C25K - anyone done it, or currently doing it?



  • allikat819
    allikat819 Posts: 125 Member
    How is everyone's C25k going? I just finished week 2 this morning!
  • justagirl2013
    justagirl2013 Posts: 226 Member
    How is everyone's C25k going? I just finished week 2 this morning!

    Way to go!!! Keep up the good work!

    I'm on week 5 day 1 and dealing with a bit of knee pain right now. I knew it was a matter of time, and my road is awfully soft right now, so much more resistance. I'm taking off a few days and letting it rest up.
  • spotteddrafter
    spotteddrafter Posts: 120 Member
    This morning I finished W5D1. I am terrified of this week - there is a 20-minute jog on D3...no walk breaks!!!! OMG.

    But, I do actually feel good. When I'm in the midst of the jogs, especially this morning, I find myself hearing all kinds of negative comments in my mind. I have tried to banish them, but it's hard.

    Oh, and by the way...I feel very self-conscious when I'm out there doing this. I am, afterall, obese. 243# and 5'9". But, you know what? This morning I kept coming across the garbage man and each time he gave me a huge smile and a big thumbs up! :)
  • VesperSparrow
    Anyone older out there and attempting this? I'm 57 and weight about 163 at the moment. I've been walking my 2 miles a day for 10 years and wanted to take it up a notch.

    This first coupleof times went well and I actually enjoyed it but after the third (when I jogged and walked short intervals, jogging about a mile altogether) I ended up with knee pain that persisted for 4 or 5 days, so I have called it quits for the moment. The running isn't the problem, it's the knees. Do I need to take it much more slowly? Do I need to go to a store and get fitted for shoes (I'm wearing my trail walking shoes at the moment).
  • jah0217
    jah0217 Posts: 51 Member
    Well I just did W3D1 yesterday and I have to tell you, every time I go out, I love it more! I have no idea what kind of mileage I'm getting since I am just using my stop watch and running on random dirt roads here at the ranch. It gets easier though! My corgi always goes with me plus some combination of my husband's 3 working dogs as well, and they are a great help! I agree with someone's earlier post that says getting out the door is the hardest part. It is, but once I'm going I'm always glad I did :)