HELP! Exercise Dieting and My Terrible Mood Swings?

Hi all! Ive had a lot on my mind. This is the first time ive tracked my calories and really stuck to a exercise program. Im about a month into BR and I love working out and watching the inches fall off. Only thing is ive become a reallll b word! I take mOst if it out on my boyfriend of 2 yrs I think because were together so much. We were gine before I started. It was like right towards the end of my kickstart week I just started getting angry/moody/ and super irritable. I thought it was the lack of carbs/sugar since I followed her diet and it would go away since I incorperated them again and just watch my calorie intake. I keep it aroud 1200-1300/day. Is this too low? Im 5'6 and 145lbs. Trying to lose about 20lbs and tone. I found out my bmr/active metabolic rate and it said thats where I should be for weight loss. The only foods ive really cut out are fast food and diet soda. I just thought my mood would be better by now after 30 days but im just more irritable and lash out at my boyfriend and have even thought maybe i dont want to be with him all the sudden when ive been looking forward to moving in with him and getting engaged for months before i started. It literally all began my first week of jillians kickstart. This has to be related to my diet. Theres no way everything ive wanted could have just changed in a few weeks when he did nothing. Im done ranting now i just feel like im going crazy. Any tips or ideas? They would be gratellly appriciated. Sorry for any typos. I did this on my iphone..


  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Just some thoughts...

    Maybe 1200 calories isn't enough for you. If you're that close to your goal weight (within 20 lbs), you may need to eat more to keep yourself feeling good and to lose. The key is to keep your diet clean. The cleaner you eat, the more satisfied you will be. What does MFP say you should eat to lose 1 lb a week with the program (I wouldn't try and lose more than that when you're so close to goal)?

    If it's not a food issue, perhaps focusing on getting healthy has made other things in your life not seem the way they used to be. Sometimes when people feel better about themselves (i.e., make improvements), they feel braver to change things that they may not have been in a place to change before.

    I'm not saying it's either one of those things, but you need to think about both. I would guess it's your calorie limit; I would try playing with that first.
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    I agree about the calories... I had to up mine because I was not a nice person :)....