete,
    Thanks for starting this group. I look forward to my 2nd attempt now that I have great footwear.

    For those of you not familiar with C25K it stands for Couch to 5k and is a 9 week running program designed to get just about anyone from the couch to running 5 kilometers or 30 minutes. There are both Android & iPhone apps as well as pod casts.
    Each week slowly builds on the previous to take you from a non-runner to being able to run a 5K in 30 min.

    My best advise (which I know Pete will second) is to make sure you have a good pair of shoes that are proper for your specific gait. No one enjoys shine splints. Good luck everyone. Lets get our bodies prepped in these next few weeks.
  • Nicoleo1
    Nicoleo1 Posts: 159 Member
    Thanks for starting this group Pete! I've done the C25K once before -I completed it on March 12... but not at a speed I like. I want a do-over! I ran it on the treadmill at 4.5 mph. I want to run it again, on the treadmill again but at 5mph this time. I started a couple of weeks ago, but lost momentum. I'm looking forward to running with all of you!
  • latinacowgirl
    latinacowgirl Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Everyone I am in. This is going to sound weird but I have completed 1 full marathon and 13 half marathons as a run walker. Which means I run a little bit till my mind messes with me and tells me to walk even though I am not tired then we repeat the ycle till we reach the finish line. Well I want to change that and become a real runner and be able to run a whole half some day and even a whole full with a few walk breaks if needed. I work alot of overtime and am a roating shoft worker so this really messes up my training plans. This group will really help change that. Lets do this together and keep each other motivated
  • This is great! I was planning to start the C25K program soon and this fits right into my time frame. Thanks for starting this group and good luck to everyone :)
  • Thanks for starting this group Pete! I have never been a runner but had in the back of my mind that I'd love to run a 5K someday. I started c25k about a year ago, but stopped after the third week - life just got too hectic!! A runner friend recently reminded me about c25k and that was the spark I needed to give my exercise program a little more variety. I am on my 2nd week of c25k, and things are going great! Looking forward to hearing how the group is doing so that we can offer inspiration, support and encouragement to each other. I'll start looking for local 5K's to consider! Good luck to everyone!!
  • eyeveeare
    eyeveeare Posts: 1 Member
    I've had great success with C25K in the past. Now it's time to lose the baby weight (I have an 8 month old). I'm new to myfitnesspal.com, and I am using it with a FitBit. Thanks for starting this group. Today is week 2 day 1 for me, but I'll just use the next three weeks as prep and start officially on 4/29.

    Thanks for starting this group!
  • I have been looking for some motivation to start up Couch to 5K again and this sounds great! Looking forward to it!
  • Thank you, Pete! This is the motivation/inspiration that I've needed to get my fitness life back on track!

    I ran some 5k races and even a 10-mile race some years ago when I was "preparing" to turn 40. Wow! I turned 40 at my goal weight and was in awesome physical condition, and hit the beaches of Dominican Republic for my milestone birthday celebration. However, I didn't appreciate the hard prep work that took 3+ years, nor how great I felt at the time, and eventually fell back into old/bad habits that have me dreading turning 45 this summer.

    I'm engaged to a wonderful man and can't wait to feel good about myself once again. Time to start some healthy lifestyle changes that will last a lifetime.

    Here's to the group start on 04/29! Cheers to us!
  • blsdhands
    blsdhands Posts: 12 Member
    This was the confirmation I need to start the C2 5K this month. I was researching it as I work towards the goal of eventually completing the Marines Corp Marathon in October 2013. This group removes the excuse not to make the first step. Thanks Pete!
  • Rose200
    Rose200 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I would love to suceed at the C25K program. I actually made it to week 6, 3 weeks ago and then a 3 week vacation destroy a lot of momentum so much so that I feel like I'm back at week 1. So April 29 sounds like at great get serious about C25K date. A date with all of you. And since it's practically summer here and the snow is receding, this time I'm doing it outside. With a hat ofcourse so no on will know its me out there. lol. I'm 33, married, no kiddies yet. Oh and about 208lbs I think. With a goal of 160 on Jan 1st.

    Good luck everyone!
  • Hyoderrn
    Hyoderrn Posts: 54 Member
    This sounds great! I have been wanting to try this, I have the app on my phone just need to get started. Hoping to get my husband to do this with me. Definitely need to get good shoes before I start. Thanks for the inspiration!
  • I am very excited I saw this group! I started C25K awhile back and just wasn't ready to finish. Time to give it a go again!
  • reneeramirez4christ
    reneeramirez4christ Posts: 112 Member
    Super excited about this group! I'm scheduled to run a 5K in June! I'm on day 2 of C25K~woohoo!
  • thistimesucess
    thistimesucess Posts: 169 Member
    This works well for me. I am planning to start this week but pretty sure I will need to do some weeks more than once so will prob finish after those of you who start at the end of April. I have never been a runner - never wanted to - but for some reason I have had it in my mind now that I want to learn how to run this year. Let's see how it goes! Happy for people to join me as a friend to keep the motivation going.
  • Good morning everyone. This is my first group on fitnesspal. I tried this program once before and in week 6 had a serious pull of a calf muscle. I have never really been a runner, but lately have been wanting to run a 5K. I have some knee problems so we are going to see how it goes. Looking forward to giving this a try and to the support system. May even try to get my son to do this with me.
  • relie2012
    relie2012 Posts: 3 Member
    I am on week 6 of the C25K and I love it - some weeks are tuff but it is so rewarding. Ya'll will love it! Go Team!
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 732 Member
    Currently at week 3 of this but joining the group because I've been spending 2-3 weeks on each week so it's taking me longer to get through it.