Fear of Being Hungry



  • julesoa
    julesoa Posts: 68 Member

    i prayed before:

    "higher power, help me to understand hunger as a signal that u built into our bodies, nothing to be feared, an elegant design that tells me when to eat my next sober meal--thy will be done"

    that helped!

    Love this xx
  • Themuseinme
    Themuseinme Posts: 224 Member
    i recently realize this too-
    I m a newbie to oe. i started taking it one day at a time and it was some what helpful.

    Someone suggested one meal at a time, when i said i was still hungry all the time.- and bingo- and thank god it seems like once i w i knew i had a meal coming up soon it alleviated my anxiety & NEED to eat, knock on wood.

    I feel like i am glimpsing and experiencing soem of the "free"dom spoken about in oe literature.
    it feels great.
  • julesoa
    julesoa Posts: 68 Member
    I feel like i am glimpsing and experiencing soem of the "free"dom spoken about in oe literature.
    it feels great.
  • julesoa
    julesoa Posts: 68 Member
    Sorry my last reply was menat to quote themuseinme!

    It's a miracle for sure this programme!
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    I too was once fearful of hunger. I have just posted something about this is another OA topic saying that its only recently I've discovered that feeling is not so intense anymore. In fact, when I wake up hungry for my breakfast I actually embrace that feeling as a sign I was abstinent the day before.

    My fears did stem from anorexia and being reminded of that dreadful time in my life. Then it turned into the fear of getting over hungry and knowing that that leads to binge eating...... grab what you can and shovel it in to get rid of that hunger. Of course, that just triggered off an insatiable appetite.

    My job has actually taught me how to cope with the problem of not being able to eat at regular mealtimes. I run a sports massage practice from home and have clients who come to me during their lunch time break or straight from work in the evenings. So quite often I'm working during my meal-times. What I've learnt is to have say two snacks for lunch i.e. apple and piece of cheese before the client arrives, then have a sandwich when they've gone. Evenings, I'll bring my usual evening (watching tv) snack forward and have that before client, then have my main meal when they've gone. My abstinence is eat small and regular meals/snacks.

    When I'm unsure of hunger I ask my HP to increase the desire if its true hunger, or to decrease the desire if its my disease calling. I find this a very useful tool. Of course, all the above can sometimes go wrong, but its progress and not perfection, and I'm done with beating myself up any more :heart:
  • hunkycanuck
    hunkycanuck Posts: 60 Member
    I struggle sometimes because I don't know whether I'm actually hungry or simply seeking comfort in food.

    So true!