Being "not so fat"



  • quispyme
    quispyme Posts: 2 Member
    For me, I've been around this weight since at least my high school years. I'm 5'6", and have been steady between 140 and 150. My highest was last year at 153. My only guess is that I've never had a desk job - I've only been at jobs that require I stand 6-7 of the 8 hours I'm working. I'm not sure how much of my weight is genetics - my mom's overweight, and her side of the family has had thyroid problems that can affect weight loss, and it doesn't look like I'm following in those footsteps.
  • FloraSin
    FloraSin Posts: 188 Member
    I really gained weight as a result of my last boyfriend's unhealthy lifestyle infecting mine and me not even realizing it. Than I gained 20 pounds or so from being dumb enough to think that replacing my work lunches with the convenience of the subway (located right next to my new work location) was still a healthy choice even though it really tripled my lunch calorie intake.
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    I'm 5'3" (just barely... I was 5'2" most of my life, until I got into Pilates and stretched my spine) and the most I've ever weighed was 128. (I'm not counting when I was pregnant or the first few months post-partum, of course.) The least I've ever weighed as an adult was 105. Over the years, I've realized that I have a 10 pound range where I look and feel the best. If I drop to 105, I start to look too thin. If I go above 115, I start to get dumpy.

    I'm 37, and I've kept myself within the 105-115 lb. range for the last 8 1/2 years or so, ever since my weight normalized after having my son. For that time, I didn't have to work at maintaining my weight -- just being reasonably active kept me thin without restricting calories. I'd been 115 for a long time, but this winter I realized I was gaining weight (damn you, snack food aisle at Big Lots!) and when I stepped on the scale, I was up to 121. I had such a hard time believing that number that I had to confirm it by weighing myself at my allergist's office. I cut out the chips and cookies, and dropped back down to 115 very quickly. It seems that 115 is a set point for me, a weight my body likes to maintain. But I was TIRED of being at the top of my weight range. I wanted to be at the middle, or even the low end. So I decided to start tracking my calories, and found MFP in the Andriod App Market. I've been using it since February and have lost 5 lbs. My weight loss is slow, but I expected it to be. It's a lot harder to go from 115 to 110 than to go from 215 to 210. It's a much larger percentage of total body weight!

    It's tough being small, and having such a fine line between being too thin and being too fat! I'd rather err on the side of too thin, though. :-)
  • HannahDiaz25
    HannahDiaz25 Posts: 104
    I am 25. I am 5"9 and my weight tends to fluctuate between 128 and 133 when I am working out and eating healthy. I have done yoga, jogged, hiked and played soccer off and on since I was a kid.

    Sometimes whens something major changes in my life (like getting married or something) I will stop working out for a few months and my weight may go up to 138-140. But even whenI was in college and didnt work out for a year AND ate gross cafateria food and vending machine food I still didnt go over 140.

    I think the reason I never really gain a ton of weight is because even when i am not exercising and I'm eating horrible food, I am still consious of portion size. I never allow myself to eover eat on a regular bases (sure there might be an occasiona "oh my god- this is too good to stop eating" splurge but over all I try to eat small protions of whatever I am eating.

    I am NOT trying to say you dont have to work out or eat healthy LOL...just saying portion control is invaluable to not letting your weight get out of control!
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    I'm 22, 5'3" and weighed 119 from HS through my first 2 years of college. My BF moved in with me and I started to gain weight because I was cooking for 2 and making things that he liked. I broke up with him, made new friends and discovered bear and over the next year my weight shot up to 140lbs. My pants didn't fit and my abs disappeared.
    I started MFP and dropped 17lbs in 6 months. Portion control, Pilates, and lots of gym time.
    I then moved away for a job after graduation and my trochanteric bursitis flared up causing me to gain that 17lbs back over the next 10 months.
    Thankfully in March 2012 I got a new job back closer to my BF and friends. Less stress, more relaxed work environment and free gym has helped me lose 8lbs.
    Now I am lifting weights and building muscle and less focused on the number the scale. The difference between 140 and 121lbs was 1 inch off my hips and waist. So I know I can do more with building muscle even if the scale doesn't tell me that.