Power Yoga

cpa8198 Posts: 154 Member
My gym changed yoga instructors and the name of the class from "Yoga" to "Power Yoga". I'm a little intimidated since I'm new at yoga and I haven't even learned how to breathe properly. It just sounds so much more advanced. Is there a big difference?


  • coconutty420
    coconutty420 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm not sure if they are all based on the same idea but most power yogas I have done move faster from one position to the next. Almost a new position for every breathe instead of holding a position once you are in it....u def raise your heart rate and sweat more. But give it a try...worst case you walk out....best case u get a good workout. Just mention to the instructor that u are a bit of a newbie so she can keep u informed of any modifications. Always modify....yoga is about YOUR practice afterall and NOT about keeping up with the super bendy pretzels in class!
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    My gym changed yoga instructors and the name of the class from "Yoga" to "Power Yoga". I'm a little intimidated since I'm new at yoga and I haven't even learned how to breathe properly. It just sounds so much more advanced. Is there a big difference?

    listen to your body
    if things get to difficult u can always go to childs pose :bigsmile:
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    It really depends on the teacher and the place I think. Power classes generally involve more dynamic, challenging and heat-generating poses and Power Flow moves those poses from one to the next, hence the flow. But some places simply call a Power class a next level up from a Hatha or Hatha Flow class. Ask your gym what they mean by it. I went to a "Power" class at a community centre once and there was not much to it. Then I joined a yoga studio and tried their Power class and got my butt kicked! But you know what? I loved it, kept going and still love it to this day:)