week one success

Wow week one was hard being easter!
Was offered sweets countless times a day, however i think it has been the best time to do it.
I had to exercise my self control alot more than normal and now i feel just fine about not having choccys!
Looking forward to week two. Have caught some fish on the weekend so that will be some good white meat to eat and then have bought some organic chicken breast! Fingers crossed i am there isn't steak for tea for friends birthday friday night!!


  • skinnyallover
    this week went pretty well!
    i lost a pound!(:
    but.. today was my sisters birthday and we went out to dinner AND had cake and ice cream. not going to beat myself up too much about it, just refocusing for tomorrow(:
  • newtitus2011
    newtitus2011 Posts: 20 Member
    @skinnyallover: I believe in moderation. What we do in one day does not contribute to our overall health, however, knowing where and when to be moderate is the key. Maybe next time, instead of both the cake and ice cream, pick one. Some believe in having one cheat day per week. But the question is, how did you feel afterwards? If you felt some guilt, then next time, be more conservative. Maybe instead of dinner and dessert, a birthday celebration can be a favorite activity. Congrats on the weightloss. Keep pushing on.